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MSİ-5 Sinif IX

49. Bir nöqtədən əks istiqamətdə hərəkət edən İngilis dili

iki avtomobil arasındakı məsafə 4 saat Listen to the passage and answer the questions
sonra 612 km oldu. Avtomobillərin birinin 56-61
sürəti 70 km/saat olarsa, digərinin sürəti 56. What is the passage mainly about?
neçə km/saat-dır? A) the history of Greece
B) the first modern Olympic Games
C) the history of Olympic Games
D) Olympic sportsmen
E) Baron Pierre de Coubertin
50. ABCD paraleloqramında BE və CE
tənbölənləri uyğun olaraq 6 sm və 57. Choose the correct statements according
6 3 sm-dir. BAE=60o olarsa, BCDE to the passage.
dördbucaqlısının perimetri neçə sm-dir? 1. The original Olympic Games were only for
B C men
2. Pierre de Coubertin was an Englishman
A D 3. The Games took place every five years.
4. Most competitors in the Games are
A) 1,2 B) 2,4 C) 1,4
D) 1,3 E) 2,3
51. İki natural ədədin hasili 23-ə bərabərdir.
58. Choose the correct answer to the question.
Bu ədədlərin cəmini tapın.
What happened in 1897?
A) Pierre de Coubertin decided to organize
international Olympic Games
B) Women began to compete in the Games.
C) The original Games took place.
52. 6x n .y5-n birhədlisinin dərəcəsinin ən böyük D) The first modern Olympic Games took
qiyməti neçədir? place
E) The Gams got their name

59. Choose the correct statements according

to the passage.
1. The origin of the Olympic Games was in
53. Düzgün çoxbucaqlının bir xarici bucağı
bir daxili bucağından 8 dəfə kiçik olarsa,
2. The Games lasted for six days.
bu çoxbucaqlının tərəflərinin sayını tapın.
3. Pierre de Coubertin organised
international Olympic Games.
4. The original Olympic Games were only for
A) 2,3 B) 1,4 C) 1,2
54. 2<x<7 olarsa, (x+1)2-2. (9-x)2 ifadəsini D) 1,3 E) 2,4

