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January 26, 2008 16:1 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 08012


Department of Algebra, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Moscow State
Leninsky Gory, 119992, GSP-2, Moscow, RUSSIA

The paper contains a survey of some recent results on ring-theoretical proper-

ties of quantum affine space and actions on them of finite dimensional pointed
Hopf algebras

1. Introduction
Let k be a field with a fixed matrix
q = (qij ) ∈ M at(n, k), n ! 2,
whose entries qij ∈ k ∗ satisfy the relations qii = qij qji = 1 for all 1 " i, j "
n. Let also r be an integer and 0 " r " n. Denote by
Oq = kq [X1±1 , . . . , Xr±1 , Xr+1 , . . . , . . . , Xn ]
the associative k-algebra with a unit element generated by elements
X1 , X1−1 , . . . , Xr , Xr−1 , Xr+1 , . . . , Xn
subject to defining relations
Xi Xi−1 = Xi−1 Xi = 1, 1 " i " r;
Xi Xj = qij Xj Xi , 1 " i, j " n.
The algebra (1) is an algebra of quantum polynomials. The elements qij are
multiparameters. The algebra Oq is a generic algebra of quantum polyno-
mials if all multiparameters qij with 1 " i < j " n, are independent in the
multiplicative group k ∗ of the field k.

∗ Research partially supported by grant RFBR 06-01-00037

† To Prof. L.A. Bokut on the occasion of his 70th anniversary
January 26, 2008 16:1 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 08012

The algebra Oq can be viewed as a coordinate algebra of a quantum

affine space Anq if r = 0 [13] and a coordinate algebra of a quantum torus
Tnq if r = n [13]. Unifying both cases we can consider a case of an arbitrary
r where 0 " r " n. Then the algebra Oq can be considered as a coordinate
algebra of Trq × Aqn−r [13]. In the case n = 2, r = 0, the algebra Oq is also
called a quantum plane, where q = q12 .
It is an easy exercise to check that every element of Oq has a unique
representation as a linear combination of monomials
X i = X1i1 · · · Xrir Xr+1
· · · Xnin ,
where i = (i1 , . . . , in ) ∈ Zn and ir+1 , . . . , in ! 0. The ring Oq a left and
right Noetherian domain, it satisfies Ore condition and it has a division
ring of fractions F = F ractOq = kq (X1 , . . . , Xn ).

2. Valuations
Let Γ be a linearly ordered additive (not necessarily commutative) group. A
Γ-valuation is a surjective group homomorphism ν from the multiplicative
group F ∗ of the quantum field F onto the group Γ with the following
(1) if a, b, a + b ∈ F ∗ , then ν(a + b) ! min [ν(a), ν(b)];
(2) if a, b, a + b ∈ F ∗ and ν(a) ̸= ν(b), then ν(a + b) = min [ν(a), ν(b)] .
We shall also assume that ν(k ∗ ) = 0.
Theorem 2.1 (Sabitov A. Yu.). A valuation of a quantum division ring
F , not necessarily a generic one, is Abelian in the sense that the group Γ
is Abelian.
Let ν1 : F → Γ1 and ν2 : F → Γ2 be two valuations. Set ν1 ! ν2 if there
exists an epimorphism of ordered groups τ : Γ1 → Γ2 such that τ ν1 = ν2 .
It means that the diagram
F ✲ Γ1


F γ2 ✲ Γ2 (2)
is commutative. A valuation ν1 : F → Γ1 has a maximal rank if for any
valuation ν2 : F → Γ2 such that ν1 ! ν2 that the morphism τ in (2) is an
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Theorem 2.2. A valuation ν : F → Γ of a general quantum division ring

F is has maximal rank if and only if Γ ≃ Zn .

Observe that the set of all maximal valuations on F can be identified with
the set of all linear orderings of the additive group Zn .
Let Rn be a vector space of all rows (r1 , . . . , rn ), ri ∈ R, of a length
n. We shall assume that Rn is equipped with the lexicographic order. The
following result is presented in ([16], Chapter 6]).

Theorem 2.3. Let " be a linear order in the additive group Zn . Then
there exists order preserving group embedding Zn → Rn .

