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Lesson 3 Strategic Planning and Marketing Planning

Strategic planning and marketing planning are related concepts but have distinct focuses and
scopes within the broader organizational planning process. Here's a distinction between
strategic and marketing planning in terms of objectives and processes:

Strategic Planning:


1. Overall Organizational Direction:

 Establishing the long-term vision, mission, and goals of the entire organization.

2. Resource Allocation:

 Determining how organizational resources (financial, human, technological) will

be allocated to achieve strategic goals.

3. Stakeholder Alignment:

 Ensuring alignment of organizational strategies with the expectations and needs

of stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, and the community.

4. Risk Management:

 Identifying and mitigating potential risks that could impact the organization's

5. Competitive Positioning:

 Defining how the organization will position itself relative to competitors in the
broader market.


1. Environmental Analysis:

 Conducting a comprehensive analysis of both internal and external factors

affecting the organization.

2. SWOT Analysis:

 Identifying internal Strengths and Weaknesses, as well as external Opportunities

and Threats.

3. Goal Setting:

 Establishing high-level, long-term goals and objectives for the organization.

4. Strategy Formulation:

 Developing strategies to achieve the defined goals, considering the

organization's competitive advantage and market positioning.

5. Implementation Planning:

 Outlining specific action plans and initiatives to implement the chosen strategies.

6. Monitoring and Adjustment:

 Continuously monitoring the strategic plan's progress and adjusting strategies as


Marketing Planning:


1. Market-Specific Goals:

 Setting specific objectives related to the organization's marketing activities, such

as sales targets, brand awareness, or customer acquisition.

2. Customer-Centric Outcomes:

 Focusing on outcomes that directly impact customers, such as satisfaction,

loyalty, and engagement.

3. Product or Service Positioning:

 Defining how products or services will be positioned in the market to meet

customer needs and preferences.

4. Communication and Promotion:

 Developing strategies for communicating with the target audience and promoting
products or services effectively.


1. Market Analysis:

 Analyzing the market environment, including competitors, customer behavior,

and trends.

2. SWOT Analysis (Marketing Focus):

 Conducting a SWOT analysis with a specific focus on marketing-related

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

3. Defining Target Market:

 Identifying and segmenting the specific market or customer segments the

organization aims to target.
4. Setting Marketing Objectives:

 Translating broader organizational goals into specific, measurable, and time-

bound marketing objectives.

5. Developing Marketing Strategies:

 Formulating strategies related to the four Ps of marketing (Product, Price, Place,

Promotion) to achieve marketing objectives.

6. Tactical Planning:

 Developing detailed action plans for implementing marketing strategies, including

specific marketing campaigns and initiatives.

7. Monitoring and Measurement:

 Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) related to marketing objectives.

8. Feedback and Adaptation:

 Using customer feedback and performance metrics to adapt marketing strategies

and tactics.

9. Evaluation:

 Assessing the overall success of marketing efforts in achieving objectives.

10. Documentation and Reporting:

 Documenting results and insights gained from marketing campaigns.

 Creating reports for internal stakeholders and leadership.

In summary, while strategic planning focuses on the overall direction and resource allocation for
the entire organization, marketing planning is a subset that specifically addresses market-
related goals, customer outcomes, and the tactical execution of marketing strategies. Both
processes are interconnected, with marketing planning being a critical component of the
broader strategic planning framework.

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