Drama Script - Creative

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Trina was numbing because of what she

heard. She run off somewhere she does not
even know where to go. It was dark and
dawn, she does not care where she go all
she knows she is aching, very much hurt
until, her footsteps led her at the
special park. The Greenbelt Park- the
park where she realized her love for Yves
and whom unexpectedly broke her. She is
indomitably crying and it shattered her
into pieces. Trina, a cunning, tricky and
smart lady never imagine that the man
whom she loves very much con her. All
this time she always knew that their love
is as easy as pancake but unfortunately
it was not, it was an uphill climb.

On the counterpart, Yves keep chasing

Trina after the lady heard all the
truths. He ran quicker and quicker only
to catch up Trina but seems disenchant
that he did not. He stopped at the corner
of the road, aggressively kicking
whatever’s infront of him.

Yves: I’m a b*llsh*t! What a life full of

shit! (crying intensely) Trina, where are
you? Please forgive me T, forgive me.

He did not stop finding her girl. He

never give up and an idea just popped up
out of the blue. If there is a place that Trina would go, it is the special park.
Though he is not sure, but he wants to find out. He wants to go there.

(At the Greenbelt Park – 7:18 pm)

(Trina still crying. She is sitting at the one-centered bench while talking to

Trina: Yv (eve), I trusted you. I almost give up the world but because you are here, I
stayed. But how can you do this to me!? How could you Yv?

A coarse voice suddenly appear behind her. That familiar voice says “I’m sorry T”. She
began to cry more and abruptly face the voice. It was Yves.

Yves: (directly kneel down) (wailing) T, I am really sorry. T, I don’t really want to
lie to you. T, please forgive me.

Trina is silent, wiping her tears away. She stares at Yves, her eyes is full of pain
and anger. She remembered their first promise, all the firsts that gave her


(At the Rousseau University’s Cafeteria)

Yves: T, I got your fave snack. I’m a bit late, the professor has a lot on his mouth.
I’m sorry.

Trina: Noiceee (slang for nice)….. that the same professor again? HAHAHA

Yves: Definitely T. (can’t stop laughing) Ahmmm should we start?

Trina: Yah, go get the board. (cracking her fingers) I want you to fail this time.
(smirking mischievously)

Yves: Let’s see.

During break time, they are fond of playing chess to kill some time. Whoever lose will
do a dare, just a couple thing.

Trina: Yv, have you heard the news? The talk of the town couple already broke up,
because one of them cheated. Very liar and unfaithful.

Yves: Yeah, I heard about it.

Trina: Aish, I really hate lies. I really pity the girl like she did not deserved
that. That’s why you should never lie to me Yv. Believe me, you will never see me

Yves: (become tense) (can’t look her girl) Of course T, I will never lie to you.


Yves was startled and just accept his lose while still in thought about what Trina
just said.

Trina: Pinky swear? (extending her pinky finger to his man)

Yves: Should we really do that? Seriously? (Poking his nose out of shyness)

Trina: C’mon, just do it Yv. (sound encouraging)

And the promise was made.

Yves: I lose the game. I was lose by your love. Now, I was checkmate again. I fell
harder by you again T. (spreading his charm to his girl)

Trina: You’re become cheesy day by day. (conducively smile)

~Present Day~

Trina: (acting compose) Yves Louise Villamor. I never imagine that you are that
silhouette person I’ve always looked up to, the most hidden gem of the best
entertainment in the whole country. Just wow!

Yves: T, let me explain first. I do not want to hide this, I didn’t mean to l-

Trina: Lie!? But you already did. (started to cry again) You know that I hate lies,
you know that! You know what I have been through because of liar people! You know
what, all this time I thought, I am the most lucky girl in the world because you are
my man. But, even the world dare to play with me, dare to lie to me!

Yves: T, I am really really sorry. I admit it, I am the son of Mr. Villamor, the gem
of GMM ENT. I am that boy behind the trademark but I don’t want to become the
performer that everyone expect. I want to play with the board and not to perform with
the stage. (begging, telling sincerely)


(At Villamor’s Mansion)

Yves was 14 years old. He was a total performer, he can dance, sing, play various
instruments plus, very charming and alluring. His father arrived while he was playing
chess with his Yaya Maneth.

