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Sheet1 Determiners Phrase and clause countable and uncountable noun correlative comparative conjuctive Adv

Conjuctive adverbs are the words that conncet two indepent clauses,

Add ideas Contrst ideas Result of a idea Examples Emphasis Time

In addition However As a result For example Infact first,second, finally

Moreover Whereas Therefore For instance actually since
also Rather Thus, hence such as Certainly then, next, after that
Furthermore, in spite/despite Consequently namely indeed

Conjunctive Adverbs Punctuation Rule)

Rule 1: Independent clause; Cadverbs, Independent clause.
eg- Dorji loves living in Japan; however, his wife hates pollution and traffice
Rule 2: Independent clause.Cadverbs, Independent clause. ( must have subj+verb)

EG-Dorji loves living in Japan. However, his wife hates pollution and traffice

Use of differnet linkers/Conjuctive adverbs

1. Linkers to add ideas.
1.Futhermore= to give another reason, or additional point, a separate point to support your argument and convience reader.

2.Moreover= Add an emphasis to the argument that you have already made with extra information
eg- I don’t like chicken, my brother don’t like chicken;moreover my father don’t like chicken.

3. In addition to= say sth extra about person or a thing.

2. linkers to contrast ideas.

1. Although= show contrast but also set expectations
2. Eventhough= add a strong emphassis
3. However= To indicate a important difference or exceptions
it show contrast from a positive to negative ideas. Eg = I love my pc. However, battery life is poor.
4. while/ whereas= to contrast and compare 2 phrases.
whereas= more formal.
5. In spite of/ despite

3. Linkers to show results of ideas.

1. Therefore= used to conclude ideas
2. Thus= shows results.
3. consequently= shows sth is happening and its results
4. So

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