Test 6

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Name: ............................................

the 6th grade

Teacher: Chirila Elena Cosmina An scolar 2022 – 2023
1. Put the verbs in the brackets at Present Simple: 20 points
a) I ( get )................... up at 7 o'clock every morning.
b) You always ( have ).............................. lunch in this restaurant.
c) Mr. Miagi ( practice )...............................karate.
d) Kasandra ( love )..................................chocolate.
e) Sandra and Sabrina sometimes ( play )...............................in the park.
f) Labus ( love )................................. bones
g) We usually ( do ) ........................ our homework in the afternoon.
h) They often (visit )........................ their grandparents.
2. Turn the sentences into negative: 20 points
a) I love chatting with my friends on messenger.
b) You and Katrina usually post photos on Instagram.
c) Marcel studies German.
d) Iulia cooks very well.
e) Labus hates noises.
f) Maria and I go to school by bus.
g) They live in a big house.
h) We buy Christmas cards every winter.
3. Put the months of the year in the right order: December, October, September, January,
March, May, August, February, November, April, June, July, November. 20 points
4. Match the days of the week with their meaning: 10 points
Sunday Luni
Wednesday Marti
Thursday Miercuri
Friday Joi
Saturday Vineri
Tuesday Sambata
Monday Duminica
5. Put the right items in he right column: History, pencil, pencil case, Maths, English,earser,
schoolbag, P.E., pen, book, ruler, Art,notebook. 20 points


Nota: Se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu.

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