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Choose the correct adjectives.

1.The horror movie was very ( exciting/excited ).

2.I felt very ( discouraging/discouraged ) by my trial examination results.
3.What you have just said is rather ( insulting/insulted ).
4.I could not find the way to Jenny's house because her directions were quite
( confusing/confused ).
5.Harry was very ( depressing/depressed ) when his best friend died in an
6.Her rude behavior was ( shocking/shocked ).
7.My grandmother told me a very ( frightening/frightened ) story.
8.I am ( interesting/interested ) in dancing but I cannot find a good teacher.
9.I try not to tell too many things to my mother because she is the (
worrying/worried ) type.
10.Don't be ( disappointing/disappointed ) if Henry doesn't attend our party.
11.Are you ( boring/bored ) ? You're yawning.
12.I was very ( moving/moved ) by a program on battered children last night.
13.John told Joan that he was not the ( marrying/married ) kind.
14.By the end of the stupid movie I was feeling quite (disgusting/disgusted ).
15.I've had a very ( tiring/tired ) day at the office.


1. exciting

2. discouraged

3. insulting

4. confusing

5. depressed

6. shocking

7. frightening

8. interested

9. worrying

10. disappointed
11. bored

12. moved

13. marrying

14. disgusted

15. tiring

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