The general linear group GL(n, R) acts on the set of embeddings Zn →

R . A linear order is essentially lexicographic if it belongs to the orbit of the
standard embedding of Zn into Rn under the action of the group GL(n, Z).
If we apply an element A = (aij ) ∈ GL(n, Z) to the standard embedding
of Zn into Rn then we choose in F a new set of variables

Yi = X1ai1 · · · Xnain , i = 1, . . . , n. (3)

In other words we choose a new quantum polynomial algebra

Dq′ ,α′ [Y1±1 , . . . , Yn±1 ]

which is again a generic one and it has the same division ring F .
Thus if we consider an essentially lexicographic order then making a
change of variables of the form (3) we obtain a lexicographic order with
respect to the new set of variables Y1 , . . . , Yn .
Points of affine quantum space Anq are related to valuations of F ([25],
Chapter 6). The coordinate algebra of a quantum affine space Anq is the
subalgebra kq [X1 , . . . , Xn ] ⊆ Oq generated by X1 , . . . , Xn . Since the alge-
bra Oq is simple [18] the only prime ideals of kq [X1 , . . . , Xn ] are just the
ideals generated by some sets of variables. So a choice of a set of variables
belonging to ker ν can be identified with an element of Speckq [X1 , . . . , Xn ].
Recall that prime ideals of an algebra kq [X1 , . . . , Xn ], which is not supposed
to be a generic one, are classified in [13].

3. Completions of quantum fields

Throughout the rest of the paper we fix a maximal Zn -valuation ν of F . and
Theorem 2.2 where Zn is equipped with (essentially) lexicographic linear
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Definition 3.1. Following [2] denote by F the set of all maps f : Zn → k

and the zero element such that suppf = {m ∈ Zn | f (m) ̸= 0} is Artinian
with respect to the lexicographic order on Zn . An element f ∈ F can
be identified with a power series f = m∈Zn f (m)X . We say that a
u u1 un n
monomial X = X1 · · · Xn , u ∈ Z , occurs in an element f ∈ F if
f (u) ̸= 0.

Expand the valuation ν to f ∈ F in the following way. If f ∈ F then ν(f )

– the least element from suppf . Put
O = {f ∈ F | ν(f ) ! 0}, m = {f ∈ F | ν(f ) > 0}.
As in [3] it can be shown the set F is a division ring containing F . The
skew field F is called a completion of F with respect to ν. Moreover O
is a subring in F and m is an ideal in O. It is generated as an ideal in
O by the elements X1ε1 , . . . , Xnεn provided ν(X1ε1 ), . . . , ν(Xnεn ) > 0, where
ε1 , . . . , ε = ±1. Furthermore O/m ≃ k.

Conjecture 3.1. A valuation ν is associated to an essentially lexicographic

order on Zn if and only if ∩n!1 mi = 0.

4. Projective module, elementary matrices and

A survey of results on projective modules over quantum polynomials can
be found in [1]. We shall remind some of the basic results on the subject.

Theorem 4.1. ([1]) Let P be a finitely generated projective modules over

a generic quantum polynomial algebra Oq . Suppose that the rank of P is
at least 2. Then P is free. If n ! 2 then there exists a non-free projective
Oq -modules of rank 1.

Theorem 4.2. ([1]) Assume that each multiparameter qij is a root of one.
Let P be a finitely generated projective modules over a quantum polynomial
algebra Oq . Suppose that the rank of P is at least 2. Then P is free. If
the ring Oq is non-commutative then there exists a non-free projective Oq -
modules of rank 1. Moreover the group of elementary matrices E(m, Oq )
acts transitively on the set of unimodular rows of length m ! 3. If t ! 4
then GL(t, Oq ) = E(t, Oq )D, where D is the group of invertible diagonal

In the paper [2] we study Morita-equivalent generic quantum polynomials

and prove Zarisky-type theorem for these algebras.
January 26, 2008 16:1 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 08012

Theorem 4.3 (2). Let Oq and Oq′ be two non-commutative quantum

polynomial algebras, one of which a generic one. If Oq and Oq′ are Morita-
equivalent then they are isomorphic. Moreover the Picard group of a generic
quantum polynomial algebra is trivial.

This result was generalized in [23].

Theorem 4.4 (L. Richard). Let Oq , Oq′ be two quantum polynomial al-
gebras with r = n and the algebra Oq is simple. The following are equivalent:

(1) Oq ≃ Oq′ ;
(2) the division rings of fractions of Oq and of Oq′ are isomorphic;
(3) the algebras of differential operators on Oq and on Oq′ are isomorphic;
(4) the division rings of fractions of algebras of differential operators on
Oq and on Oq′ are isomorphic.

