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The Impact of Gaslighting: What

You Need to Know

English Research Paper

May 19, 2023

Title page 1
Introduction 3
Causes 4
Effects 5
Recommendation/Solution to the problem 6
Summary 7
Bibliography 8

People who gaslight engage in harmful mind games in order to gain control over others.

Gaslighting is very common nowadays. This is so common in relationships that tries to control

their partner, making them question their own self. But gaslighting has already been known to

society since the 19th century or much earlier. This can also occur in child-parent relationships,

medical gaslighting, racial gaslighting, political gaslighting, and institutional gaslighting. People

develop gaslighting behavior through observing others. A person who employs this strategy may

have discovered that it is an efficient method of attaining what they want or controlling others.

They may believe they are entitled to have their way or that the wishes and needs of others are


General Meaning

Gaslight is psychological manipulation of a person, typically carried out over a long period

of time, that leads the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perceptions of reality,

or memories, and which typically results in confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem,

uncertainty about one's emotional or mental stability, and dependence on the perpetrator.


The term “Gaslight” is from the title of the play from 1938 “Gaslight” that was filmed

during 1944 during the film noir era, meaning black film. The film Gaslight is about emotional

control and manipulation of the husband to his wife. Making her lose her sanity after she inherited

her aunt's fortune. The husband's motive was to steal her inheritance by making her think that she

lost some of the jewelry and manipulating his wife's memories. Nevertheless, a number of strange

things happen, particularly the unnoticed dimming of the gas lights, which stands in for Paula's

deteriorating mental state and self-perception.

Most gaslighters gain their knowledge about this by observing other gaslighters or their

own parents is gaslighter and start to adapt this behavior as their survival mechanism to gain what

they want or need. Gaslighters tend to do this to take over someone or to control them to get what

they want from that person and some experts also believe this can be caused by a mental health

condition such as narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. This results

in gaslighting since those illnesses give people a distorted picture of themselves and others, as

well as an ability to manipulate others for their own objectives by whatever means necessary, as

well as never admitting their own guilt or faults and projecting that onto others.


Gaslighting has lots of effects on a person. This could be long term or not, some examples are

isolation, anxiety or depression, self-doubt, and even PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.


- As a result of gaslighting people they isolate themselves due to losing faith in their

perception, instincts, and memories. They rather spend alone than to socialize with others

because of fear of being Gaslighted.

Anxiety or Depression

- Gaslighting can harm a person to not trust themselves or people around them being scared

to believe in their thoughts. It causes stress and severe emotional distress to people making

the lose their sense of identity, self-worth, and self-confidence.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

- Gaslighting is a major factor to a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The experience of being

gaslit is hard to get over especially if it has happened for a long period of time.
Recommendation/ Solution

Best way to stop gaslighting is to be aware of it and nowadays it is not hard to spot a gaslighter.

As a solution to this people should be aware of the signs of gaslighting, ask others opinion before

believing or being manipulated by a gaslighter, Do not sacrifice yourself to spare others feelings.

Most important is if you feel gaslighted by someone you stay away from them or put boundaries

with these people. Being with them will only cause you more harm. Seek help if you can't do

anything about the situation. Either talk your most trusted friend or a therapist about the situation

to be able to know what the right thing to do about it


Gaslighting is not that rare these days. Being aware is one most important for this and knowing

how to deal with this kind of behavior. If someone is already experiencing it, its important for

them to heal from the trauma and get away with these kind of people and surround themselves

with their trusted friends or family.


What are the long-term effects of gaslighting?

Gaslighting: What Is It and Why Do People Do It?

What is gaslighting?

Gaslight (1944): A Cinematic Study of Psychological Manipulation


The Hidden Trauma Behind Gaslighting

6 Long-Term Effects of Gaslighting

Think You’re Being Gaslit? Here’s How to Respond

7 Long-Term Effects of Gaslighting (& How to Recover)

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