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Sustainable Energy Engineering MSc Program

Advanced Renewable Energy Technology Project-III

Title: Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use

Submitted By:
1. Gashaw Minaye BDU1000333PR
2. Askal Gerima BDU1000332PR
3. Eyob H/Mikael BDU1000331PR

Submitted To: Dr. Nigussie

June, 2018
Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

List of figures ................................................................................................................................................ iii
List of tables ................................................................................................................................................. iii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ iv
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Problem statement ............................................................................................................................... 2
3. Objectives.............................................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 General objective ................................................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Specific objectives ............................................................................................................................... 3
4. Significance of the project .................................................................................................................... 3
5. Scope of the project .............................................................................................................................. 4
6. Methodology......................................................................................................................................... 4
7. Literature Review .................................................................................................................................. 5
8. Working principle of floating drum biogas plant .................................................................................. 6
9. Design data collection and Demand estimation ................................................................................... 9
10. Design of floating drum biogas plant .............................................................................................. 10
10.1 biogas plant Site selection .............................................................................................................. 10
10.2 Sizing of the digester ....................................................................................................................... 11
10.3 Sizing of gas holder ......................................................................................................................... 12
10.4 Sizing and selection of Gas line ....................................................................................................... 13
10.5 Biogas stoves selection ................................................................................................................... 14
10.6 Biogas lamps selection .................................................................................................................... 16
11. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 17
12. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 18
References .................................................................................................................................................. 19

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

List of figures

Figure 1: energy consumption in Ethiopia ...................................................................................... 2

Figure 2: Floating Dome type Biogas Plant .................................................................................... 6

Figure 3: Process Stages of Anaerobic Digestion ........................................................................... 8

Figure 4: site selection of biogas plant ......................................................................................... 10

Figure 5: Schematic representation of biogas burner ................................................................... 15

Figure 6: biogas cooking stove ..................................................................................................... 15

Figure 7: biogas lighting lamp ...................................................................................................... 16

List of tables

Table 1: approximate cooking fuel replacement values ................................................................. 9

Table 2: amount of waste material required per day..................................................................... 11

Table 3: minimum pipe diameter in (inch) for different gas flows and pipe length ..................... 13

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

Biogas as an alternative source of energy has been widely recognized in a number of countries of
the various alternative sources of energy. Biogas energy assumes a major role with special
reference to the rural sector. Biogas is generated by anaerobic digestion using cow dung, methane
content of the gas produced from the digestion of the cattle varied from 60 to 72 per cent, the
remaining being carbon-dioxide.

The total gas requirement per household will be 0.8 m3 per day for lighting and 4.2 m3 per day for
cooking and total of 5m3 per day. So that our design of biogas plant must fulfill this gas
requirement per day. Thus, the volume of the digester is 15m3 and the height of the cylindrical gas
holder is 5m with diameter of 2m. This floating drum biogas plant is designed for single household
for cooking and lighting applications.

A cylindrical shaped floating drum type biogas plant which gives constant gas pressure, less
scum problem, higher gas production per cubic meter of digester volume and less leakage
over fixed dome type plant. The biogas digesters work safely up to a pressure range of 0.05 kg/
cm2 (50 m bar). Hence, the pilot size biogas plant designed will operate safely.

Key Words:- Biogas, Kitchen waste, animal waste, Energy, digester

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

1. Introduction
In today’s society, which is becoming ever-more reliant on the petroleum industry, research into
alternative options is becoming a greater priority every day. With increasing petroleum prices as
well as limited natural resources, the need for an alternative solution is paramount.

Biogas typically refers to a gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of
oxygen. It is a renewable energy source, like solar and wind energy. Furthermore, biogas can be
produced from regionally available raw materials and recycled waste and is environmentally
friendly and CO2 neutral. Biogas is produced by the anaerobic digestion or fermentation of
biodegradable materials such as manure, sewage, municipal waste, green waste, plant material,
and crops. Biogas comprises primarily methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and may have
small amounts of hydrogen sulphide (H2S), moisture and siloxanes. The gases methane, hydrogen,
and carbon monoxide (CO) can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen.

This energy release allows biogas to be used as fuel. Biogas can be used as fuel in any country for
heating purposes, such as cooking and more. It can also be used in anaerobic digesters where it is
typically used in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat. Biogas can
be compressed, much like natural gas, and used to power motor vehicles.

