Sarah Ghostine - Problem Solution Paper D1

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Race and Post 9/11 Arab American Identity

Sarah Ghostine
Department of English
Problem-Solution Essay
Doctor Omar Baz Radwan
May 03, 2023

September 11, 2001, is a ghastly date that will forever be engraved in the minds of

Americans. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City left a permanent

mark on the country, forever changing the course of history. Not only did the attack claim the

lives of many and caused significant property destruction, but it also had a far-reaching and

direct effect on the Arab American and Muslim communities in the United States. As a result of

their religious or ethnic background, they are subjected to discrimination and prejudice, profiled,

and wrongly targeted despite having no connections to the terrorist group that executed the

attack. The problem of discrimination against Arab Americans and Muslims has a long and

complicated history, but the events of 9/11 marked a turning point in the way that Americans

viewed the Middle East and Islam, and led to the emergence of anti-Arab sentiment and

Islamophobia that persists to this day (Salaita, 2005). There is a lack of understanding of the

diversity of Arab and Muslim cultures in the US, leading to the homogenization of these

communities (Gana, 2008). Ignorance and prejudice are also factors that have increased

discrimination (Radwan, 2018). This has left a profound impact on the Arab American

community; many have faced harassment and violence and have struggled to find acceptance and

a sense of belonging in American society, which induced anxiety, depression, and elevated levels

of stress (Cooke, 2000). This problem is significant because it goes against the fundamental

principles of equality and freedom that America was founded upon and threatens to destabilize

the country's social cohesion. To address the problem of discrimination against Arab American

and Muslim communities in the US, a comprehensive approach should be implemented to tackle

the underlying causes and foster greater understanding and acceptance of diversity. This can

involve initiatives such as education and awareness-raising campaigns, the increased

representation of Arab Americans and Muslims in the media and public life, and policies that

safeguard the civil rights of all Americans regardless of their religion or ethnicity. In order to

effectively address this problem, it is crucial to fully adopt the core principles of inclusivity,

respect, and tolerance that are fundamental to the American ethos.

To combat discrimination against Arab American and Muslim communities in the United

States, it is necessary to use a comprehensive way that addresses the root causes of the problem

while promoting greater awareness and acceptance of diversity. Education and awareness-raising

campaigns are one solution that can be effective in promoting a greater understanding of Arab

American and Muslim cultures. Initiatives that increase knowledge of the diverse cultural and

religious practices of Arab Americans and Muslims can help dispel stereotypes and reduce

discrimination (Gana, 2008). Furthermore, promoting more visibility of Arab Americans and

Muslims in the media and public life can also contribute to fostering understanding and

acceptance. Arab American women's writing can help to challenge stereotypes and provide a

more nuanced understanding of Arab American experiences (Harb, 2012). To ensure that

discrimination is not tolerated, it is essential to implement policies that protect the civil rights of

all Americans, irrespective of their ethnicity or religion. Also, policies that promote diversity and

inclusivity in the workplace and in education can be effective in reducing discrimination

(Radwan, 2018). While these solutions are feasible, their effectiveness is dependent on the level

of commitment from individuals and institutions. To decrease discrimination, sustained effort

and investment are required to make education and awareness-raising campaigns successful in

promoting a better understanding of Arab American and Muslim cultures. Greater representation

of Arab Americans and Muslims in the media and public life is also effective, but it requires

active efforts to overcome systemic biases that limit representation. Policies that safeguard the

civil rights of all Americans can also be effective in reducing discrimination, but they require

political will and enforcement to ensure that they are effective. To sum up, the issue of prejudice

against Arab American and Muslim communities in the US is remarkable and poses a risk of

disrupting the nation's social unity. A multifaceted approach that tackles the underlying causes

and fosters greater understanding and acceptance of diversity is necessary to address this

problem. Education and awareness-raising campaigns, greater representation of Arab Americans

and Muslims in the media and public life, and policies that safeguard the civil rights of all

Americans are all reasonable solutions that can be effective in reducing discrimination. Yet, the

success of these solutions relies on the extent of dedication from individuals and organizations,

as well as on persistent endeavors to guarantee their efficacy in diminishing discrimination.

While the solutions discussed above have the potential to reduce discrimination against

Arab American and Muslim communities in the US, they also have several shortcomings that

need to be addressed. One of the possible limitations of education and awareness-raising

campaigns is that they might not be able to reach the wider population, especially those who

already hold negative stereotypes and biases towards these communities. The media often

portrays Arabs and Muslims in a negative light, perpetuating harmful stereotypes that contribute

to discrimination. (Baz Radwan, 2018). Therefore, it is crucial to work towards dismantling

systemic biases that limit representation in media and public life. Another limitation of the

solutions presented is that they may not fully consider the complex experiences of Arab

American women who face discrimination due to their gender and ethnicity. Moreover, Islamic

feminist rhetorical strategies may be insufficient in addressing the complex challenges faced by

