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SCIENCE 10- Weeks 1-3 Summative Test

Name: ______________________________________ Score:_____________________________
Grade & Section: ______________________________
I. Multiple Choice (1 point each item)
Choose the letter of your best answer and write on the space provided.
_______1. Which of the following is not a type of volcanic eruptions?
A. phreatic B. phreatomagmatic C. Plinian D. dormant
_______2. What do we call those shape of volcano that is large with nearly perfect slope structure formed
from alternating solidification of lava and pyroclastic deposits?
A. cinder cone B. composite C. lava dome D. shield
_______3. This is a type of volcanic eruption characterized by tall eruption columns that can reach up to
20 km high with pyroclastic flow and ashfall tephra.
A. phreatic B. plinian C. strombolian D. vulcanian
_______4. Which of the following best explain why shield volcanoes have wider base?
A. Its lava is very sticky that it can reach far distance.
B. Its lava immediately solidifies when exposed with air.
C. Its lava is less viscous which can travel far distance.
D. Its lava has high mixtures of silicates and dissolved gases.
_______5. Why do phreatic eruption is also called as steam-driven eruption?
A. Magma makes the water boils which results to lava flows.
B. Magma and water have already interacted in this eruption.
C. Magma heats up the ground or surface water resulting to steam-blast eruption.
D. Magma interacts with water resulting to periodic weak fountain of lava with
_______6. Based on the picture on the right, what type of volcanic eruption it is?
A. plinian B. phreatic C. strombolian D. vulcanian
_______7. Taal volcano is second most active volcano in the Philippines with fresh water
caldera lake located in the province of Batangas. Due to its location, it is sometimes
moderately violent eruption which happens when magma heats ground water from its
lake. From the given information, what type of volcanic eruption could possibly happen in Taal volcano?
A. plinian B. phreatic C. strombolian D. vulcanian
_______8. Mt. Mayon is an example o fa ______________ volcano because______________ .
A. cinder cone, it is formed exclusively of pyroclasts.
B. composite, it is composed of alternating layers of pyroclastic fragments and solidified lava flows
C. shield, it is constructed of solidified lava flows
D. caldera, it was created when the summit was blown off by exploding gases.
_______9. The following are factors affecting the viscosity of the magma EXCEPT:
A. temperature of magma C.size of the volcano’s crater
B. chemical composition of magma D. amount of dissolved gases contained in the magma
_______10. Which of the following characteristics of magma mainly affect the explosiveness of a volcanic
A. color B. water C. temperature D. silica content
_______11. What is meant by volcanic eruption?
A. It happens when hot lava, ash and gases are discharged from a volcanic vent.
B. B. It happens when the plate edges of the Earth’s crust move downward or sideways.
C. It is a region deep within the Earth’s mantle from which heat rises.
D. D. It is a sudden violent shaking of the ground, causing great destruction.
_______12. In the comparative experiment performed, water travels further than honey and cooking oil.
Which of the following explanation will support this result in terms of viscosity?
A. Water is less viscous than cooking oil and honey.
B. Water is more viscous than cooking oil and honey.
C. Water travels further because of its heavier density.
D. Water travels further than cooking oil and honey its temperature.
_______13. Which of the following statements based describe a very viscous lava?
A. Can travel far distance.
B. Solidify at near distance.
C. Lava that is very sticky and flow faster.
D. Results to wider base of volcano as this flows great distance.
_______14. Jill is watching a video of volcanic eruption. She has observed a fast flowing lava flow from the
summit to the slope of the volcano. The lava is said to be _____ viscous and temperature is _______ while
it travel a _______ distance.
A. very, low, far C. less , high , less
B. very, high , less D. less , high , far
_______15. Which statement best explain the viscosity of magma in
the left picture?
A. Lava with low amount of gas and high silica content is very
viscous and does not flow out.
B. Lava with high silica content is too viscous to travel far, and
tends to break up as it flows.
C. Lava with less viscous mixture which travel very far distance
and less sticky.
D. A or C
_______16. Identify factor that affects the viscosity of the
magma as shown in the picture?
A. High silica content C. high temperature of magma
B. Low gas content D. low temperature of magma
_______17. Where does geothermal energy come from?
A. rivers B. sunlight C. heat from the Earth’s crust D. ocean and tides
_______18. All the following are advantages of building geothermal power plants EXCEPT,
A. noise pollution B. eco-friendly C. sustainable D. highly reliable
_______19. Volcanic eruptions can have devastating effects on people and the environment. However,
unlike earthquakes, volcanoes can also have a positive impact on an area. Which statement below has
positive impact on an area?
A. Lahars can destroy settlement and agriculture.
B. Many lives can be lost as a result of a volcanic eruption.
C. Human and natural landscapes can be destroyed and changed forever.
D. The lava and ash deposited during eruption breaks down to provide valuable nutrients for the soil.
_______20. Which of the following is the correct sequence on how the heat from the Earth is tapped as a
source of electricity in a power plant?
I – Steam causes the turbine to turn
II – Heat from inside the Earth
III – Heat causes the water to turn into steam
IV – Generator changes the mechanical energy to electrical energy
A. I, II, III & IV B. II, III, I & IV C. IV, III, II & I D. II, IV, III & I

Prepared by:
Science 9 Teacher

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