Social Case Work - Casework Process - SW 224

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Protocol for resources and purchases to victims’ peculiar needs at

services for the client (Barker all times and in all stages,
Case Management 2003). affording them respect, and
of Child Victims of Abuse, promoting dignity as their
The following approaches are inherent right; and
Neglect, and Exploitation hereby adopted in the
management of cases of child •Multi-disciplinary approach
The Protocol highlights the abuse, neglect, and - recognizes that children,
roles and responsibilities of exploitation: particularly those in need of
government agencies and special protection, need
their partners, from reporting • Holistic care - to ensure full access to an array of services
or referral of a child abuse or optimum development of due to the multi-faceted
case until its termination, the child: physical, social, nature of their needs. Many
ensuring that child victims are emotional, cognitive, and agencies and professionals
dealt with in a most child- spiritual development; need to work together with
sensitive and appropriate • Rights-based and life-cycle mutual responsibilities and
manner. joint accountability for
approach - to ensure that the
Child victims are those who rights of the child are upheld managing different aspects of
are: throughout the different helping a child within the
stages of the child’s growth context of the family,
ABUSED – physical, sexual, and development. Ensure the community, and society.
emotional, and psychological participation of the child in all
abuse; processes;
NEGLECTED – abandoned and The management of child
• Family and community- abuse cases is multi-sectoral
those deliberately based approaches -
unattended by their parent/s (national and local
recognize that families and
or guardians; government agencies, non-
communities are the first line government and faith-based
EXPLOITED – commercial of response in dealing with organizations, civic and
sexual exploitation problems of children thus private sectors) and multi-
(prostitution and interventions should disciplinary (police,
pornography), economic strengthen the capabilities of prosecutor, judge, lawyer,
exploitation (child labor), families and communities to social worker, medical
trafficked children and other care for them; doctor, psychiatrist,
exploitative situations. • Gender-sensitive approach psychologist, barangay
– the ability to recognize that officials among others)
girls and women’s working together as a team to
Case management is a perceptions, experiences and provide appropriate
procedure to plan, seek, and interests may be different protection, legal and social
monitor services from from those of boys and men, services to the child victims of
different social agencies and arising from an abuse, neglect, and
staff on behalf of a client. understanding of their exploitation.
Usually, one agency takes different social position and Due to devolution of social
primary responsibility for the gender roles. The provision of services and accessibility to
client and assigns a case gender-sensitive services to the community, the local
manager who coordinates abused children necessarily government unit’s social
services, advocates for the includes rights-based worker (referred to as local
client, sometimes controls approach, i.e. responding
social welfare and stroking are powerful tools of 3. INTERVENTION
development office or the social worker and can be
LSWDO social worker) is highly therapeutic. - Intervention or treatment
often the case manager. As begins with the first contact.
case manager, the social 2. ASSESSMENT
- The study process is
worker coordinates the - Provides a differential treatment when it helps the
provision of needed services approach to treatment based client to clarify the problem
in cooperation with partner on individual differences and and to make changes from
agencies. needs. this understanding.
- An individual’s strengths - The relationship is the
need to be identified and mainspring of social work
CASEWORK PROCESS utilized as part of the change intervention.
1. STUDY process.
- Warmth, caring, and
- In the study phase, the client - Assessment is fluid and congruence have been
is engaged in presenting the dynamic. identified as essential
problem. qualities.
- Assessment begins with a
- The key is engagement. statement of the problem by - Skills include interviewing,
the client. recording, letter writing,
- Client makes the important referrals to other agencies
decision of whether to enter - Results in an understanding and services, and helping the
treatment. of the problem. client to use personal and
- Emphasis on the interaction - It includes initial other resources.
is on the here-and-now and impressions that are - Efforts support and
on the problem not as might confirmed, modified, or strengthen the client’s ego
be perceived by the worker, rejected in the light of
through emotional catharsis,
but as experienced at the additional information.
reassurance, clarification of
moment by the client. the problem, and
- It includes judgment about
- Data gathering and history the strength and limitations sympathetic listening.
taking concentrate on of the individual in coping Intervention (basic
relevance. with the situation. principles):
- Contacts during the initial - Treatment planning and -Right to determine own
phase may be among the treatment itself are guided by course of action within the
most dynamic of the entire assessment. limits of their capacity to
process. make sound choices.
- There is mutual agreement
- Client is likely to feel most of the worker and the client in - Acceptance of client as is,
helpless and vulnerable and assessment. implying acceptance in their
most available to the helping - Goals must be congruent capacity to change.
with the client’s needs and - Relate to strengths rather
- Sympathetic listening, the availability of services. than pathology.
demonstration of - These goals are respected,
acceptance, reassurance, - Seeks to understand the
supported and reinforced. person and to help plan for
demonstration of confidence
in ability, and judicious constructive change.
- Knowledge about the parenting her 4-year-old son Develop goals:
client’s family and its diagnosed with autism.
situation is used responsibly. -Make a referral to a
Engagement psychiatrist for a medical
- Professional responsibility evaluation.
for the welfare of the total - Use verbal and non-verbal
family. communication to make - Locate a grief support
Alexis comfortable (i.e. nods, group/support group for
