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F3476 (I'ages, 2) Reg. No.


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Fir6t Semester
(Two Year Coune--2018 Admission onwards)
Time: Two Hours Maximum: 50 Marks
Answer all quufion.s," olle or two sentences well.
Each qWlstion ca •••••••
s 1m<Jrk.

1. Defme Elementary Education.

2. What ill multigrade teaching learning process?
3. Write the objectives ofSSA ?
<I, What is MIL ?
5. What ill meant by 'drop out'?
6. Expand the terms: (a) NPEGEL (b) ECCE.
7. What is experience centered currieulum?
8. What do Y,lu mean by mastery learning?
9. What are the advantages of play way method ?
10. Differentiate group leaming and teacher guided learning.
(10" 1 = 10 marks)
Part B
Answer any five qlU!slwn.s in about half each.
Each question carmI 2 marks.
11. What Iml the major activities afDIET?
12. What is meant by competency based education?
13. Explain 'Operation Black board',
14. Mention the major recommendation ofNPE 1986 on Elementary education.
15. What are the COll.'ltitutiona1provisions for elementary education in India?
16. What is the significance of Elementary education in India?
2 F 3476

P•••• C

Answer any five question. in abo,,! one page each.
Each q""slwn <arr<es4 marks.

17. Explain the relevanc,,' ofJ;<EEM in quality improvement Elementary education.

18. What are the objectives of KGBV ?

19. Give a short note on multiple modes oflearning .

20. Explain the vision suggested by Jeshpal Committee 1993 with regard to elementary education.

21. Briefly explain the principles ofcurriculurn construction for elementary education.

22. Explain Shiksha Kanni project.

23. Give an account (If the development of elementary education in India.
(5 ,,4 '" 20 mark.s)

P•••• D

Answer anyone questwn in about tour pagelil e<J£h.

The q<=;tiIJn carries 10 I1UIr,h.

24. Explain the concept of 'Education For All (EFA)'. Suggest meaSUre to achieve this objective.

25. Explain the role of various organisation in the quality improvement of elementary education.
(l x 10 = 10 marks)

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