The next theorem is a solution of the Zarisky problem for generic quantum

Theorem 4.5. ([2]) Let Oq be a generic quantum polynomial algebra which

is a skew polynomial extension either of the form Oq = B[X, α] or Oq =
B[X ±1 , α] for some subalgebra B in Oq and for some automorphism α of
B. Then the subalgebra B is itself a generic quantum polynomial algebra.

5. Automorphisms of generic quantum polynomials

Each quantum polynomial algebra has a subgroup of toric automorphisms
γ such that

γ(Xi ) = γi Xi , γi ∈ k ∗ , 1 " i " n.

Each toric automorphism can be expanded to automorphisms of division

rings F, F . If r = n then the algebra Oq has also mirror automorphisms
τ , where

τ (Xi ) = τi Xi−1 , τi ∈ k ∗ , 1 " i " n.

Each mirror automorphism can be expanded to the division ring F , but

it cannot be expanded to the division ring F from Section 3. A mirror
automorphism has always order 2.
Now we shall consider the case n = 2. Then the algebra Oq , q = q12 ,
is generated by two elements X, Y (possibly also by, X −1 , Y −1 if r > 0)
subject to the defining relation XY = qY X. This algebra is a generic one
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if and only if q is not a root of 1. If h is a rational function in one variable,

then the maps
X (→ h(Y )X, X (→ X,
Y (→ Y ; Y (→ h(X)Y ;
determine automorphisms of the division ring F . Moreover F has also toric
and mirror automorphisms.
Conjecture 5.1 (J. Alev). The automorphism group of F is generated
by toric, mirror automorphisms, by automorphisms of the form (4) and by

The next theorem refines one of results from [22] in the case of quantum
torus r = n = 2

Theorem 5.1. Let γ be an endomorphism of a generic algebra Oq where

n = 2. If r = n = 2 then there exist integers l, s, t, v and elements β, ξ ∈ k
such that
γ(X) = βX l Y s , γ(Y ) = ξX t Y v ,
and lv − st = 1. In particular γ is an automorphism.
If r = 1 and γ(Y ) ̸= 0 then there exist an element h ∈ k[X ±1 ] and
β ∈ k ∗ such that
γ(X) = βX, γ(Y ) = h(X)Y.
If r = 0 then any automorphism of Oq is toric.

Assign the matrix

" #
π(γ) = ∈ SL(2, Z)
to an automorphism γ from Theorem 5.1. The map π : AutOq → SL(2, Z)
is a group homomorphism and ker π consists of toric automorphisms. If
r = 2 then the map π is surjective.

Theorem 5.2. Let G be a finite automorphism group of a generic quantum

plane. If r < 2 then G consists of toric automorphisms. If r = n = 2
then the group G is a semidirect product of a normal subgroup of toric
automorphisms in G and a cyclic group of order 1 — 4, 6.

An automorphism group of a generic quantum polynomial algebra Oq in

the case n ! 3 is determined in [11]. If r = n ! 3 the following theorem
can be also deduced from [22].
January 26, 2008 16:1 WSPC - Proceedings Trim Size: 9in x 6in 08012

Theorem 5.3. ([11,22]) Let γ be an injective endomorphism of a generic

quantum polynomial algebra Oq where n ! 3. Then γ is either toric or
in the case r = n either toric or a mirror automorphism. In particular
the group AutOq is a semidirect product of a normal subgroup of toric
automorphisms and a cyclic group of order 2. If r < n, then AutOq consists
of toric automorphisms and therefore is Abelian.

Theorem 5.4. ([11]) Let G be a finite automorphism group of a generic

quantum polynomial algebra Oq and n ! 3. Then the subalgebra of invari-
ants OqG is left and right Noetherian and Oq is a left and right finitely
generate OqG -module.

This theorem was proved in [22] for any quantum polynomial algebra pro-
vided r = n.

Theorem 5.5. ([11]) ) Let G be a finite automorphism group of a generic

quantum polynomial algebra Oq and n ! 3. Let F be the division ring of
fraction of Oq . Then the subalgebra of invariants F G is the division ring of
fractions of OqG .

Conjecture 5.2. Let n ! 3 and F from Theorem 5.5. Prove that the
automorphism group of the division ring F is generated by toric, mirror
automorphisms and by all conjugations.

