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Rev: 08
Date: Jul. 2022
4.2 Line Maintenance form instruction
Completion of Technical Log:
General requirements:
- All entries shall be in English.
- All entries shall be in BLOCK LETTER.
- The Technical log shall be accurately completed and must be legible. All
entries shall be in black or blue ballpoint pen.
- All defect entries must be certified by authorized staff (signature and
- When more than one page of Technical Log recorded for a flight, before
transfer the aircraft to flight crew, Technical staff must sign in block 15 or
16 of the last techlog page (depending on maintenance type has been done
for that flight); Flight Crew required to sign the box 17 "Captain accepted
the aircraft…” of the last technical log pages of that flight. Other
information not required to transfer to the last page of this flight.
- Erasures or alteration of enteries in technical log are not permited . If
wrong entry occured, cross the incorrected word (s ) and re-entry the
correct one (for example: REDY READY).
- To cancel a whole block: 01 cross (from 7h00 to 13h00) of that block to
express that is wrong information (Note: Not allow to cancel the block
entry by others).
 For Technical staff: Please signed and fully completed the
information into CRS columns of block “10c” to confirm about
 For Flight Crew: Please check the CREW box and sign in the
"Captain" block “10b” to confirm about cancel.
- When the information of total flight hours, flight cycles at the "flight log"
section is wrong and need corection request has been raise by Technical
statistic section, The Technical staff will open a new Techlog page and the
minimum information needed to transfer to the new page is: the fuel
remaining, total block time, total flight time, total LDGs. Also in block 10
must complete and sign as required.
- When replacing a new Techlog book, the technical staff has to record in
the block 10a, 10c of the Techlog pages to clarify the continuity of the two
log book.
- At the last page of old books have to write "The following techlog is ..."
- At the first page of the new book will record "The previous techlog is ...";

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