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

2. Problem statement
About 95% of the total energy consumption in Ethiopia is composed of traditional biomass
fuels, with only 5% coming from modern energy sources (FAO 1995). The biomass is mainly
obtained from firewood, charcoal, dung and crop residues that mainly depend on the
surrounding forest resources and agricultural residues. In consequences, the country’s forest
and land resources is being disappear and degrade with an alarming rate, resulting in
desertification, reduction in agricultural production and recurrent drought. Increase Emission of
greenhouse gases. Hence, it is very critical to look for alternative energy sources in order
to contribute for solving economic, environmental and social problems of rural community.

Figure 1: energy consumption in Ethiopia

Animal waste, plant waste and food waste is the largest component of municipal solid waste
(MSW) reaching landfills and incinerators. So that instead of letting left out these waste as sewage,
now wastes may be considered as a source of energy. As a result, the animal waste gains
market and its distribution should be made economical. . Hence, we propose to design and
model biogas plant and create awareness about conversion of animal and plant wastes into biogas
for rural community.

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

3. Objectives
3.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is the design of floating drum biogas plant for household use.

3.2 Specific objectives

 Data collection and demand estimation
 Design of floating drum biogas digester
 Design of gas holder for biogas plant
 Design and selection of lighting lamp and cooking stove
 Biogas Plant site selection

4. Significance of the project

Animal and plant waste come under putrescible waste which is a serious environmental and
economic concern all around the world. The fast and highly decomposable nature of this waste
demands efficient management for it to become a sustainable operation. Anaerobic digestion has
proved to be an efficient process to handle animal and human waste and has received attention
as a renewable energy production method while treating wastes simultaneously. However
the technology is not yet developed for small scale application in rural areas especially
Bahir Dar area to deal with putrescible wastes.

The technology involves treatment of organic wastes in a closed system in which a series of
processes occurs where microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence
of oxygen. This technology can be integrated with waste treatment, energy generation and
organic fertilizer production systems very efficiently.

Anaerobic digestion of organic wastes therefore has several importance:

 Treat organic waste without any emissions as that occur in landfills.

 Gases generated from the process can be easily converted to renewable energy.
 Nutrient rich treatment effluent can compensate for the industrially-produced chemical
 Reduced dependency on fossil fuels while also contributing to electrical power grids.

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

5. Scope of the project

Floating drum biogas plant design covers wide range of analysis and considerations. But our
project covers the design and sizing of biogas digester, gas holder, selection of lighting lamp and
cooking stove, site selection. The design does not cover modeling and manufacturing of biogas
plant due to shortage of time.

6. Methodology
a) Literature survey: The literatures which directly related to our research will be collected
from different websites, journals, and books. In addition, important information will also
be gathered from personal interviews, and field visits.
b) Site selection
c) Design and analysis: here, we will do the design and analysis of biogas plant for single
d) Result and summary

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

7. Literature Review
Anaerobic treatment is the use of biological processes, in the absence of oxygen, for the
breakdown of organic matter and the stabilization of these materials, by conversion to
methane and carbon dioxide gases and a nearly stable residue. As early as the 18th Century the
anaerobic process of decomposing organic matter was known, and in the middle of the 19th
Century, it became clear that anaerobic bacteria are involved in the decomposition process. But
it is only a century since anaerobic digestion was reported to be a useful method for the
treatment of sewage and offensive material. Since that time, the applications of anaerobic
digestion have grown steadily, in both its microbiological and chemical aspects.
The environmental aspect and the need for renewable energy are receiving interest and
considerable financial support in both Developed and Developing Countries, expanding research
and application work in these directions, and many systems using anaerobic digestion have
been erected in many countries (Satyanarayan S., 1977).
Anaerobic digestion provides some exciting possibilities and solutions to such global concerns
as alternative energy production, handling human, animal, municipal and industrial wastes
safely, controlling environmental pollution, and expanding food supplies. Most technical data
available on biogas plants relate primarily to two digester designs, the floating cover and fixed
dome models. Promising new techniques such as bag, dry fermentation, plug flow, filter, and
anaerobic baffled reactors should be explored to establish a firmer technical base on which to
make decisions regarding the viability of biogas technology.
Along with this increase in interest, several newer processes have developed, that offer
promise for more economical treatment, and for stabilizing other than sewage materials -
agricultural and industrial wastes, solid, organic municipal residues, etc. - and generating not
only an alternative energy source, but also materials that are useful as fodder substitutes and
substrates for the mushroom and greenhouse industries, in addition to their traditional use as
organic fertilizers. Other benefits of anaerobic digestion include reduction of odours,
reduction or elimination of pathogenic bacteria (depending upon the temperature of the
treatment) and the use of the environmentally acceptable slurry.

