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The process of separating a mixture of particles with different sizes into two or more
portions using a screening surface is known as sieving. There are several techniques for figuring
out the size distribution, the most well-known and ancient of which being sieve analysis. The
mass or volume is used to define the particle size distribution. The particulate material is
separated into size fractions in sieve analysis, and the weight of each fraction is calculated. This
makes analysis on a somewhat wide range of particle sizes fast and accurate. The sample is
moved either horizontally or vertically throughout the sieving process, depending on the method
selected. The result is a relative movement of the particles relative to the sieve, with the
individual particles either being held on the sieve surface or passing through the sieve mesh
based on their size. The ratio of the particle size to the sieve holes, the particle's orientation, and
the number of interactions between the particle and the mesh openings all affect the probability
of a particle passing through the sieve mesh.

The grain size analysis test is performed to determine the percentage of each size of grain
that is contained within a soil sample; the test's findings can be utilized to create the grain size
distribution curve. These data are utilized to categorize the soil and forecast its behavior. To
determine the grain size distribution, two common techniques are: When dealing with particle
sizes more than 0.075 mm in diameter, sieve analysis is utilized. While when dealing with
particle sizes smaller than 0.075 mm in diameter, hydrometer analysis is utilized.

A technique for figuring out the grain size distribution of soils bigger than 0.075 mm in
diameter is sieve analysis. Although it can be employed as the only technique to ascertain the
grain size distribution of finer soil, it is often applied to sand and gravel. This method's sieves are
constructed from woven wires with square apertures.

Soil is a critical component of our natural environment and plays a significant role in the
growth of plants and other living organisms. It is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter,
water, and air, with the proportion of each component varying depending on the type of soil and
its location. The mechanical analysis of soil is a crucial process that provides valuable
information about the physical properties and composition of soil, which is essential for various
engineering and agricultural applications. The most commonly used method for mechanical
analysis of soil is the sieve analysis, which involves separating soil particles of different sizes
using a series of sieves with varying mesh sizes. The objectives of performing a sieve analysis of
soil are numerous and will be discussed in this paper.
 Determine the distribution of particle sizes within a given sample.
 Provide data for research purposes, such as studying sediment transport, soil erosion, and
material behavior under different conditions.
 Emphasize the importance of understanding soil types for sustainable land use.
 Provide resources for further learning about different openings of sieve and visual soil
classification. 5.Explore ways to improve on how to use different apparatus in seive


This test is performed to determine the percentage of different grain sizes contained
within a soil. The particle-size distribution curve can be used to compare different soils.
Moreover, three basic soil parameters can be determined from these curves: (1) effective
size; (2) uniformity coefficient; (3) coefficient of gradation. Grain or particle size analysis
is required in classifying the soil. Moreover, sieve analysis is used to determine the
distribution of particle size bigger than 75 µm (retained on the No. 200 sieve).

Standard Reference
ASTM D422-63 (Reapproved 2007) - Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of

Materials, Apparatus and Equipment

 Sieve Shaker
 Set of Sieves (Sizes: 4, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 200).
 Balance
 Pan
 Soil Sample
 Trowel
 Oven

Sources of Error
Summation of retained mass does not equate to the initial mass of the dry sample due to
transferring of soil, with factors such as air especially for very fine soils.

1. For this laboratory experiment, oven-dry soil sample will be used.
2. Record the weight of each sieve as well as the bottom pan to be used.
3. Record the weight of the soil sample + pan and subtract the weight of the pan to get the
weight of the soil sample.
4. Make sure that all sieves are clean, and assemble them in ascending order, having #4
sieve at the top and #200 sieve at the bottom. Place the pan below the #200 sieve.
5. For every batch of soil sample, the weight of the specimen must be at least 500g, but not
exceeding 1000g.
6. Place the sieve stack in the sieve shake D60r for 5 minutes.
7. Remove the stack from the shaker and carefully weigh and record the weight of each
sieve with its retained soil.

Data Analysis
1. Obtain the mass of soil retained on each sieve by subtracting the weight of the empty
sieve from the mass of the sieve + retained soil. The sum of these retained masses must
be approximately equal to the initial mass of the soil sample. Remember that a loss of
more than 2% is unsatisfactory.
2. Calculate the percent passing or percent finer by starting with 100 percent and subtracting
the percent retained on each sieve as a cumulative procedure.
3. Make a plot of grain size in mm vs. percent finer in %. Locate the D 10, D30, and D60 on the
grain-size distribution curve.
4. Compute for the uniformity coefficient (Cu) and coefficient of gradation (Cc) using the

Cu =

Cu = uniformity coefficient
D60 = diameter corresponding to 60% finer in the particle-size distribution curve
D10 = diameter corresponding to 100% finer in the particle-size distribution curve
( D30 )
Cc =
( D60 )( D30)

Cc = coefficient of gradation
D30 = diameter corresponding to 30% finer in the particle-size distribution curve

Figure 6.1. Mass of empty sieves and pan

Figure 6.2. Mass of the soil sample

Figure 6.3. Mass of each sieve with retained soil from Soil Sample 1

Figure 6.4. Mass of each sieve with retained soil from Soil Sample 2


Location: 245 President Jose P. Laurel Hwy, San Jose, Batangas, Philippines
GPS Coordinates: 13.853425; 121.091103 NE 39°
Recorded by: Von Cyrus M. Abella, Angel Dee F. Fajilagmago, Mark Ghever B. Populi, Shanine
Jade A. Tolentino
Date: February 23, 2024