Theorem 5.6. ([23]) Let Oq with r = n be a simple algebra (not neces-

sarily a generic one). Then any endomorphism of Oq is an automorphism.

Conjecture 5.3. Let Oq be a generic quantum polynomial algebra and φ

a nonzero endomorphism of the division ring F . Prove that φ is an auto-
morphism of F .

A partial solution of this conjecture was presented by J. Alev and F. Dumas

in [10].
An endomorphism γ of the division ring of Laurent power series F is
continuous, if it is determined by its images γ(X1 ), . . . , γ(Xn ).
Another partial solution of Conjecture 5.2 is presented in

Theorem 5.7. Suppose that Oq is a generic quantum polynomial algebra

and γ is a continuous automorphism of F . Assume γ has a finite order if
n = 2. Then there exists an element z ∈ F and a toric automorphism γ ′
such that γ is a product (Ad z)γ ′ where (Ad z)x = zxz −1 .
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Theorem 5.8. Let Oq be a generic quantum polynomial algebra and G a

finite automorphism group of continuous automorphism of F . Then there
exists an element w ∈ F such that (Ad w)G(Ad w)−1 consists of toric au-

6. Commutative subalgebras
In this section we are exposing some results on commutative subalgebras
in quantum polynomial algebras Oq (not necessarily generic ones) and in
division ring of fraction F .

Theorem 6.1. ([8]) Let f ∈ kq (X, Y )\ k and q is not a root of 1. Then the
centralizer C(f ) is a commutative subalgebra (in fact a maximal subfield)
in kq (X, Y ).

Theorem 6.2. ([24]) Let F be obtained from a generic quantum polyno-

mial algebra Oq and f ∈ F \ k. Then the centralizer C(f ) of f in F is
commutative and is a maximal subfield in F .

Theorem 6.3 (K. Goodearl, private communication). Let K be a

subfield in F (it is not necessarily assumed that Oq is a generic quan-
tum polynomial algebra). Then the transcendent degree of K over k does no
exceed Krull dimension of kq [X1±1 , . . . , Xn±1 ].

If r = n the Krull and global dimensions of Oq are equal to the maximal

number of commuting monomials whose multi-indices are independent in
Zn [12].
Theorem 6.4 (Zelenova S.). Let K be a commutative subalgebra of the
algebra Oq which is not supposed to be generic. Then the maximal number
of algebraically independent elements in K does not exceed Krull and global
dimensions of Oq .

Conjecture 6.1. Any maximal commutative subalgebra in Oq is affine

(finitely generated).

Conjecture 6.2. Let K be a maximal subfield in kq (X, Y ) (q is not a root

of 1). Then the extension K/k is a purely transcendental of degree 1.

Observe that the division ring kq (X, Y ) coincides with the division ring
of quantized Weyl algebra Aq (1) = k⟨a, b | ab − qba = 1⟩. In the meantime
as it was shown by J. Dixmier the conjecture similar to Conjecture 6.2 did
not hold for the division ring of an ordinary Weyl algebra A1 .
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7. Actions of Hopf algebras

We start this section with explication of some basic ideas related to non-
commutative algebraic geometry and the theory of Hopf algebras.
Let V, W be affine algebraic varieties with coordinate k-algebras
k[V ], k[W ] respectively. Then
k[V × W ] ≃ k[V ] ⊗ k[W ]. (5)
In particular if G is an affine algebraic group then morphisms of multipli-
cation, of inverse, and of unit
G × G → G, G → G, {e} → G,
(x, y) (→ xy, x (→ x−1 , e → e.
induce by (5) k-algebra morphisms
∆ : k[G] → k[G] ⊗ k[G], (∆f )(x, y) = f (xy),
S : k[G] → k[G], (Sf )(x) = f (x−1 ),
ε : k[G] → k, εf = f (e).
These morphisms are called comultiplication, antipode and a counit, respec-
tively. It means that k[G] is a commutative Hopf algebra. Recall that a Hopf
algebra H with a comultiplication ∆ is cocommutative if ∆ = τ ∆, where
τ (u ⊗ v) = v ⊗ u for all u, v ∈ H.

Proposition 7.1. A Hopf algebra k[G] is cocommutative if and only if G

is an Abelian group.