Muslim women in the US, who must navigate the intersections of gender, race, and religion

(Cooke, 2000). Therefore, it is crucial to encourage the representation of Arab American

women's voices and offer them opportunities to express their experiences. It is also

recommended to implement more targeted approaches that consider the intersectional

experiences of Arab American and Muslim communities. For instance, emphasizing the

importance of patriotism that is rooted in the country's values and principles rather than

unquestioning allegiance to its leaders can aid in fostering inclusivity and decreasing prejudice

(Salita, 2005). Furthermore, incorporating diversity and inclusivity into public policies, such as

workplace regulations and education, can be an effective way to ensure equal opportunities and

reduce discrimination (The condition of Arab Americans post 9/11, 2023). To conclude, the

suggested measures to tackle discrimination against Arab American and Muslim communities in

the US possess certain drawbacks that require attention. It is essential to take into account the

intersectional experiences of these communities, work towards dismantling systemic biases, and

promote imperative patriotism to foster inclusion and reduce discrimination. Achieving a society

that is truly equitable and inclusive involves recognizing that individuals from marginalized

communities encounter specific hurdles that demand targeted solutions. This requires adopting

an intersectional approach that tackles multiple forms of discrimination such as race, gender,

sexual orientation, and religion, and dismantling systemic biases that uphold unequal treatment.

In conclusion, this paper has suggested a comprehensive strategy to tackle the problem of

prejudice against Arab American and Muslim communities in the US. The proposed solutions

include education and awareness-raising campaigns, initiatives to increase the representation of

Arab Americans and Muslims in the media and public life, and policies that protect the civil

rights of all Americans. These solutions, if both implemented and maintained, can aid in reducing

discrimination against Arab American and Muslim communities. Educational and awareness-

raising initiatives also have the potential to promote greater diversity and understanding, and

increasing the visibility of Arab Americans and Muslims in the media and public life can help

reduce discrimination by breaking down stereotypes. However, to ensure the effectiveness of

these solutions, it is essential to address the limitations discussed in this paper, such as the need

to include the intersectional experiences of Arab American women and to ensure sustained effort

and investment in implementing these solutions. Considering the proposed solutions to combat

discrimination against Arab American and Muslim communities in the US, it is imperative for

individuals, institutions, and policymakers to take action. Education and awareness-raising

campaigns, initiatives that increase the visibility of Arab Americans and Muslims, and policies

that protect the civil rights of all Americans are all essential components of a multifaceted

approach to address this issue. By promoting greater understanding and acceptance of Arab

American and Muslim cultures, dispelling stereotypes, and ensuring that all individuals are

treated equally, we can foster a more inclusive and tolerant society that reflects justice, equality

and harmony. It is up to all of us to take action and work toward a society that embraces diversity

and celebrates our differences


Cooke, M. (2000). Multiple critique Islamic feminist rhetorical strategies. Women's Studies in
Communication, 23(1), 1-25.

Gana, N. (2008). Introduction: Race, Islam, and the task of Muslim and Arab American writing.

Pmla, 123(5), 1573-1580.

Harb, S. (2012). Arab American women's writing and September 11: Contrapuntality and

associative remembering. Melus, 37(3), 13-41.

Radwan, O. B. (2018). Race and Post-9/11 Arab American Identity: Contestatory Agency and

African American

Salaita, S. (2005). Ethnic identity and imperative patriotism: Arab Americans before and after

9/11. College literature, 146-168.


1. Content (6.5/8 pts.)
Introduction (1/1.5)
a. Introduction of the topic
b. Definition of the problem
c. Thesis statement
Body (4/5)
Paragraph 1:
a. Topic sentence
b. Adequate presentation and evaluation of the solution(s)
c. Concluding sentence
Paragraph 2:
a. Topic sentence
b. Adequate discussion of shortcomings and proposal of recommendations/ new solution(s)
c. Concluding sentence
Conclusion (1.5/1.5)
a. Summary of main solutions
b. Benefits of solutions and predictions of implementation
c. Call-for-action or claim of universal significance

2. Documentation and format (3/4 pts.)

Documentation: (1.5/2)
All references to other sources are accurately cited using parenthetical citations and referenced
Format: (1.5/2)
The document follows the correct APA format: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spacing;
header: page numbers in the top right; paper title: centered/bold; correct paragraph indentation;
references have hanging indentations

3. Academic Language (6.5/8 pts.)

Coherence and Unity: (1.5/2)
Coherent and concise sentence structure. Transitions are used effectively to draw the appropriate
connections between ideas (cause/effect; compare/contrast; etc.)
Language: (5/6)
a. Appropriate and relevant meta-discourse and rhetorical function
b. Hedging and boosting used appropriately
c. Appropriate academic word choice
d. Appropriate verb tenses used: simple present tense; simple past tense; present perfect
tense; future tense
e. Overall spelling and grammar

Word Range: Approximately 850 – 1,000 words (without the RL)


Total: 16/20
Approx. 80/100

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