7E Properties of Sound

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Lesson Plan in Science 5

Quarter 3 Week 3 Day 1


A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of the effects of heat, and
Standards electricity, light and sound on people and objects.
C. Learning Relate the ability of the material to block, absorb or transmit light to its
/Objectives S5FE-IIIe-5
Write the LC
code for each
D. Specific At the end of 40 minutes the learners expected to:
Objective a.) define pitch, quality, loudness and how it varies
b.) produce sounds using body parts
E. Integration  Values Integration: value the importance of sound in daily
of Content life.
Within and  English: Provide evidence to support opinion/fact EN5OL-IIf-
Across 3.5.1
Curriculum  MAPEH: creates music using available sound sources
MU5TB - IIIg - h -5

II. CONTENT Properties of Sound

 Strategies: Cooperative Learning

A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages

2. Learner’s Science Beyond Borders pp. 126-127

Material pages

3. Textbook

Resource (LR)
B. Other Pictures, empty bottle, spoon, cartolina, visual aid
Learning https://www.google.com/search?q=pitch+of+a+sound&sca_esv=

IV. Teacher’s Activity Learners Expected


A. Elicit The teacher let the students perform

(5 minutes) the following:

1. Blow air out of your mouth as if

blowing out a candle. The learners are performing.
2. Please pronounce the sound of
the letter 'a' ‘b’ ‘c’

What do you feel in your neck when Vibration

you try to pronounce the sound of
the letter?

When you blow air out of your mouth
did you feel a vibration in your neck? No sound/light sound

How about the sound you produced?

B. Engage The teacher shows bottles then tries

(5 minutes) to hit each bottle with a spoon.

What factors do you think affect the Harder impacts produce louder
sound produced by the bottle? sounds

(The teacher poured water into the


Does the amount of water in the Yes

bottle affect the sound produced?

How would you describe the sound The bottle with more water
produced by the bottle with a lot of produces a louder sound, less
water compared to the sound water produces less sound.
produced by the bottle with less

Can you think of any ways to modify

the bottle or the water to improve the Adjust the level of water

If you try to hit the bottle harder,

what sound will be produced? louder

Based on your observation, what are

the things that vary with the bottle volume of the sound
filled with water producing sound? and pitch

C. Explore Group activity

(10 minutes)
•Pupils will be grouped into 3.

1st activity “Pick ME’’

Teacher will let a representative from

the group to pick 3 items on the box.
They will classify the object/item
picked on its pitch, loudness and
quality. One representative will
present their answer.

Kind of Pitch Loudness Quality Kind of pitch loudness quality

sound (High (Loud or (pleasant sound
or low) low) or 1. small high low pleasing
irritating) birds
1. small 2. cow low loud pleasing
birds 3. high loud Irritating
2. cow smoke
3. alarm
smoke 4. high loud Irritating
alarm shouting
4. 5. cat high low pleasing
shouting 6. frog low low pleasing
5. cat 7. high loud pleasing
6. frog whistle
7. 8. small high low pleasing
whistle bell
8. small 9. drum low loud pleasing
bell 10. cry high low irritating
9. drum of a
10. cry baby
of a 11. man low low pleasing
baby talking
11. man 12. low loud pleasing
talking carabao

Standard in Performing the

Group Activity:
(a representative will report their
 Choose a leader
 Choose a reporter
 Teamwork
Guide Questions:
1. What are the properties of sound Pitch, loudness and quality
that we use as a basis for identifying

2. What causes the pitch of a sound Vibration that affects the pitch
to be high or low? of the sound to be low or high.

3. How can you describe the Volume of the sound, if its

loudness and quality of an object? louder or just a soft to the ears.
If it is pleasant or irritating to
the ears.

Teacher will say:

The pitch, loudness and quality are
properties of sound. All kinds of
sound produce some waves that are
measured with respect to the
frequency it carries.
Learners are listening.

Sounds are higher or lower in pitch

according to the frequency of
vibration of the sound waves
producing them. Objects that vibrate
slowly make a low pitch, while
objects vibrate quickly make a high
Loudness refers to the volume or
sound pressure produced by the
vibrations of an object. If the sound
produces high pressure then sound
become louder.