In algebraic geometry we consider actions G × V → V of algebraic

group G on affine algebraic variety V . It means by (5) that there is given
a k-algebra (structure) morphism
ρ : k[V ] → k[G × V ] ≃ k[G] ⊗ k[V ]
such that (∆ ⊗ 1)ρ = (1 ⊗ ρ)ρ, (ε ⊗ 1)ρ = 1. In other words the following
diagram with A = k[V ] and H = k[G] is commutative

H∗ ⊗ A ✛ ρ A
❅ 1
∆⊗1 ❅A

❄ ❄ ❅
✛1 ⊗ ρ ε ⊗ 1❅

H∗ ⊗ H∗ ⊗ A ∗
H ⊗A A
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The main idea of noncommutative algebraic geometry is to consider a co-

ordinate algebra A (not necessarily commutative) which is an H-comodule
algebra for some Hopf algebra H. It means that there is given a k-algebra
morphism ρ : A → H ⊗ A with the properties (6).
A dual notion of H-comodule algebra is a notion of H-module algebra.
We say that an algebra A is an H-module algebra if A is an H-module and
! !
h(ab) = h (h(1) a)(h(2) b), where ∆(h) = h h(1) ⊗ h(2) . If H has finite
dimension then H ∗ = Homk (H, k) is again a Hopf algebra and H ∗∗ ≃ H.
An algebra A is an H-module algebra if and only if A is an H ∗ -comodule
In noncommutative geometry [14] a quantum polynomial algebra Oq
with r = 0 is a coordinate algebra of a quantum affine space Anq considered
together with quantum Grassman algebra Γ which is generated by elements
ξ1 , . . . , ξn subject to the defining relations
ξi2 = 0, ξi ξj = pij ξj ξi
where pij ∈ k ∗ , and pii = pij pji = 1 for any i, j = 1, . . . , n. The algebra of
functions on matrices of size n is introduced in the book [14] as a universal
bialgebra Mp,q (n) such that Oq , Γ are Mp,q (n)-comodule algebras.
Starting from now we shall assume in this section that Oq is a generic
quantum polynomial algebra. We shall consider cocommutative and pointed
Hopf algebras H such that Oq is an H-(co)module algebra. From geomet-
rical point of view (see Proposition 7.1) we consider commutative quantum
groups acting on the affine space Anq . We shall now study Lie algebra DerOq
of derivations of Oq and Lie algebra DerF of continuous derivations of F . A
derivation of F is continuous if it is determined by the images of X1 , . . . , Xn .
The subalgebra DerintOq of inner derivations is always an ideal in DerOq .
Similarly the subalgebra DerintFν of inner derivations is an ideal in DerF .
There exist derivation ∂1 , . . . , ∂n such that ∂j (Xi ) = δij Xi . Observe that
[∂i , ∂j ] = 0, [∂i , adu ] = ad∂i u . Moreover if chark = p > 0 then ∂ip = ∂i .
Thus the span L of ∂1 , . . . , ∂n is an Abelian Lie algebra of dimension n.
The following theorem can be deduced from [9] in the case r = 0 and from
[22] in the case r = n.
Theorem 7.1. ([4–6]) Let Oq be a generic quantum polynomial algebra.
There is a direct decomposition of vector spaces DerOq = DerintOq ⊕ L.
Similarly DerF = DerintF ⊕ L. Any finite dimensional Lie subalgebra in
DerOq and in DerF is Abelian.
Let γ be an automorphism of Oq . A linear operator D on Oq is a γ-
derivation if D(xy) = D(x)y + γ(x)D(y) for all elements x, y ∈ Oq . D is
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an inner γ-derivation if there exists an element w ∈ Oq such that

D(x) = (adγ w) x = wx − γ(x)w
for all x ∈ Oq . The next theorem expands Corollaries 1.10 and 1.14 from

Theorem 7.2. ([6]) Suppose that n ! 3 and that γ has a finite order. Let
D be a γ-derivation of a generic algebra Oq . Then either D is an inner γ-
derivation or γ is a toric automorphism and there exists an element w ∈ Oq
such that
D(X) = (adγ w)X + θX, D(Y ) = (adγ w)Y + τ Y
where (β − 1)τ = (ξ − 1)θ = 0.

A similar result holds for a continuous γ-derivation of F with n ! 3.

Suppose that n = 2 and γ from Theorem 5.1.

