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The Shift


We all know there is a dream inside ourselves. You and I wish we could live a life of peace
and experience abundance, love and happiness in our heart. Yet, although some of us are
very successful in some areas of our life, very few actually manage to carry on believing in
their dream, and fewer even ever come close to embody it.

Another thing that we all know is that the world is changing – fast. And this implies that we
also need to change: to find the mindset, attitudes and strategies that can allow us to face
the very complex challenges of today’s world and move into the NEW.

But change itself presents many challenges. The main one is that we are beings of habits.
Our life moves in the direction of the words, emotions and actions we repeat day in and
day out. To change our life, we need to change our habits.

Behaviour is only the visible part of the problem. Habits are before all habits of thinking.
Everything starts with some kind of ‘thinking’ and consciousness is the ground of our
existence - and when we bring change at that level, everything else starts to change.

Three essential shifts

To bring our vision to life requires we commit to make three decisive changes in our life:

1. From complain, victimism and blame to The Way of Personal Response-ability,

positive creativity and love;

2. From separation, survival, ego assertion, consumption and conflict to

interdependence, self-determination, co-operation, contribution, kindness, empathy
and trust – the Paradigm of Shared Happiness.

3. From entertaining good ideas to being committed to Embodying Success:

turning good intentions into effective action; shifting from the philosophy of hard
work, competition and stress to the effortless creativity of meaningful intent,
connectedness, service and grace.

Times of change are times of opportunity. They are times of choice and creativity.
Whether we are doing it consciously or not, we are all participating in the emergence of
our common future. Why not doing it consciously by choosing to bring our gifts to life?

SEEDS for Change / The Shift 1  

The Way of Personal

• Are you still fighting the so-called ‘struggle for life’ with the rusty weapons of greed,
ego assertion, manipulation, control, worry and anger?

• Do you really believe that circumstances, situations or other people are the cause
for your troubles, sorrows and stress?

• Can you seriously argue that your own beliefs, emotions and opinions have more
value than the objective facts of reality and the real needs of people and situations?

Personal Response-ability in a judgmental world

Most of what we say about people, situations and the world

around us tells more about what we ‘think’ of those people,
situations rather than what they really ‘are’: it is a projection of
our own beliefs and emotions on the objective facts of reality.

Because of those projections, we generate a host of

unnecessary complications, tensions and problems by
misinterpreting what others say or do; judging them; and being  
unwilling to open authentic, honest and genuine conversations.

Emotions are created in the gap between what we ‘think’

is or ‘should be’ happening and what is really happening.
When the two match, we experience positive emotions.
When they don’t, we create tension, frustration and pain.

The good news is that it is possible to stop blindly believing

our own thoughts and emotions. When we do so,
• We start to see things as they really happen and discover meaning, goodness and
beauty in what we were previously perceiving as ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’;
• We are empowered to bring about spontaneous, positive and lasting changes in our
own behaviour and attitude;
• We start healing our own pain and consequently bring an end to the discomfort and
suffering others experience because of the way we were relating to them.

SEEDS for Change / The Shift 2  

The Shift I offers a very simple and effective process of inquiry and self-realisation along
the lines of The Work of Byron Katie. The Work relies on three core principles:

1. What is ‘is’ – reality is the primary ‘truth’. Communication breakdowns - and

therefore conflict and suffering - occur when we prefer our own beliefs about reality
to reality itself and indulge into the illusion that others are the cause of our
emotions. The moment we become willing to work with reality, it becomes visible
that we are actively participating in the creation of the problems we face and we
spontaneously, effortlessly start transforming our own attitude and behaviour.

2. We are responsible for and can only live our own life – to the extent we accept
things as they are, we also accept our own self and bring an end to the inner
conflict between what we are in the present and what we believe we should be.
Acceptance is not passivity but it is a starting point from where we can see without
being confused by our own inner struggle and therefore act decisively and effectively.

3. Reality is beneficial – in most cases, people are well intentioned and reality poses
no danger - but our own misperceptions do. The practice of inquiry is one of the
most potent ways to stop dis-empowering ourselves, make more conscious,
‘intelligent’ choices and use our energy in a more effective way.

Contents – Eight sessions to clarify perception and bring about change

• Session 1 – Perception, projection and Self Fulfilling Prophecies; key insights into
consciousness and the mechanisms of self deceit, identity, ego, love, co-
dependency, blame games and the creation of emotions;

• Sessions 2 &3 – I, me and my story – identifying the difference between who we

are and the stories we tell ourselves;

• Session 4 – Introducing The Work and the practices of ‘Being in the Now’ and the
‘Objective Observer’;

• Sessions 5 to 8 – Personal work blending guided reflection, dialogue, live

examples, whole group feedback and sharing. The process also includes periods
where participants are free to choose their preferred method of exploration
including self-inquiry, peer coaching, one to one coaching.

SEEDS for Change / The Shift 3  

The Hidden Power
of Beliefs

Does your belief system really support your aspiration to be successful and happy?

Civilisations, cultures, organisations, communities and families

base their existence on a set of assumptions, a shared story
that expresses the way they perceive themselves and the
world around them. Those stories determine their values, their
‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’, as well as what they define as
acceptable, possible, desirable, offending or reprehensible.

The same thing happens at a personal level where the tales

we entertain in our consciousness become the scripts that
define the way we perceive and experience our daily reality.

