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Pedagogical grammar


Instructions for semester A assignment

1. Application of principle 6 as proposed by Richards and Reppen, 2014

-Choose a tense to teach to 5-6 graders (present simple, present

progressive, past simple)
-introduce it using the inductive way (sentences covering all rules
(definition, sentence rule, spelling rules) + highlighting certain items
(different colors, bold, etc.))
-full description of what you want to say and ask the students to help
them get to the rules.

2. Practicing the subject you chose:

2.1 Providing two mechanical exercises – 10 items each of them at least
2.2 Providing two meaningful exercises according – 10 items each of them
at leas
2.3 Provide an exercise where there is a link between grammar and
2.4 Providing a practice of both grammar and reading comprehension.
Write elaborative steps of the “lesson” including specific instructions. In this
lesson plan you show the link between reading comprehension and grammar.
(See examples on Moodle)
2.5 Providing two exercises where there is a link between grammar and
writing at the sentence level. Give clear instructions. (See Moodle)
2.6 Providing an exercise where there is a link between grammar and
speaking. Give clear instructions.

Note: Two at least of the exercises must be online/digital prepared by

The following link includes explanation of different digital tools:

You are expected to provide complete exercises, exactly the way you would
prepare for a real class. This means complete worksheets, relevant visual
aids and relevant specific instructions.

#To say I will do this or that without providing relevant materials will not be

Wishing you fruitful efforts,


Due date for submission: 16/3/24

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