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SCIENCE 9- Weeks 1-2 Summative Test

Name: ______________________________________ Score:_____________________________

Grade & Section: ______________________________

I. Multiple Choice (1 point each item)

Choose the letter of your best answer and write on the space provided.
_______1. Which of the following scientist discovered proton?
A. Ernest Rutherford B. James Chadwick C. JJ Thomson D. Michael Faraday
_______2. Which of the following scientist discovered electron?
A. Ernest Rutherford B. James Chadwick C. JJ Thomson D. Michael Faraday
_______3. Atoms are the smallest unit of matter and consist of three sub-atomic particles with
corresponding charges. Which of the following is NOT part of an atom?
A. electron B. neutron C. photon D. proton
_______4. How many electrons do S sublevels can hold?
A. 2 B. 6 C. 10 D. 14
_______5. Which of the following sublevels has the highest carrying energy?
A. 1s B. 2s C. 4s D. 4d
_______6. Which of the following sub-atomic particles consist the atom’s nucleus?
A. proton & electron B. proton & neutron C. electron & neutron D. proton only
_______7. Which of the following statement is does NOT describe an electron?
A. Electrons are found outside the nucleus.
B. Electrons are negatively charged particles.
C. Electrons are sub-atomic particle of an atom.
D. Electrons share with protons in terms of an atom’s mass.
_______8. What happens to an electron transferring to an excite state?
A. It moves back to its original orbit. C. It undergoes absorption of energy.
B. It releases energy in the form of light. D. It is energized going back to ground state.
_______9. Which of the following is the correct electronic configuration of Nitrogen(7)?
A. 1s2 2s2 2p3 B. 1s2 2s3 2p2 C. 1s2 2s2 3s4 D. 1s2 2s2 2p2 3s1
_______10. If the second energy level of an atom is full, what would be the total number of electrons in
the atom?
A. 2 B. 8 C. 10 D. 18
_______11. What are the orbitals present in the second principal energy level?
A. s orbital B. s,p orbitals C. s, p and d orbitals D. s, p, d and f orbitals
_______12. Which of the following statements about orbitals is FALSE?
A. Orbitals show the path of the electron.
B. Orbitals are part of one model for atomic structure.
C. Orbitals are distributed in space around the nucleus.
D. Orbitals are regions in which electrons are most likely located.
_______13. What is the correct electron configuration for Phosphorus, Z=15?
A. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 3p2 C. 1s2 2s2 2p5 3s1 3p3
B. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s3 D. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
_______14. Which of the following shows correct number of electrons?
A. N1: 2 , S: 2 B. N2: 8, S:4 C. N3: 18, P:18 D. N4: 32, F: 12
_______15. Which statement is NOT correct for an atom with an electron configuration of 1s 22s22p63s23p5?
A. It has 17 electrons C. It has 3 main energy levels.
B. The 3p orbitals are completely field. D. The s orbitals are completely filled.
_______16. Which of the following statement best describes an elements atomic number?
A. Atomic number is also the number of the elements mass.
B. Atomic number is the elements order that is based on the sum of protons and neutrons.
C. Atomic number refers to the arrangement of atoms which is also the number of its protons and
D. Atomic number also refers to the atoms number of proton, electron, and neutron which is arranged
in increasing numbers.
_______17. What element is the illustration presented in the left side?
A. Carbon (6) B. Nitrogen (7) C. Oxygen (8) D. Cannot be determined
_______18. Which of the following illustrations probably indicates an excited
A. C.
B. D.

_______19. Which of the statement is NOT correct of the electrons behavior at ground and excite state?
A. Absorption of energy by electrons are caused by electricity, heat or fire.
B. Absorption of energy results to an energized electron moving to higher energy level.
C. Electrons after being energized will remain stable which will releasing of energy in the form of light.
D. Electrons at ground states releases an energy in the form of light or color going back to lower
energy level orbit.
_______20. Write inside the table the electronic configuration and orbital diagram of Aluminum (13).
Electronic Configuration Orbital Diagram

Al(13) Al(13)

Prepared by:
Science 9 Teacher

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