D. Explain
(10 minutes) Actions that you can perform to
create sounds and compose music.

Clap your hands. 2x

Clap your hands. 3x The learners are performing.
Clap your hands. 4x
Stomp your feet. 2x
Stomp your feet. 3x
Stomp your feet. 4x

Whistle with your lips 3x

Rub your palms together 5x

1. Is clapping your hands and Yes, because of rapid vibration.
whistling a high pitch? Why?

2. Is stomping your feet a high pitch? No, it is in low pitch because of

Why? slow vibration.

3. How do you describe pitch, Pitch refers to the lowness

loudness and quality? Loudness refers to the volume
Quality refers to the
characteristic of the sound.

So, if there is a rapid vibration then Learners are listening.
the pitch produced by the sound is
high and slow vibration produces low
Loudness refers to the volume. If
there is a high pressure then the
sound is louder.
Quality refers to the shape of the
sound waves of an object.

E. Elaborate Elaborate (10 minutes)

(5 minutes)
Determining the sounds in the

The teacher will ask the students to

identify the sounds coming from their
surroundings and describe either Learners are participating.
their pitch, loudness, or quality.

Sound from a truck - broom
Why sound is important in our daily Sound allows us to
life? communicate with others
through speech, allowing us to
convey ideas, emotions, and
information effectively

Warning and alerting

For entertainment

Useful in education

Use in daily life

I. Evaluate Write the correct word in the space
(5 minutes) provided for each number. Select the
correct word from the box.

Pitch vibrations
Quality high notes
Loudness low notes

_quality 1. Refers to the shape

______ 1. Refers to the shape of the
of the sound waves and object
sound waves and object produces.
______ 2. Refers to the volume or
_loudness 2. Refers to the
sound pressure produces by the
volume or sound pressure
vibrations of an object.
produces by the vibrations of
an object.
______ 3. Refers to the highness
and lowness of notes.
_pitch 3. Refers to the
highness and lowness of notes.
______ 4. Sound is produced due to.
_vibrations_ 4. Sound is
______ 5. When the vibrations are
produced due to.
fast, the notes heard are.
_high pitch_ 5. When the
vibrations are fast, the notes
heard are.

G. Extend List 2 sounds and describe its pitch,

loudness and quality.
A. No. of ___Lesson carried. Move on to the
learners who next objective.
earned 80% in ___Lesson not carried.
the evaluation ___% of the pupils got 80% mastery

B. No. of ___Pupils did not find difficulties in

learners who answering their lesson.
require ___Pupils found difficulties in
additional answering their lesson.
activities for ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson
remediation because of lack of knowledge, skills
who scored and interest about the lesson.
below 80% ___Pupils were interested on the
lesson, despite of some difficulties
encountered in answering the
questions asked by the teacher.
___Pupils mastered the lesson
despite of limited resources used by
the teacher.
___Majority of the pupils finished
their work on time.
___Some pupils did not finish their
work on time due to unnecessary

C. Did the ___ of Learners who earned 80%

remedial above
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of ___ of Learners who require
learners who additional activities for remediation
continue to
E. Which of my ___Yes ___No
teaching ____ of Learners who caught up the
strategies lesson
worked well?
Why did these
F. What ___ of Learners who continue to
difficulties did I require remediation
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What Strategies used that work well:
innovation or ___Metacognitive Development:
localized Examples: Self assessments, note
materials did I taking and studying techniques, and
use/discover vocabulary assignments.
which I wish to ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-
share with share, quick-writes, and anticipatory
other charts.
___Schema-Building: Examples:
Compare and contrast, jigsaw
learning, peer teaching, and projects.

Examples: Demonstrations, media,
manipulatives, repetition, and local

___Text Representation:
Examples: Student created
drawings, videos, and games.
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking
slowly and clearly, modeling the
language you want students to use,
and providing samples of student

Other Techniques and Strategies

___ Explicit Teaching
___ Group collaboration

___ reporting

___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s
in doing their tasks

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