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 Culturally Confused – the lacking an
CULTURE understanding of cultural difference
 Encompasses religion, food, what we wear, how  Culture – a system of knowledge, beliefs, values,
we wear it, our language, marriage, music, what customs, behaviors, and artifacts that are
we believe is right or wrong, how we sit at the acquired, shared and used by members during
table, how we greet visitors, how we behave with daily living
loved ones, and a million other things (De Rossi,  Diversity – the recognition and valuing of
2017) difference such factors as age, gender, race,
CULTURAL IGNORANCE ethnicity, religion, education, marital status,
 Cultural misunderstandings often lead to lost sexual orientation and income.
opportunities and increased levels of tension  Ethnocentrism – tendency to see one’s own
between people culture as superior to all others
CROSS – CULTURAL  Globalization – it refers to the increasing
COMMUNICATION economic, political, and cultural integration and
 Field of study that looks at how people from interdependence of diverse cultures
 High – context Communication – tradition –
differing cultural backgrounds communicate,
bound communication system which depends on
in similar and different ways among
themselves, and how that attempted to
 High – power -distance Cultures – pertains to the
communicate across cultures. culture based on power differences in which
 Intercultural communication is a related field subordinates defer superiors
of study  Individualistic Cultures - pertains to the culture in
DEFFINITION OF TERMS which individual goals are stressed
 Accommodation - it is the mean by which co –  Intercultural Communication – the way of
cultural members maintain their cultural identity interpreting and sharing meanings with
while striving to establish relationships with individuals from different cultures
members of the dominant culture  Interethnic Communication – refers to the
 Assimilation – it is the mean by which co – interaction with individuals of different ethnic
cultural members attempt to fit in with the origins
members of the dominant culture  International Communication – the
 Co-culture – it refers to group of people who differ communication between person representing
in some ethnic or sociological way from the different nations
parent culture  Intracultural Communication – interaction with
 Collectivistic Cultures – cultures in which group members of the same racial or ethnic group or
goals are stressed co-culture to yours
 Cultural imperialism – the expansion of dominion  Interracial Communication – the way of
of one culture over another culture interpreting and sharing of meanings with
 Cultural Pluralism – adherence to the principle of individuals with different race
cultural relativism  Low – context Communication – a system that
 Cultural Relativism – the acceptance of other encourages directness in communication
cultural groups as equal in value to one’s own



 Low-power-distance Culture – cultures that

believe that power should be used only when
 Masculine Cultures – value aggressiveness,
strength, and material symbol of success
 Melting-pot Philisophy – the view that different
cultures should be assimilated into the dominant
 Multiculturalism – engagement with and respect
toward people from distinctly different culture
 Prejudice – it is a positive or negative judgement
 Separation – the means so – cultural members
use to resist interacting with members of the
dominant culture

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