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Surage, Laurindo Joaquim Victor. (2024).

Composition, Abundance, Richness and Diversity of Birds in the

Agro-Livestock Center of Dugudiua, District of Nicoadala – Zambézia. Licungo University, Faculty of
Education -FE, Quelimane, Mozambique.

Habitat loss represents one of the biggest and most impactful threats to bird species. The fact is that
knowledge about the Composition, Abundance, Richness and Diversity of Birds in Mozambique is still
scarce, unlike other countries that are quite advanced. The present study aims to survey bird species in
the Agricultural and Livestock Experimental Field of Dugudiua, Nicoadala District. The study was carried
out over 7 days. For sampling, the Direct Observation, Species List or Marcknon List and Mist Net
methods were used. And through these it was possible to register 157 individuals distributed in twelve
(12) families, corresponding to seventeen (17) species. Among the species recorded, the most abundant
were Cairina moschata (Mute Duck) and Serinus mozambicus (Xirico), with 21 individuals recorded,
corresponding to 13.37%, respectively. Followed by Galuuus gallus with 20 recorded individuals,
corresponding to 12.73%, and the least abundant was Strix woodfordii (Forest Owl) with only 1 recorded
individual, corresponding to 0.63%, followed by Motacilla rabilonga (Long-tailed Wagtail ) with 2
registered individuals, corresponding to 1.27% of the sampled individuals. The accumulation curve tends
to stabilize, assuming that if more sampling is carried out, there may be no record of new species in the
study area. Diversity was relatively high with the Shannon-Wienner index equal to 1.6. This study will
expand knowledge about birds, and thus, there will be a scientific contribution to the identification of
these vertebrates, gathering taxonomic and statistical data that will characterize these communities in
this environment.

Keywords: Birds. Composition. Abundance. Wealth. Diversity.

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