Social Inside Class 9 Term 1

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Chapter – 2

1. Write a short paragraph on Russian Revolution?

2. What was Bolsheviks?

3. Who were liberals? What were their political and social views?

4. Distinguish between the ideas of liberals and the radicals.

5. What were the main changes brought about by the Bolsheviks immediately after the
October Revolution

6. Explain any three reasons which led to civil war between the Bolsheviks and the Russian
army of non-Bolsheviks.

7. Mention four features of socialism.

8. What were the main demands of April Theses?

9. How was the bad condition of women responsible for Russian Revolution?

10.Mention characteristic that lead to October Revolution?

11.Mention characteristic that lead to February Revolution?

12.What do you mean by April Theses?

Ans- It means that war should be brought to an end, land should be distributed among peasants
and banks should be nationalized.

13.What is the main occupation of the people of Russia before the revolution?

14.How many people are involved in agriculture before the revolution?

15.Which two Muslims that take part in the Russia?

16.What is bloody Sunday?

17.Which is the present party that follows the principal of socialism?

18.What do you mean by Subsistence crisis?

19.What do you mean by socialism?

20.What do you understand by Guillotined?

21.Write a short note on direct rule in France?

22.Write a short note on collectivization of Stalin?

23.Write a note on contribution of women in French Revolution?

24.Write a note on contribution of industrial workers in French Revolution?

25.What was the reason for disintegration of USSR?

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