REMORERAS Reflection Paper

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ARSC 443-ARCH42S5 - Architectural Structures

1) What Are the Core Concepts and Theories You've Mastered?

Learning about structural analysis and mechanics has equipped me with the knowledge to
understand how forces act upon buildings and structures. This understanding is crucial for
designing buildings that are structurally sound, safe, and resilient. By applying principles of
structural analysis, architects can develop innovative designs that optimize structural performance
while minimizing material usage and construction costs. In real-world projects, this knowledge
enables architects to collaborate effectively with structural engineers to create buildings that
withstand gravity loads, lateral forces, and environmental stresses. By leveraging this knowledge,
Me as an architects can create buildings that are not only aesthetically pleasing and functional but
also structurally sound, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of users and communities.
Through thoughtful integration of structural principles, material innovation, and environmental
considerations, architects have the opportunity to shape the built environment in ways that inspire,
enrich, and endure for generations to come.

2) What New Skills or Techniques Have You Developed?

During my study of architectural structures, I have acquired several new technical skills, tools, and
techniques that have significantly enhanced my abilities as an architect. These newfound
capabilities not only broaden my knowledge base but also equip me with practical skills that can
be applied in real-world projects and advance my career. Exploring different structural systems
and form-finding techniques has expanded my understanding of how architectural forms are
shaped by structural principles and constraints. By exploring structural typologies such as beams,
columns, arches, shells, and trusses, architects can create innovative designs that express structural
logic and efficiency. In real-world projects, Me as an Architect leverage structural systems to
optimize space utilization, support architectural expression, and respond to site-specific
conditions, resulting in buildings that are both functional and visually compelling. In future
projects and my career, these skills will be invaluable in tackling complex design challenges,
collaborating effectively with interdisciplinary teams, and delivering high-quality architectural
solutions that meet the needs of clients, users, and communities.

3) What Challenges Did You Encounter, and How Did You Overcome Them?
One of the initial challenges I encountered was grappling with the complexity of structural
concepts such as statics, mechanics, and structural analysis. The abstract nature of these concepts
made it difficult to grasp their practical applications in architectural design. To overcome this
challenge, I adopted a proactive approach by seeking clarification from professors, attending extra
tutorials, and engaging in self-study through textbooks and online resources. I also collaborated
with classmates to discuss and solve challenging problems together, fostering a supportive learning
environment. Facing and overcoming challenges while studying architectural structures has been
a transformative experience that has contributed significantly to my growth as an architect. These
challenges have not only strengthened my technical knowledge and skills but also fostered
personal and professional development in areas such as problem-solving, interdisciplinary
collaboration, and self-management.

4) How Will Your Learning Benefit Your Future Career as an Architect?

The in-depth understanding of structural principles acquired from architectural structures courses
will significantly enhance my design proficiency. I will be able to develop architectural designs
that not only prioritize aesthetics but also incorporate structural integrity, functionality, and
sustainability. By integrating structural considerations into my designs from the outset, I can create
buildings that are not only visually striking but also structurally efficient and resilient. And also the
knowledge and skills acquired from studying architectural structures will enable me to make
meaningful contributions to the community and society. By designing buildings that enhance the
quality of life, promote social equity, and respond to the needs of diverse communities, I can
positively impact the built environment and contribute to the betterment of society. Whether
through designing affordable housing, community centers, or public spaces, I aspire to use my
skills as an architect to create spaces that inspire, uplift, and enrich the lives of others. The long-
term impact of what I've learned in architectural structures extends beyond individual projects or
career advancements. It encompasses a commitment to design excellence, sustainability,
innovation, and social responsibility that will guide my professional practice and shape my
contributions to the field of architecture for years to come.

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