60. Choose the correct answers for the

question according to the passage.
What do competitors take part for ?
55. a,b,c natural ədədləri üçün a:b:c=4:2:3 və 1. fun 2. money
a2+b2-c2=44 olarsa, a+b+c=? 3. a love of sport 4. character
A) 3,4 B) 1,3 C) 2,4
D) 1,4 E) 2,3
MSİ-5 Sinif IX
61. Write one word from the passage that 69. Choose the correct tense forms.
describes peace We … for a walk while it … yesterday.
A) were going, rained
62. Choose the sentence in the Passive Voice. B) went, is raining
1. Is this a coat made of leather? C) go, was raining
2. Was the match postponed yesterday. D) have gone, was raining
3. Sam has been ill for two weeks. E) went, was raining
4. I was ordered not to be late again.
A) 1,2 B) 2,3 C) 1,3
70. Choose the correct variants.
D) 2,4 E) 1,4
… drive a car when you were fifteen?
1. Had you to 2. Could you
63. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive
3. Were you able to 4. Did you have
A) 1,4 B) 1,2 C) 2,4
Who has broken the windows?
A) Who have the windows broken? D) 1,3 E) 2,3
B) Who did the windows break by?
C) Who were the windows been broken by? 71. Change the sentence into Passive Voice.
D) By whom had the windows been broken? The young poet will publish his new book in
E) Who have the windows been broken by? two months.
A) The young poet will be published his new
64. Choose the correct interrogative sentence. book in two months.
A) How much water you do drink every day? B) The new book have been published in two
B) How much water do you drink every day? months.
C) How much water you drink every day? C) The new book will be published in two
D) How many water do you drink every day? months.
E) How much water drink you every day? D) The new book is published in two months.
E) The new book will publish in two months.
65. Choose the correct variant.
Alice has never been to Paris, .....? 72. Choose the correct tense forms.
A) doesn’t she B) hasn’t she When Sarah … at the party, Paul … already
C) does she D) is she … home.
E) has she A) had, arrived, went B) arrived, had, gone
C) goes, would, go D) arrive, has, gone
66. Choose the correct variant. E) has arrived, has, gone
Students ..... wear uniform when they are at
school. 73. Choose the correct modal verb.
A) could B) must C) has to You … behave well in front of guests.
D) mustn’t E) don’t have to A) must B) ought C) will able to
D) should to E) has to
67. Choose the correct variant.
We ..... to leave the house at once, we ..... to 74. Choose the correct variant.
be late. ... makes you happy?
A) must, don’t have B) have, don’t have ...kind of books do you read?
C) have, haven’t D) ought, mustn’t A) Which B) What C) When
E) haven’t, must
D) How E) Whose
68. Choose the correct interrogative word for
75. Choose the correct interrogative sentences.
both sentences.
A) Who do belong these books?
… do you want to share your things with ?
B) Whom these books belong?
… suggested them to use this method for
English ? C) Who belong these books?
A) What B) Why C) Where D) Who these books belong to?
D) Whose E) Who E) Who do these books belong to?
MSİ-5 Sinif IX
76. Choose the correct variant. 79. Which information is false according to
We didn`t see … … . the passage?
A) somebody came B) they coming 1. English queens forbade sugar in their
C) anybody come D) them to come country.
E) he come 2. Sugar wasn't known in Europe in Roman
77. Match the words to their definitions. 3. In the 16th century the English ate more
1. an author 2. a beggar sugar.
3. a carpenter 4. People made a lot of profit from sugar.
a) a skilled worker who makes wooden A) 1, 2 B) 2, 3 C) 3, 4
objects D) 1, 4 E) 2, 4
b) a person who lives by asking people for
money 80. Which word from the passage has the
c) a person who writes books meaning «a person who is the legal
A) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a B) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b property of another and is forced to obey
C) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b them (especially in the past)»?
E) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c A) chain B) gold C) production
D) demand E) slave
Read the passage and answer the questions 78-85
1. Sugar cane was grown in India thousands of years 81. The underlined pronoun they refers to ....
ago. In Roman times it was known in Europe as a A) slaves B) sweets C) Europeans
great luxury, and it was rare and expensive for many D) Romans E) sugar ships
centuries after that.
2. In 1493 Columbus took a sugar plant with him to 82. Complete the sentence according to the
the West Indies, where it grew so well that huge passage.
plantations were started by Europeans and worked As the result of high demand and production
on by slaves. The slaves were shipped across the of sugar many Europeans ....
Atlantic from Africa, packed sometimes one on top A) used sugar to sweeten food
of the other in chains, on a journey that took six B) lost all their teeth
weeks and many of them died. The empty ships C) worked on by slaves
then carried the sugar back to Europe. So much D) changed their eating habits
money was made that sugar was known as «white E) carried the sugar back to Europe
3. Sugar is used to sweeten food and make sweets 83. Complete the sentence by changing at
and chocolate. It is addictive but unnecessary. By the least two words according to the passage.
16th century the English were the greatest Elizabeth I lost all her teeth....
sugar-eaters in history. Elizabeth I lost all her teeth
because she ate so much of it. The heightened
demand and production of sugar came about to a 84. Answer the question by expressing your
large extent due to a great change in the eating habits opinion according to the passage. Write at
of many Europeans. For example, they began least three sentences.
consuming jams, candy, tea, coffee, cacao and other
sweet victuals in much greater amounts. Why was sugar called as “white gold”?

78. The passage is mainly about ....

A) Sugar plantations in West Indies 85. Write one adjective from the passage
B) History of sugar describing “sugar plantations”.
C) History of Europe
D) Role of slaves in sugar industry
E) The greatest sugar-eaters

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