Mr. Villamor: And you’re still playing that? I told you to practice the song, to
familiarize reading the notes. You’re still playing that dumb game? (furious)

Yves: Dad, I already done it that’s why I’m playing here.

Mr. Villamor: But I told you to throw away that board. You never listen, you are very
stubborn. (yelling) I will create a press conference Yves. I will be introducing you
to the whole world sooner. You will become an idol, the end of conversation! (about to
walk away when his son respond)

Yves: What!? But I never say that I will be a performer dad. Dad, how many times do I
have to tell you that I want to be with the board and not with the stage.

Mr. Villamor: NO! this is the best for you. You will agree no matter what. Understand!

Yves: NO!NO! I will not do it. I will pursue my dream and not your dream dad. (stand
strong with his words)

Yves went upstairs. He cried hysterically, he is angry . He despises his father. After
several months, the conference was broadcast globally and he did not pleased with it.
He believe that what his father wants to happen must happen and this results hatred
from the boy to his father. Due to what had occurred, Yves had literally sworn that he
would no longer have a father after this.

~Present Day~

Yves: Trina, I never wanted to do it. Believe me, since then all I want is to play
chess and eventually I met you. You become part of it, I want to play chess with you,
I see my future holding your hands. T, the boards and with you in it, it’s my dream. I
want to pursue my dream and not my father’s dream.

Trina: Didn’t you heard your father!? Ha!? He will do anything, anything that will
prevent him to make you debut as an idol. That includes me Yves. (shedding in tears,
getting weak)

Yves: I won’t make it happen T. Just don’t leave me. T, I’m begging you. PLEASE.
PLEASE. (holding her hand, still kneeling down)

Trina: (hold back Yves’s hand and slowly lift him to stand) Yv, you can’t do anything,
you knew that. You knew how powerful your dad is. In fact, you already lied to me and
I don’t want to put myself in the same situation again. I can’t let someone hurt me
again like this .( slowly release Yves’s hands, holding her tears to fall)

Trina begin to walk away from Yves, the moment she turned away was the time that her
tears begin to fall, continously. On the other hand, Yves can’t move from his
position. His world suddenly stops and he cannot speak but rather his tears was the
only response. He cannot believe how easy for Trina to let go of their relationship.
He feel betray,despises himself and acting like a car unfueled. While on the same
position, he reminisced all the beautiful memories he had with Trina.


(Trina was walking in the hallway when….)

Trina: Ayawacah! Sheesh!!!! Can’t you just walk without teasing me!?

Yves: (laughing hysterically) I would not prolly breath when I can’t tease you in a
day. (very cheeky)

Trina: Go away! Shoooo! I’m sick of you.

Yves: I love you too….. (indomitably laughing)

Trina: (kick him really hard, but was failed to hit him)


(when Yves confesses his love to Trina)

( at the Greenbelt Park)

Trina: Yv, are we still far? I am already hungry.

Yves: We are almost arrived T.

At this moment, they are just buddies. Trina only knows that they will have a group
dinner, she doesn’t know that Yves will confess to her.

Yves: Are you ready? Open your eyes T.

The place was filled with pure white led lights, there was a table in front of them,
with two chairs facing each other and beautiful decorations that she will really love.
She feel happy but confused.

Trina: What are these?

Yves: T, listen to me first. Don’t speak and stay still. I will say something. (the
atmosphere became silent and the words of love begin to declare) Since I knew you, we
became haters of each other. I did not thought that I would fall for you this hard.
Trina, you checked mate me, not just on the game but of love. I just want you to know,
that I want to protect you and own you as my property. I hate when someone teases you
like how I do it. I should the only person that can do that to you. I love you, T.
Will you accept my love? (shaking and nervous)

Trina was astonished, she anticipated this day would come but she did’nt expect it to
happen too early, yet this what she have been waiting.

Trina: I love you too. (crying and blissful)

Yves: That’s a yes?!

And Trina just kissed Yves. A kiss that symbolizes their love for each other.

~Present Day~

Yves is sitting on the bench, still crying and cannot function well. He let his eyes
navigate the whole dark place, wishing Trina will back. “That will be an illusion if
she returned” he said while crying in pain. He realized that the special place he
expects will filled with only happiness turned out to be the miserable place he does
not want to visit anymore.

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