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Fill in the gaps:

1. You can’t ask for a refund without the r__c__ __ __t.

2. There’s one d__f __ __ __ __n __ __ between these two pictures.
3. I always believe in you. I never d__ __ __t you.
4. Discussing which soccer player is the best caused a huge
c__nt__ __ __ __ __ __y.
5. They found the w__ __ __ __ __ __e of the ship in the bottom of
the ocean.

Write the word which means:

1.can be read clearly and easily: _____________________

2.nothing can take its place: _____________________
3.can be fixed: _____________________
4.source of information: _____________________
5.discussing: _____________________
Correct the spelling of the underlined word:

1. Everyone loves her. She’s very agreeiabel. _________

2. My nukles hurt after I punched the wall. _________
3. Tomorow is off! _________
4. I love to bild sandcastles on the beach. _________
5. After school, he imedietly goes to the club. _________
6. The resler won the match. _________

Choose the correct spelling:

1. The test can (reliably – riliably – reliebly) detect antibodies.

2. The shoes are not (avalable – availabel – available) in stock.
3. They (acomodate – accomodate – accommodate) the players in
5-star hotels.
4. We (previously – previosly – previouslly) took this lesson.
5. She wasn’t (sensebly – sensibly – sinsibly) dressed for hiking, she
wore heels.

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