Theorem 7.3. ([6]) If either l ̸= 1, or v ̸= 1, then D is an inner γ-

derivation of a generic algebra Oq .

Theorem 7.4. ([6]) Suppose that D is a γ-derivation of a generic algebra

Oq such that γ(X) = βX, γ(Y ) = ξX t Y. If t ̸= 0, then there exists an
element w ∈ Oq such that
D(X) = (adγ w)X, D(Y ) = (adγ w)Y + g(X)Y b+1 ,
where g(X) ∈ k[X ±1 ] and β = q −b . If t = 0 then there exists an element
w ∈ Oq such that
D(X) = (adγ w)X + θX d+1 , θ ∈ k, ξ = qd ,
D(Y ) = (adγ w)Y + τ X d Y b+1 , τ ∈ k, β = q −b .

Theorem 7.5. ([6]) Let D be a algebraic γ-derivation of a generic algebra

Oq with a non-toric automorphism γ. Then D = 0.

Theorem 7.6. ([6]) Let k have characteristic zero, D an algebraic γ-

derivation of a generic algebra Oq and γ a toric automorphism. Then
D = 0.

Similar results can be proved for continuous algebraic automorphism of F .

Observe that if r = n then the algebra Oq is simple [18]. Hence by [15]
DerintOq ≃ Oq /k is a simple Lie algebra. Similarly [15] the special Jordan
algebra Oq+ with respect to the new multiplication a ◦ b = [ab + ba] is a
simple Jordan algebra.
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Proposition 7.2. Let char k = 0 and ∂ either a derivation of a generic

Oq or a continuous derivation of F . Suppose that there exists a nonzero
polynomial f (T ) ∈ k[T ] such that f (∂) = 0. Then ∂ = 0.

There is a natural cocommutative Hopf algebra HOq for which Oq is an

HOq -module algebra. Let U be the (restricted) universal enveloping algebra
of Der. Then the group G = AutOq acts on U by conjugations. In fact by
Theorem 5.3

α∂j α−1 = ∂j , αadu α−1 = adα(u) .

So we can form smash product HOq = U ♯kG. Then both Oq and Γ (from
above) are HOq -module algebras.

Theorem 7.7. ([6]) Suppose that k is an algebraically closed field of char-

acteristic zero and H is a cocommutative Hopf algebra such that Oq is a
generic quantum polynomial algebra which is an H-module algebra. Then
there exists a Hopf algebra homomorphism ξ : H → HOq such that the
action of H on Oq is induced by ξ and the action of HOq on Oq .

Definition 7.1. ([19], p. 45 ) Let H be Hopf algebra acting in Oq . An

extension of algebras Oq /OqH is Schelter-integral if for any element f ∈ Oq
there exists a positive integer m such that f m + q(f ) = 0, where q is a sum
of elements of the form

a1 f n1 · · · ad f nd ad+1 , n1 + · · · + nd < m

for some a1 , . . . , ad+1 ∈ OqH .

Proposition 7.3. Let H be a Hopf subalgebra in HOq , the field k alge-

braically closed of characteristic zero and the extension Oq /OqH Schelter-
integral. If P (H) ̸= 0 then OqH and P (H) are commutative.

Proposition 7.4. The action of H = HOq , n ! 3, can be expanded to

F = kq (X1 , . . . , Xn ) and to F . Let F H be the set of all invariants for each
element of H. Then F H is a skew subfield in F .

Theorem 7.8. ([6]) Let H be a Hopf subalgebra in HOq such that F has
a finite left (right) finite dimension over F H . Suppose k has characteristic
zero and some multiparameter qij , 1 " i < j " n, is algebraically indepen-
dent over the subfield of rationales Q in k. Then P (H) = 0 and H = kG,
where G is a subgroup of AutOq .
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8. Actions of pointed finite dimensional Hopf algebras

A Hopf algebra H over a field k is pointed if all simple co-subalgebras in
H have dimension 1. For example group algebra and universal (restricted)
algebra are pointed. A Hopf algebra is pointed if and only if any maximal
ideal of the dual algebra H ∗ has codimension 1. In particular any cocommu-
tative Hopf algebra over an algebraically closed field is pointed. Consider
standard pointed Hopf algebras acting of quantum polynomial algebras Oq .
Let C = ⟨τ ⟩ is a cyclic group of order 1 — 4, 6. Fix an injective group ho-
momorphism Φ : C → SL(n, Z) such that if n > 2 then the order of C
is either 1 or 2. By Theorem 5.1, Theorem 5.2 Theorem 5.3 the required
homomorphism Φ exists.
Let U be a ZC-submodule in Zn of a finite index. Denote by Λ the finite
abelian group Zn /U written multiplicatively.
The homomorphism Φ : C → SL(n, Z) induces an action of kC on the
dual algebra (kΛ)∗ . Namely if f ∈ (kΛ)∗ , c ∈ C, and x ∈ Λ then
f c (x) = f Φ(c)−1 (x) .
$ %

