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DelftShip Export


This option saves the coordinates of all the control points from the model to a textile. This text file can be
read directly into for example Rhino. Note that only the control points are exported; other information like
the actual surface geometry is ignored.


Calculates and saves offsets to a file as described in the paragraph about importing a table of offsets. This
option is only enabled if the model contains stations and waterlines.

Table of offsets

The following is a description of the file format that is used for importing a table of offsets. The file should be
an ASCII text file with the extension .txt. The file content should adhere to the following standards:

∙The first line contains the number of waterlines.

∙The second line the number of stations

∙The third line indicates whether data describing the deck line at each station is present (1) or not (0).

∙The fourth line indicates whether data describing the contour line at each station is present (1) or not (0).

∙The fifth line indicates whether data describing the aft contour at each waterline is present (1) or not (0).

∙The sixth line indicates whether data describing the forward contour at each waterline is present (1) or not

∙The seventh line indicates whether data describing the flat of bottom at each station is present (1) or not

∙The next three lines describe the length, beam and draft of the ship as used in the project settings

DXF Curves (2D)

The intersection curves (except diagonals) can be exported to a 2D DXF file. A dialog allows to specify the
directory where the files should be saved.


Exports the coordinates from all calculated stations to a text file, including knuckle point information.

DXF 3D curves

All visible intersection curves such as stations, buttocks, waterlines, diagonals and crease edges are exported
to an AutoCad DXF file as 3D polylines. Control curves will also be exported. Only information visible in the
view ports is exported.

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