Specialized Cells

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• Cells that have a particular adaptations/functions to perform a special task

• Have a distinct shape

• In its cytoplasm, special kinds of chemical reactions take place

• Cells specialize by undergoing differentiation where cells develop the structure and characteristics needed
to be able to carry out their functions

• Division of labour within the organism - the specialization of cell to carry out special functions in an
• Division of labour within the cell - special functions of organelles

• Biconcave, disc shape for more surface area and efficient diffusion of oxygen

• No nucleus when mature to provide more space for hemoglobin

• Contains hemoglobin which joins with oxygen to transport it

• Transportation of oxygen around the body

• Found inside the blood

• Has cilia produced by the cytoplasm
Cilia is a thin hair-like structure, and an extension of the cytoplasm

• Cilia is in a continuous flicking movement

Mucus traps dust particles, from where cilia beats in a rhythm to move this mucus through bronchi and trachea,
away from lungs and out of our body

• Form the lining of the nose and windpipe

• Movement of mucus in the trachea and bronchi

• Found in the trachea and bronchi

• Long so that nerves can run to and from different parts of the body to the central nervous system

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• Long so that nerves can run to and from different parts of the body to the central nervous system

• Has extensions and branches so that it can communicate with other nerve cells, muscles and glands.

• The axon is covered with a fatty sheath which insulates the nerve cell and speeds up the nerve impulses

• Fibers are often very long and connect distant parts of the body to the CNS (central nervous system)
• Chemical reactions cause the impulses to travel along the fibre

• Send us impulses to accomplish a task
• Sends electrical impulses along the fibre, to and from the brain and spinal cord
• The way it is branched allows the impulses to be conducted and coordinated. It carries impulses a long
distances without interruption

• Found in the nervous system

• Male reproductive cell/male sex cells
• Carries genetic information of the male parent.
• Long
• Has a neck, head and a tail

• Head produces enzymes to enter the ovum, so that fertilization can take place.
It contains the nucleus that carries genetic information

• Neck has lots of mitochondria which provides it with energy for movement
• The acrosome discharges enzymes to digest the cells around an egg and the egg membrane
• The tail pushes side to side which makes the cell move

• Reproduction
• It combines with the egg cell to form a new embryo

• Male reproductive system

• Female reproductive cell
• Very large

• Has lots of cytoplasm which has nutrients for the growth of the early embryo
Cytoplasm contains yolk droplets made of protein and fat

• Haploid nucleus (presence of single set of chromosomes)

• Cell membrane changes after fertilization by a single sperm cell so that no more sperm can enter

• Reproduction
• Provides food for the growing embryo
• Stores genetic information of the female parent

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• Stores genetic information of the female parent

• Female reproductive system

• Root hair cell

• Palisade cell
• Xylem cell

• Elongated cell
• Has no chloroplasts

• Has a long, hair like structure

This penetrates between the soil and particles and offers a large surface area

• Cell membrane controls which dissolved substances and enter the cell

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• Has many mitochondria that helps actively absorb water and minerals

• Thin walls ensure water moves through quickly

• Absorption of water and mineral ions from soil

• Present in the root hairs

• Has a large surface area
• Are columnar (long)
• Has a column shape that maximizes absorption of sunlight and fit as many in a layer

• Has lots of chloroplasts to trap light energy and maximize photosynthesis

• Cell wall and other parts of the cytoplasm are transparent to let the light pass through the leaf

• Has an oblong shape

• Provides food to the plant by photosynthesis

• Found underneath the upper epidermis of plant leaves

• Long, thin, and hollow tube for uninterrupted flow of water

• The vessels are formed of column of cells with no end walls, nucleus and cytoplasm

• No top and bottom walls so there is a continuous supply of water running through them
• Cells are dead without organelles or cytoplasm to allow water to move freely
• Lignin thickens the wall which means they are able to support the plant

• Helps to transport water
• Provides support

• Found in the cell

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