4.00 4.750 103.00 103.00 87.12

10.00 2.000 210.80 313.80 60.76
20.00 0.850 190.40 504.20 36.94
40.00 0.425 146.80 651.00 18.58
60.00 0.250 94.80 745.80 6.73
80.00 0.180 40.10 785.90 1.71
100.00 0.150 9.90 795.80 0.48

200.00 0.075 2.40 798.20 0.18

PAN - 1.40 799.60 -

D10 = 3.0
D30 = 0. 90
D60 = 0.32

Calculation of uniformity coefficient:

Cu = = 9.375

Calculation for coefficient of gradiaton:

( D30 )
Cc = = 0.843
( D60 )( D30)






4.750 2.000 0.850 0.425 0.250 0.180 0.150 0.075 -


Figure 6.5. Grain-Size Distribution Curve of Soil Sample 1


Location: 4225, San Ignacio, Rosario, Batangas

GPS Coordinates: 13.8393; 121.1798 E 82°
Recorded by: Tricia P. Amparo, Von Ezekiel T. Briones, Chariz E. Hernandez, Daniela A. Javier
Date: February 23, 2024


4.00 4.750 298.20 298.20 62.74

10.00 2.000 245.50 543.70 32.07
20.00 0.850 150.70 694.40 13.24
40.00 0.425 66.70 761.10 4.91
60.00 0.250 27.70 788.80 1.45
80.00 0.180 7.60 796.40 0.50
100.00 0.150 1.40 797.80 0.32

200.00 0.075 1.40 799.20 0.15

PAN - 1.20 800.40 -

D10 = 3.05
D30 = 0. 92
D60 = 0.35

Calculation of uniformity coefficient:

Cu = = 8.71

Calculation for coefficient of gradiaton:

( D30 )
Cc = = 0.79
( D60 )( D30)







4.750 2.000 0.850 0.425 0.250 0.180 0.150 0.075 -


Figure 6.6. Grain-Size Distribution Curve of Soil Sample 2

Results and Discussion

Soil is a vital component of our natural environment and plays a crucial role in the
growth and development of plants. It is a complex mixture of mineral particles, organic matter,
water, and air. The mechanical properties of soil, such as particle size distribution, affect its
behavior and performance in various engineering applications.
Sieve analysis is a commonly used method for determining the particle size distribution
of soil. It involves passing a sample soil through a series of sieves with different mesh sizes and
then measuring the weight of soil retained on each sieve. The results of sieve analysis are used to
classify soils, estimate their engineering properties, and determine their sustainability for various
construction projects.
The results of sieve analysis give an accurate representation of the particle size
distribution of soil. The data obtained from this analysis can be presented in various forms, such
as a particle size distribution curve or a table of particle sizes and their corresponding
percentages. The particle size distribution curve is a graphical representation of the percentage of
soil particles retained on each sieve versus the size of the sieve openings. Below is the
presentation in table form of both soil samples, with the data obtained from conducting the sieve
analysis, and as well as a graph of its grain-size distribution curve.
Figure 6.7. Combination of Soil Retained from Sample 1 and 2
D10 = 2.82
D30 = 0.80
D60 = 0.30

Calculation of uniformity coefficient:

Cu = = 9.40

Calculation for coefficient of gradiaton:

( D30 )
Cc = = 0.76
( D60 )( D30)

SOIL 1 & 2
4.75 2.00 0.85 0.43 0.25 0.18 0.15 0.08 -

Figure 6.8. Grain-Size Distribution Curve of Both Soil Samples

Conclusion and Recommendations

In geotechnical engineering and soil science, a basic technique for figuring out the
particle size distribution of soil samples is soil mechanical analysis via sieve analysis. Important
details regarding soil behavior, compaction, permeability, and appropriateness for different
technical applications are provided by this analysis. It is crucial to follow appropriate
experimental procedures and methodologies in order to guarantee accurate and trustworthy
outcomes. This essay offers a thorough set of suggestions meant to maximize the precision and
consistency of sieve-based soil mechanical analysis.
The first crucial step in any sieve analysis experiment is meticulous sample preparation.
Representative sampling from the site of interest is essential to capture the inherent variability in
soil composition accurately. Furthermore, a well-calibrated mechanical shaker or meticulous
hand agitation method should be employed to facilitate the sieving process uniformly.
Calibration of sieves at regular intervals is essential to verify mesh size integrity and ensure
consistent performance. Lastly, implementing robust quality control measures is essential to
identify and rectify any inconsistencies or anomalies in the experimental procedure.
Documentation of all experimental parameters, including sample collection, preparation, and
analysis techniques, ensures reproducibility and traceability of results.
The mechanical analysis of soil through sieve analysis serves as a fundamental tool in
understanding the physical properties and behavior of soils, playing a pivotal role in various
engineering and environmental applications. Through the course of this experiment, we have
undertaken a systematic approach to characterize soil particle size distribution, aiming to provide
valuable insights into soil behavior and suitability for engineering projects.
Our experiment commenced with meticulous sample collection, ensuring the
representation of soil variability at the site of interest. Subsequent sample preparation involved
homogenization and air-drying to eliminate moisture content discrepancies and minimize
potential sources of contamination. Utilizing carefully selected sieves conforming to recognized
standards, we employed rigorous experimental procedures to facilitate the sieving process,
thereby ensuring consistency and accuracy in particle size separation.
In conclusion, our experiment underscores the significance of mechanical analysis of soil
through sieve analysis in elucidating soil properties and behavior. By adhering to rigorous
experimental procedures, we have contributed to advancing our understanding of soil mechanics
and its implications for engineering applications. Moving forward, the insights gained from this
experiment will serve as a foundation for further research and informed decision-making in the
field of geotechnical engineering and beyond.

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