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CA ANSWER SHEET by Debapriya Hazra

Roll no-218

PTH role in calcium homeostasis:
Regulation of calcium level in blood is maintained by PTH (parathyroid hormone) and its
done via negative feedback mechanism. here we discuss about it-
Pth activates vit d which causes release of Ca from bones and to be absorbed by the intestinal
tract and kidney. This is a negative feedback because when Ca level in blood is below or
above in set range the mechanism works in a reverse way to change in order to maintain
7. Herring’s body-
A Herring body refers to any of the several neurosecretory bodies
located in the posterior pituitary. A neurosecretory structure found in the posterior pituitary,
where hormones are temporarily stored. They represent the terminal end of the axons from
the hypothalamus. The name, Herring bodies, is derived from Percy Theodore Herring, an
English physiologist , who first described the structure in 1908.
Function-The posterior pituitary (also referred to as neurohypophysis) is the part of the
pituitary gland that is non-glandular and an extension of the hypothalamus as opposed to the
anterior pituitary (also called adenohypophysis) that is glandular and comprised of various
cells that produce and secrete hormones. The posterior pituitary does not produce hormones.
Instead, the hypothalamus synthesizes hormones that are then released from the posterior
pituitary. The posterior pituitary is an extension of the hypothalamus. The cells that produce
neurohypophysial hormones (e.g. vasopressin and oxytocin) are located in the hypothalamus
but their axons extend to the posterior pituitary. Together with the pituicytes, the Herring
bodies make up the pars nervosa of the posterior pituitary. The Herring bodies are also
involved in the temporary storage of neurohypohysial hormones.
One of the unique glands in the human body is the pituitary gland. A fold of dura matter
covers the pituitary and has an opening to allow for the infundibulum to pass through,
allowing a connection to the hypothalamus. The gland consists of two lobes:
 Adenohypophysis
 Neurohypophysis
The anterior pituitary is composed of the following parts:

Pars distalis: This is the portion in which the majority of the hormone production occurs. It is
the distal part of the pituitary and forms the majority adenohypophysis.
Pars tuberalis: this is a tubular sheath that extends from the pars distalis and winds around the
pituitary stalk. Epithelial cells arranged in cords and hypophyseal portal vessels reside in this
CA ANSWER SHEET by Debapriya Hazra
Roll no-218

Pars intermedia: This is a section of tissue that resides between the posterior pituitary and
pars distalis. This section of the adenohypophysis consists of pale cells that are large. These
cells of the pars intermedia encompass follicles containing a colloidal matrix. The main
hormone secreted by this portion of the adenohypophysis is MSH, otherwise known as the
melanocyte-stimulating hormone.
Structure and Function
The adenohypophysis produces and secretes a majority of the hormones of the pituitary
gland. These hormones are secreted in response to the prohormones that are secreted by the
Acidophils: The cytoplasm of these cells stain red or orange. Acidophils usually contain
polypeptide hormones. The cells that are acidophils are somatotrophs and lactotrophs. These
cells have the largest size granules.
10. eicosanoids-
Eicosanoids are biologically active lipid derivatives of unsaturated fatty
acids containing 20 carbons. Eicosanoids are locally acting bioactive hormones that act near
the point of hormone synthesis and included in the class of paracrine hormones. disease.
Eicosanoids are derived from arachidonic acid and related polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs) such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
o The eicosanoids include the prostaglandins (PG), thromboxanes (TX), leukotrienes
(LT), and lipoxins (LX). These molecules almost always act on the cells that produce
them or on neighboring cells, i.e., over short distances and time periods, and therefore
can be classified as autocrine/paracrine hormones. They are widely distributed in the
cells and tissues of the body and have wide-ranging biological actions. The
eicosanoids play important roles in endocrine systems.


1. a
2. c
3. c
4. d
5. b

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