Look at it closely and you see that your entire life is based on
the set of answers to some very fundamental questions like
how am I? What is the purpose of my life, of work, of
relationships? Is there a ‘God’? etc

Whether we are aware of it or not - whether you ‘believe’ it or

not - there are subconscious assumptions behind everything
we do: the way you assess people and situations, the things
you choose to procrastinate, eat, wear, watch, say, do or buy,  
your emotions, your dreams, your plans about the future, etc.

Beliefs have been handed over to us by a prolonged, subconscious, exposure to social

and cultural conditionings. They have settled deeply inside our consciousness and we tend
to take them for granted. Some are very beneficial; others are downright toxic.

The big question then is:

Do the beliefs we have adopted really serve us? Do our stories really deliver on their
promises to make us peaceful, good, kind, strong, intelligent, productive, creative,
generous, loving, contented and happy people? Or are there serious inconsistencies
between the life we aspire to live and what we believe is possible to be and do?

SEEDS for Change / The Shift 4  

Adopt a belief system and life style that truly makes you happy
After realizing that most of the things happening in our life are actually projections of our
own consciousness, the second shift we need to make on our journey toward creating a
life we love is having a good look at all those things we have adopted as ‘true’ and check
them against the principles of health, intelligence, love, creativity and success.

The Shift II offers a comprehensive, step by step, process of exploration of our personal
values and belief system that leads participants to re-evaluate the way they live their life
and learn practical methods for changing patterns of emotion and behaviour.

Step one ~ Understanding

• The mind is a map-making devise and your beliefs are the representations you
use to make sense and evaluate what is happening to you;
• Key insights into consciousness and the Creative Process, decision-making,
thoughts and the mind/brain: how does ‘thinking’ work and why do we do it in
the first place?
• Worldview – you hold an image of yourself and of the world in your head. Is it
accurate and up to date?
• Beliefs – how they are formed, how they evolve and what they ‘do’ to us;
• Your story - is the script with which you ‘write’ the play of your life really the one
you love?

Step two ~ Skills, Know How and Hands on Practice

• Yes, personal story and beliefs can be changed – here’s how;
• Guided self inquiry process to identify, evaluate and transform personal beliefs;
• Group processes and live examples through the creative process;
• Connecting head and heart to formulate beliefs that support peace, health,
intelligence, communication, love, abundance and creativity;
• Learning to generate life affirming feelings and emotions;
• 21 days action plan for implementation and change.

SEEDS for Change / The Shift 5  

Embodying Success

No, we are not just talking about financial targets.

Your goals – the ones that really mean something for you - come in all shapes and sizes.
They are everything that is dear to your heart and soul.

Financial stability, a nice place to live and a happy family, yes, but also honest
communication with loved ones; keeping your integrity in front of your boss, colleagues,
spouse or friends; living a more meaningful life, changing that bad habit … the list goes on.

Goals are very empowering things because they focus and harness energy, intelligence
and talents. But they can also generate a fair amount of tension and frustration and can
even be very limiting: life is generous and what it has to offer often exceeds what we had
defined as our due share of the cake … It certainly did for me.

Do you know what stops YOU from taking action and enjoying the sweet
fruits of your all your hard work?

Your life develops around your choices and the

commitments that manifests your values and
determine your strategies and goals.

You may know your values and be committed to

do the things that will bring them to life, but are
also still struggling with invisible blocks on the
way: your personal limits?
• Inconsistent understanding about the
principles of life, action and success;
• Life restricting beliefs and self images;  
• Old emotions that spoil your attitude and outlook on life; and
• All the things you have left half done and are now weighing on your consciousness
and draining your energy.

This is ‘your story’ and you can change it. Many did it before you; many will do it after, and
no one ever had to regret it!

SEEDS for Change / The Shift 6  

What are the conditions of stress free, healthy and fruitful goal setting?
We believe the three core ingredients of success are:
• Your commitment to your values;
• The consistency and alignment between values,
vision, strategies, goals, universal principles of action,
adequate planning and behaviour;
• Your ability to engage people in meaningful,
purposeful, collaborative conversations.

The questions this raises are:


• How do YOU turn well-meant intentions into DECISIONS and make yourself want to
act on something that you know it would be ‘nice, great or good to do?
• How do you get through the INNER BLOCKS that prevent you from getting the results
you deserve for all the hard work you do?
• Where do you get the COURAGE, the VITALITY and the INSPIRATION to make your
authentic, beautiful and well-intentioned self visible to others so they can contribute to
your effort to live a life you really love?

ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS is a two days, hands on, process following up on Inner
Focusing in which you will explore essential practices to empower you to act on your
commitments and bring your values and vision to life.

Day One
1. Facing the facts – Become aware of your story through the ‘Life of Pie’ role game;
2. Assess personal integrity, commitment to values, and check the alignment between
them and your choices and behaviour;
3. In the chaos of action and relationships, good ideas are overpowered by
subconscious beliefs and deeply held emotions;
4. Vision, positive creativity and self-confidence - how did you get an ‘A’?

Day Two
1. The seven principles of success;
2. Key ‘Self-in-action’ empowerment practices;
3. Personal time for review, reflection, visioning and action plan followed by peer work;
4. Commitments, celebrations and best wishes!

Yes, I want to take my life to the next level up!

& DO it NOW because the World is on the Move …

SEEDS for Change / The Shift 7  


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