- Responsible not only to the smiles, hand gestures, eye parents with children with
client but to oneself, the contact) developmental disabilities.
agency, the community, and
the profession. - Introduce myself describing - Locate tangible resources
purpose and role. (food pantries, clothing,
- Innovations of professional apply for housing/childcare
activities must be consistent - General Questions: What subsidies)
with casework goals. brought you to the agency
today? Establish a contract
- The ending or limiting of a
process that was commenced -Gathering information about Implementation
when the agency agreed to Alexis’ reasons for visiting the
Social Worker:
enter into the interventive Swre agency, current mental
process aimed at delivering a status, identified -Investigates the best
service to a client with a stressors/problems community resources to help
problem. Alexis’ specific needs and
- Gather information about
refers Alexis to these
- A time when the client can Alexis’ environment.
look back with satisfaction on
Planning - Contacts psychiatrist and
what has been accomplished.
-Create treatment plan with updates him on Alex’s
- Signals that the worker has situation.
confidence in the client’s
ability to learn to cope with Identify strengths: Alexis:
situations and grow.
-Alexis has obtained a job that -Makes an appointment with
offers benefits/room to move psychiatrist and starts
up in the company. medications.
- Alexis has a supportive - Attends a grief support
Presenting problem: mother/sister. group.
Alexis is a 29-year-old female - Alexis wants to alleviate the - Uses referrals given to get
with a history of depression; depression to improve her food and clothing.
presents to the Swre agency quality of life.
with passive suicidal Evaluation
ideations. Put-off her anti- - Alexis has fairly good
-SWr and Alexis meet to
depressant for 1 year. relationship with her x-
discuss progress Alexis
Stressors include recent spouse.
reports her depression; is
separation, economic
now a 2 on a scale of 1-10.
stressors, death of her father,
Before coming to the agency
reentering the workforce, co-
Alexis reported her 2. PROBLEM-SOLVING 3. PSYCHOSOCIAL
depression as an 8. APPROACH
- Alexis does not have - Also known as “diagnostic
thoughts of suicide and feels -It assumes that the
hopeful. person’s problem-solving approach.”
capabilities or resources
- Alexis has utilized the -One of the first models
have been broken down or
resources. employed developed by
been impaired or are
Gordon Hamilton and her
Termination maladaptive.
associates from the
-Goals have been met. Alexis - The focus of treatment is Columbia School of Social
will continue to see the in helping the person go Work.
psychiatrist for quarterly through the scientific
medical evaluations and - According to Gordon
problem-solving process so
continue with support groups Hamilton, treatment here
that he will act and resolve
and tangible resources if is focused on the individual
his problem with only
and his functionality.
minimum help.
- Cause and effect
- The experience of
CASEWORK relationships are identified
problem-solving may be so
between the individual and
significant that the client
APPROACHES environment.
imbibes and transfers the
in the PHILIPPINES learning to other problems - Ego psychology and the
he may encounter in the behavioral sciences
future even when the provide important
1. FUNCTIONAL worker is no longer there. underpinning for practice
- Identified with the work - Model has a Freudian
- It is a social casework of Helen Perlman at the theory base.
method for engaging the Chicago school in l957.
- It is concerned with inner
client through a one-to-
- The purposes of the realities of the person, his
one relationship in the use
process are to free the emotional, mental and
of a social service toward
client for investment in social processes, and the
his own and the general
tasks related to the social context in which he
social welfare.
solution of the problem, lives.
- This approach was involve the client’s ego in
work designated to deal - Used with clients affected
conceptualized by Ruth E.
with the problem, and to by traumatic incidents.
Smalley (1967).
mobilize inner and outer 4. TASK-CENTERED
- The focus of the forces in the service of APPROACH
intervention is the delivery satisfactory role
of service(s) to the client performance. - Treatment concentrates
(common approach used in on helping individual
the Philippines). clients to achieve specific
or limited goals of their
own choice within brief Crisis-intervention Reaction to Crisis
and bounded periods of Approach
-Initial rise in tension
Crisis - is an upset in a accompanied by shock or
- Developed at the steady state (state of sometimes denial of the
University of Chicago in the disequilibrium) that gives provoking event.
l970’s. an obstacle in the
- Reaction to the crisis
fulfillment of important life
- Designed to solve specific situation (confusion,
goals (Caplan 1964)
psychosocial problems of overwhelmed, helpless,
individuals or families in a Effects of Crisis - It is angry, depressed).
short-term, time-limited stressful and disruptive
- Coping and degree of
form of practice. and can affect biological,
responsiveness (either
psychological and social
- Caseworker and client positive or negative)
functioning and can
reach an explicit
produce disturbed Crisis intervention
agreement on the
emotions, impair motor
particular problems to be Its goals are:
functioning and negatively
worked on and also the
impact ongoing behavior. A.) to reduce the
probable duration of
treatment. Examples of Crisis immediate harmful effects
Situations of the stressful events.
Task-centered or short-
term approach: - Natural disasters B.) to help mobilize the
latent capacities and
-It is similar to crisis - Death of a loved one capabilities of the person
intervention but it focuses directly affected so that he
- Disabling or life-
on a task to be achieved by can cope more effectively
threatening illness or injury
the client. with the effects of the
- Cultural dislocation crisis.
- It may focus on a specific
behavior or social - Rape
environment that needs to
be changed. - Premature births 6. FAMILY-CENTERED


wedlock pregnancy
- It is the application of the -The family is the unit of
casework approach which - Child-abuse interest.
tries to actively influence - Battered women - In the Phil., casework is
the psychosocial family-centered/oriented.
functioning of a person - Domestic violence
during a period of - It means that human
disequilibrium. beings can be understood
and helped best in the
context of family.

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