The smash product (kΛ)∗ ♯kC is a Hopf algebra. We shall call it a standard
Hopf algebra. Note that if n > r, then a standard Hopf algebra has the
form (kΛ)∗ .
An algebra Oq with r = n admits the natural Λ-grading, induced by
Zn -grading with respect to X1 , . . . , Xn . According to [19] there exists a left
ρ : Oq → kΛ ⊗ Oq , ρ(Xi ) = (ei U ) ⊗ Xi , i = 1, . . . , n,
where ei = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) ∈ Zn . In other words Oq admits a left
action of the dual Hopf algebra (kΛ)∗ , namely [19]
f (X v ) = f (v + U )X v , v ∈ Zn .
We can define an action of kC on Oq with r = n as follows. If the order of
C is equal to 2, then
τ ◦ Xi = ξi Xi−1 , ξi ∈ k ∗ , i = 1, . . . , n. (7)
Suppose now that n = r = 2 and
" #
Φ(τ ) = ∈ SL(2, Z)
has one of the orders 3, 4, 6. Then we put
τ ◦ (X) = ξX a Y b , τ ◦ (Y ) = ηX c Y b , (8)
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where ξ, η ∈ k ∗ .

Proposition 8.1. There exists an action of (kΛ)∗ ♯kC on Oq extending

actions of (kΛ)∗ and the action (7), (8) of kC.

An element a ∈ Oq is an invariant under an action of H if ha = ε(h)a for

each h ∈ H. All invariants form a subalgebra OqH in Oq .

Theorem 8.1. ([7]) Suppose that Oq is a generic quantum polynomial

algebra and H is a finite dimensional Hopf algebra. Then an action of H
in Oq is a composition of Ψ and a ”standard” action of a ”standard” Hopf
algebra in Oq . If OqH is the subalgebra of invariants then it is left and right
Noetherian ring and Oq is a finitely generated left and right OqH -module.

Theorem 8.2. ([6]) Let a finite dimensional Hopf algebra H act con-
tinuously on F . Then there exists a nonzero element z ∈ F such that
h(X v ) = zχv (h)X v z −1 for any monomial X v ∈ F, v ∈ Zn , and any el-
ement h ∈ H. Here χv ∈ H ∗ . The division ring F has a finite left and right
dimension over the subdivision ring on invariants F H .

9. Poisson structures
A Poisson structure on a k-algebra A is a k-bilinear multiplication Poisson
bracket { , } : A ⊗ A → A such that
(1) A is a Lie algebra with respect to the multiplication {x, y};
(2) {xy, z} = {x, z}y + x{y, z} for all x, y, z ∈ A.
An algebra A with a Poisson bracket is called Poisson algebra.
Poisson algebras are considered in [17]. It is shown in [20] that under
some assumptions on a set of multiparameters in an algebra Oq with r =
0, n there exists a Poisson algebra Oq′ such that the topological spaces of
primitive (prime) ideals in Oq and of symplectic (prime Poisson) ideals in
Oq′ are homeomorphic. A study of Poisson brackets is related to a study of
the Lie algebra DerOq of derivation of the algebra Oq , because that map
a (→ {b, a} is a derivation of Oq for any b ∈ Oq .

Theorem 9.1. ([6]) Let a Poisson bracket be given in a generic quan-

tum polynomial algebra Oq . Then there exists an element ξ ∈ k such that
{a, b} = ξ[a, b].

A Poisson bracket on F is continuous if it is uniquely determined by the

set of values {Xi , Xj }, 1 " i < j " n. As above we can prove
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Theorem 9.2. ([6]) Let a continuous Poisson bracket be given on Lau-

rent quantum power series F which is associated with a generic quan-
tum polynomial algebra Oq . Then there exists an element ξ ∈ k such that
{a, b} = ξ[a, b].

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