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

8. Working principle of floating drum biogas plant

The floating gas holder type of biogas plant has the following chambers/ sections:

 Mixing Tank - present above the ground level.

 Digester tank - Deep underground well-like structure. It is divided into two chambers by a
partition wall in between.

It has two long cement pipes:

 Inlet pipe opening into the inlet chamber for introduction of slurry.
 Outlet pipe opening into the overflow tank for removal of spent slurry.
 Gas holder - an inverted steel drum resting above the digester. The drum can move up and
down i.e., float over the digester. The gas holder has an outlet at the top which could be
connected to gas stoves.
 Over flow tank - Present above the ground level.

Figure 2: Floating Dome type Biogas Plant

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018


 Slurry (mixture of equal quantities of biomass and water) is prepared in the mixing tank.
 The prepared slurry is fed into the inlet chamber of the digester through the inlet pipe.
 The plant is left unused for about two months and introduction of more slurry is stopped.
 During this period, anaerobic fermentation of biomass takes place in the presence of water
and produces biogas in the digester.
 Biogas being lighter rises up and starts collecting in the gas holder. The gas holder now
starts moving up.
 The gas holder cannot rise up beyond a certain level. As more and more gas starts
collecting, more pressure begins to be exerted on the slurry.
 The spent slurry is now forced into the outlet chamber from the top of the inlet chamber.
 When the outlet chamber gets filled with the spent slurry, the excess is forced out through
the outlet pipe into the overflow tank. This is later used as manure for plants.
 The gas valve of the gas outlet is opened to get a supply of biogas.
 Once the production of biogas begins, a continuous supply of gas can be ensured by regular
removal of spent slurry and introduction of fresh slurry.

The digester is a sealed tank that prevents gaseous oxygen from entering the system, allowing
production of methane instead of an alcohol or aldehyde. The digester contains a sludge that
introduces anaerobic microorganisms which feed on the organic material. As shown in Figure
below, the digester process includes four main chemical stages.

The first step is hydrolysis, where the large organic polymers present in the food scraps are broken
down and hydrolyzed into smaller molecules like simple sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids.

In acidogenesis, a process related to the way milk sours, fermentative bacteria further breakdown
the remaining components. The byproducts include ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide,
and volatile fatty acids (VFAs).

What remains is further digested by microorganisms called acetogens, producing acetic acid,
carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Finally, microorganisms called methanogens convert the
intermediate products to biogas, consisting of methane, carbon dioxide, and water. Any dead
bacteria and indigestible material is leftover as digestate. The bacteria are sensitive to both

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

temperature and pH, so the digester will need to be maintained at 35-40°C and a pH of 6.5 to 8.
The overall process can be summarized by the following equation:

C6H12O6 → 3C2O + 3CH4

Figure 3: Process Stages of Anaerobic Digestion

Factors Affecting Optimum Biogas Production

 Temperature (35-37 C Mesophilic condition)

 C/N ratio (optimum between 25:1 to 30:1)
 pH (optimally pH between 6.8-7.2)
 Solid content (feed material should have approx. 10:1)
 Should not have toxic material/ harmful material to bacteria in digester
 HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time – 30, 40, 55 days)
 Loading rate

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

9. Design data collection and Demand estimation

Most small biogas systems produce gas for meeting household energy demands (cooking and
lighting), although the use of the gas for power production (electricity of mechanical power) is
starting to develop. Household energy that can be provided by biogas concerns mainly fuel for
cooking and lighting. For both purposes, the existing energy use should be taken as a reference.

Biogas requirements for cooking can be estimated on the basis of the current fuel type, fuel
consumption, and stove equipment used. For different combination, approximate fuel-to-biogas
replacement values can be found in Table below.

For this project case, if a household currently uses 20 kg of wood fuel per day, cooking on 3
stones, the daily biogas need would be 20 x 0.21 = 4.2 m3 of biogas per day.

