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EXP 122


 The science of farming, including

cultivation of the soil for the growing of
crops and the raring of animals to
provide food, wool, and other products.
–oxford language
 Also known as Commercial Grain
 Agriculture is a method of producing
grain, feed and many other desired items
through the cultivation of some plants
and the raising of domesticated animals
(livestock). For maximizing profits from
agriculture, proper planning from the
levels of crop selection to selling the
produce in the market are important.
 The term agriculture is derived from two
Latin words “AGER or AGRI” means
soil and “CULTURA” means
 Agriculture is an applied science which
encompasses all aspects of crop
production including horticulture,
livestock rearing, fisheries, forestry, etc.
 As a science: utilizes all technologies
developed on scientific principles such
as crop breeding, production techniques,
crop protection, economics, etc. to
maximize the yield and profit.
 As an art it embraces knowledge of the
way to perform the operations of the
farm in a skillful manner.
 Agriculture is a business aims at
maximum net return through the
management of land labour , water and
capital employing the knowledge of
various sciences for production of food,
feed, fibre and fuel.

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