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This investigation established as an objetive: analyze the influence of human action on the
enviromental contamination of caño bugre in the municipality of cerete in 2022.

Dis investigeishon establish as an obyetiv: analais de influens of jiuman adshion on de

envaromental contamineishon of caño buegre in de miunicipali of cerete in tuenituenitu

The importance of this natural resource for the survivel of men and all living beings is very
important because all the beneficts that this pipe gives them but all the contamination that the
humans and big and also small business causes to this natural wáter Font is indiscreptible, so the
human actions are the enemies to this pipe all the production that they generated, the bad handle
of their solid residues, the contaminated water, all this go the pipe, the bad smell in the whole
pipe is really bad, and it causes to the people who lives near by serious desease.

De importans of dis natural risors for the sorvaivol of men en ol livin bins is very importan bicos ol
de benefict dad de paip gis den bot ol de contamiseshon dad de jiuman en big en olso esmol
bisnes coses tu dis natural uater fon is indiscreptibol, so de jiuman achion ar de enemis tu dis paip
ol de produchion dad dei yenerei, de bad jendol of der solid residus, de contamineited uater, ol dis
go tu de paip, de bad esmel in de jol pai pis rili bad, en it coses tu de pipol ju livs nir bai sirius disis

The metodology used im this proyect is cualitative with a descriptive aproach this information was
taken from interviews, work guides, observation, documents, and a lot more investigation in the
municipality of cerete

De motodoloyi ius in dis proyet is cualitativ uit ei descriptiv aprouch dis informeichon uso teiken
from interviús, uork gaids, observeishon, documents, en a lot mor investigeishon in the municipal
of cerete

Keywords: contamination, solid residues, contaminated wáter, human actions

Kiuors: contamineishon, solid residus, contamineited uater, jiuman achion

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