Table 1: approximate cooking fuel replacement values

Biogas requirements for lighting can be estimated using the number of lights and the
number of hours of lighting needed. Biogas lamps come in various sizes but an average
consumption rate is some 100 litres (0.1 m3) of biogas per hour, so for two lamp used for 4 hours
per day the gas requirements would be 2 x 4 x 0.1 = 0.8 m3 per day.

Thus, the total gas requirement per household becomes:

Total Gas requirement = lighting +cooking =4.2+0.8 = 5 m3 per day

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

10.Design of floating drum biogas plant

10.1 biogas plant Site selection
Following points should be considered while selecting a site for installation of biogas plant:

 It should be close to the kitchen to minimize cost on gas pipeline·

 It should be near to cattle shed to minimize the distance for carrying cattle dung.
 There should be enough space for storage of digested slurry or construction of compost pit.
 It should be 10-15 meters away from any drinking water well to prevent contamination of
 The area should be free from roots of tree which are likely to creep into the digester and
cause damage.
 It should be open to receive the sun radiation for most part of the day to keep the digester
 It should be on an elevated area so that plant does not get submerged during normal rains.

Figure 4: site selection of biogas plant

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

10.2 Sizing of the digester

In order to calculate the volume of the digester, we need two parameters which are the daily
feedstock (in liter) and the retention time (RT).

As mentioned previously, the organic matter used is coming from kitchen waste and animal

VD = Sd (𝑑𝑎𝑦)×HRT(days)

Where; VD = volume of the digester in liter

Sd = daily feedstock in liter per day

HRT = hydraulic retention time in days

Table 2: amount of waste material required per day

The daily feedstock corresponds to the quantity of organic matter produced per day and is equal
to: biomass + water

The biomass corresponding to the total solid waste and the water have a 1:1 ratio, therefore:

Sd = kitchen waste + animal manure + water

= (25kg kitchen waste +100kg animal manure) + 125kgwater

=125 biomass+125water= 250kg/day

Sd = 250kg/day= 250L/day

The hydraulic retention time (HRT): refers to the time that the organic matter passes inside the
digester. It can vary depending on the climate of the region studied and on the digester used. The

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

digester that we will be using in our study is a floating drum digester and has a retention time of
60 days on average.

Thus, the volume of the digester becomes;

VD = (250L/day)*60day =15000L = 15 m3

The height of digester was calculated by using the following formula:

𝜋𝐷 2
V= ×𝐻


V = Digester volume, m3

d = Inside diameter of cement ring, m, taking d=2m

H = Depth of digester, m

15 m3 = × 𝐻,

then H=4.777m = 5m

10.3 Sizing of gas holder

Most of the floating type biogas plants have cylindrical shaped gas holder. Accordingly, cylindrical
shaped drum was selected as gas holder for collecting the gas. The gas holder was designed for 75
per cent of volume required for daily gas production. Hence, the volume of gas to be collected by
the gas holder was worked out to be:

Vg = 5 x 0.75 = 3.75 m3/day.

Then, Vg = ×ℎ

Where; Vg = gas holder volume, (m3)

d= Inside diameter of gas holder, (m) d=2m

h = Height of cylindrical portion, (m)

3.75 m3 = ×ℎ

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

Hence, h= 1.19m =1.2m

10.4 Sizing and selection of Gas line

Regardless of the type of biogas system and the nature of the end use, some sort of gas
transportation infrastructure will be required in order to get the biogas from the digester to the
end user. In most cases this is a single pipe in metal or PVC, with a facility to remove
condense water at the lowest point.

Choosing pipe material

Typically, biogas pipes are made of either galvanized steel of PVC. Both are durable and
resistant to corrosive substances in biogas. Specific considerations of each type:

 Galvanized steel pipes are more expensive than PVC pipes

 PVC pipes are easier to install then steel pipes, with screw fittings or glue
 PVC is susceptible to UV; direct sunlight should be avoided.
 Galvanized steel pipes can contribute to gas treatment (condensation of water
vapour when placed underground).

Choosing pipe diameter

Main parameters when choosing a pipe diameter are the gas line length, the maximum gas flow,
and the maximum pressure drop over the gas line at that maximum gas flow.

The table below gives an overview of the minimum pipe sizes (in inch) at different lengths and
maximum gas flows, for galvanized steel pipes. The permissible maximum pressure drop is 2

Table 3: minimum pipe diameter in (inch) for different gas flows and pipe length

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

Note that the maximum gas flow is determined by the capacity of the biogas appliance.

