MBBS Ias Interview 1

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IAS Delhi Institute (IDI) Interview Transcripts for Medicos www.iasdelhi.


Date: 21 March, Afternoon session, 5th to go

Board: Honourable Satyavathi ma’am
Optional: Medical Science
College: Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh
Keywords: MBBS, Horology (wrist watches), blog writing, sports- basketball,
athletics, Chandigarh

1. You’re a doctor, what extra would Civil services provide you with?
2. So, you said dynamic. What do you understand by dynamic?
3. Medical services are also dynamic, you see new patients, different signs
and symptoms, different diagnosis?
4. When did your internship end? (July 2022). What are you doing since
5. Okay I’ll give you a scenario, you are the DM and in your area there’s a
village that has no infrastructure. It has no schools, roads or a
PHC/Hospital. You have funds for only one project. Which out of the
three will you work upon?

1. So, Dr, I’ll pick up on the dynamic thread as stated by you and
chairperson Ma’am. You’re an athlete, played basketball, high jump,
running, so why not the armed forces? You will have cases of trauma,
gunshot victims, high altitude, daily different challenge?
2. So before evolving- army, after evolving UPSC? He clarified that he
meant it as just a light hearted statement
3. You do blog writing? On what do you write?
4. What type of writing on wrist watches you do?

M2: Smiling throughout, encouraging

1. Horology? That’s the first time I’m seeing this, very interesting.

Telegram: @medical_scie 95550 98967 / 85279 65204 Channel: @iasdelhi

IAS Delhi Institute (IDI) Interview Transcripts for Medicos www.iasdelhi.org

2. Smartwatches- will they end the mechanical watch segment?

Monologue on digitisation age and Swiss watchmakers embracing
smartwatch culture
3. Mortality number in India due to Covid? Different agencies give different
numbers. You can give your own number. Just a guess? Okay we will not
press you on the exact number.

1. Aptly mentioned you are an athlete. So, name a sport which has multiple
sports assessed within it in the Olympics?
2. So, who won the gold medal in Olympics in Decathlon?

1. Has India been successful in tackling Covid? How?
2. Indo-Pak relations and role Punjab can play in them.
3. What is Covid diplomacy?
4. What is basketball diplomacy?

1. Why Covid spread and cases more in urban areas than rural areas?
2. Any role of antigen in forming immunity in rural population?
3. NHM or NRHM as it is called, has it been successful?
4. Has our family planning been successful?
5. Chandigarh- should cities be planned like this? Is this a good model?

CM: Anybody wants to ask more questions?

Thank you, All the best

Telegram: @medical_scie 95550 98967 / 85279 65204 Channel: @iasdelhi

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