For example:

 A typical (single) household consumes approximately 0.4 m3 biogas per hour; at a

distance of 20 m between the biogas system and the stove, the pipe diameter should be at
least 1”.
 A Large (double) biogas stove consumes approximately 4 m3/h of biogas per
hour; at a distance of 10 m the pipe diameter should be at least 2”.
 A 7.5 kW diesel engine running at 50% load, and 60% biogas, consumes some 3 m3/h of
biogas; at a distance of 40m, the pipe diameter should be at least 2.5”.

10.5 Biogas stoves selection

Cooking is by far the most common type of biogas end-use. There are dedicated biogas stoves
available on the market. They come is various sizes: from small household size with 1-2 kW
power (~0.5 m3/h), to large institutional stoves with a power of more than 10 kW (>4 m3/h).

Biogas stoves work with the following principle:

I. Gas is first mixed with a small portion of air (primary combustion air). This is achieved by
pressing the gas through a small orifice, thus creating a gas jet.
II. This gas jet creates a slight under pressure when directed in a tube, which causes a flow of
III. The mix of gas and primary air flows out of the burner head where it burns in the open air
(secondary combustion air).

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

Figure 5: Schematic representation of biogas burner

When selecting a stove, it is important to determine the required power: a too small stove will
increase cooking time in comparison to the traditional way of cooking. For this purpose, a
boiling test can be done on the traditional way of cooking: measuring the time (t in minutes) that
it takes to boil a (common) pan with a known amount of water (V in liters). Be sure to put a lid
on the pan to minimize evaporation. The stove output power (P in kW) is equal to 5.2 x V / t. So
if it takes 8 minutes to boil 2 liters of water, the output power equals 5.2 x 2 /8 = 1.3 kW.

The gas throughput of the stove (Q in m3/h) can be calculated from the required power by the
following calculation: Q = 0.45 x P. So if the required stove output power is 1.3 kW, the stove
should have a gas flow of 0.59 m3/h.

Figure 6: biogas cooking stove

Gas pressure

Also make sure that the stove pressure matches the biogas pressure as near as possible. The stove
will function at a lower power if the gas is supplied at a lower pressure. The eventual stove
output (Pactual) can be calculated from the rated stove power (Pstove), the rated biogas pressure (p1)
and the actual biogas pressure (p2) with this equation: Pactual = Pstovex √ (p2 / p1). So if the rated
stove power is 1.3 kW at a biogas pressure of 16 mbar, and the actual biogas pressure is 8 mbar,
the actual stove power will be 0.9 kW.

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

10.6 Biogas lamps selection

Similar to cooking stoves, biogas lamp function similarly to other gas lamps. The gas and
primary air are pre-mixed and injected in a wicket, where it is combusted. Ignition can
either be manual or electrical, with a battery powered spark.

A typical biogas lamp consumes some 0.1 m3 of gas per hour, which would be
comparable to a 40W electric light bulb.

Figure 7: biogas lighting lamp

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

The digester designed and constructed in this study was effective for the production of
biogas (methane) using pig dung. From the study, increase in the concentration of the
slurry produced corresponding increase in biogas. The study shows that amore biogas
was produced in the afternoon when the ambient and slurry temperatures were
highest. Also increase in the concentration of the slurry enhances gas production,
whereas reduction in the concentration produced reduced gas volumes. Finally, the
residue obtained from the digester has a dark greenish color and can be used as an
organic fertilizer for agricultural purposes since it is very rich in nitrogen, phosphorus,
and potassium.

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

12. Recommendations
When biomass is digested, the released biogas contains not only methane but also carbon
dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and other gases. The emission of these gases can have serious
consequences on health, which is why it is important to avoid direct contact. Among the risks
caused by the production of biogas, there are risks of explosion, asphyxiation, disease and

The production of biogas has many advantages but, like any other technology, a biogas digester
has some disadvantages. For the anaerobic digestion of our waste we decided to use a floating
drum digester because it is the most suitable for gas production and installation. The floating drum
digester, however, has some disadvantages, such as probable gas leakage and pressure fluctuations
due to lack of insulation, and a lack of visibility of the inside of the digester.

In order to make our digester more efficient, we will try to find innovations that could improve it
and avoid these few problems.

BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program
Design of Floating Drum Biogas Plant for Household Use 2018

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BIT, Bahir Dar Energy Center, Post Graduate Program

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