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CLO2 – Identify, conduct & discuss the data and results of scientific investigations of common
local soil.
Duration: 14-28/06/2021 (14 days)

Assessment report of a site for oil palm plantation establishment revealed four different soil
types as listed below. Comment on the problems and advantages of each soil type for oil
palm plantation establishment. Where appropriate, describe the measures you would take in
order to improve the soil properties for optimum growth of oil palm.

Features\Soil A B C D
Topography Flat Undulating Hilly Flat
Soil Texture Clay Clay loam Sandy loam Clay
Soil pH 2.5 5.3 5.0 8.5
Soil Drainage Poorly drained Well drained Well drained Poorly drained
Organic Matter 3.5% 2.8% 1.2% 4.5%
Soil Depth Deep Moderate to Shallow Deep
Plant Available Very high N.D N.D High
Special features Yellow minerals Big trees as Shrubs as Sea water
natural natural incursion at high
vegetation vegetation tide
Note: N.D: Not determined
Answer :
For soil A, Clay soils are the heaviest soil types and are frequently regarded as the
most difficult to work with. They retain water and take longer to warm up in the spring. Clay
soils are also prone to soil compaction and cracking. Finally, this not only looks bad, but it
also prevents plant roots from breaking through strong layers of clay. Clay soils can hold
onto nutrients so the plant has the food it needs. Next, its great for growing things that need
a lot of water such as oil palm. We need to add some Rock phosphate (a phosphate
fertiliser) to neutral its acidity because the soil pH is high.
For soil B , Clay loam is a soil combination with more clay than other types of rock or
minerals. A loam is a soil combination called for the type of soil that makes up the majority of
its composition. One of the most essential qualities of clay is its tiny particle size. Organic
compost, pine bark, composted leaves, and gypsum can be added to heavy clay to
strengthen its structure and assist reduce drainage and compaction issues. Avoid adding
sand or peat moss to clay since these might exacerbate the difficulties.
For soil C, Sandy loam soils are light and grainy to the touch. Because of the huge
particle size of sandy soils, they dry up rapidly, are generally deficient in nutrients, and are
acidic. Water and fertilizer both have a tendency to drain out of the soil, flowing into rivers
before the plant can use them. Soils with a lot of sand require a mixture of loose clay or
topsoil and organ material to be poured into the planting hole to allow the roots to acquire
nutrients and to form a firm foundation so the tree does not fall easily. Agriculture's soil
management is relatively high, including the use of organic and chemical fertilizers. To
alleviate thirst and cool the roots, appropriate watering and mulch material should be
provided at the base of the tree. Chemical fertilization should be done gradually but often.
This is due to the inability of sandy soils to keep fertilizer for lengthy periods of time.
Fertilizing 2-3 times per month is sufficient. Former mine soil with a lot of muck must also be
fertilized. This is because the previous mine soil lost nutrients during the mining process.
For soil D, Clay holds moisture efficiently due to its density. It is also more nutrient-
dense than other soil types. The particles that make up clay soil are negatively charged,
which means they attract and hold positively charged ions like calcium, potassium, and improve it dig in plenty of bulky organic matter such as manure or, ideally,
composted bark, as this can make a noticeable improvement to the working properties of
clay. Apply organic mulches around trees, shrubs and other permanent plants as these will
reduce summer cracking and help conserve moisture.

(16 marks)
Soil texture refers to the distribution or percentage content of the different particle size
classes in a soil. Why is soil texture important in soil management?
Answer :
A soil's texture is significant because it dictates soil qualities that influence plant
development. Water-holding capacity, permeability, and soil workability are three of these
qualities. The ability of a soil to retain water is referred to as its water-holding capacity.
(4 marks)
a) Soil A and soil B are similar in their physical and chemical properties except that soil A
contains 0.3% organic matter while soil B has 3.5%. Oil palm yield recorded by soil A
was 18 ton/ha FFB while soil B recorded 28 ton/ha. Discuss the role of soil organic
matter in relation to soil fertility and crop productivity.
Answer :
Soil organic matter may store up to 1,000 times more water and nutrients than soil
minerals. Beneficial soil organisms grow more numerous and active as crop rotations grow
more diversified and organic matter levels rise. Any plant or animal material that returns to the
soil and decomposes is considered organic matter. Organic matter not only provides nutrients
and habitat for species living in the soil, but it also binds soil particles into aggregates and
enhances the soil's water holding capacity. So soil A have less nutrient from soil B because
the percentage of organic matter that been take to the soil. So the plant can receive more
food inside the soil that can give result in the plant to produce more oil palm and quality oil
palm inside. Organic matter, in addition to impacting soil nutrient availability, has a significant
impact on the physical, biological, and chemical aspects of other soils. Soil conditions as a
growth medium are favorable in terms of both physical and chemical needs. A good soil
physical state can aid plant development as well as its ability to serve as a source of aeration
and soil moisture, both of which are tied to the role of organic matter. Organic matter has the
largest impact on soil physical qualities, including structure, consistency, porosity, and air
binding, as well as greater erosion resistance.
(10 marks)
b) Agricultural practices by farmers can affect soil organic matter content in the long run.
Elaborate on the practices that can improve soil organic matter content and the practices
that will cause it to decline.
Answer :
There are many practices that can improve soil organic matter content which is
compost it, crop rotation, agroforestry, zero or reduce tillage. The soil structure is damaged
easily by rain, wind and sun. This can lead to rainwater runoff and soil erosion, removing the
potential food for organisms

(5 marks)
c) Organic compost A and B were applied to two different plots for growing some
vegetables. Plot receiving compost A quickly responds and growth of vegetables is
improved significantly. Plot receiving compost B however shows a decline in growth of
vegetables and the plants die slowly. Focusing on the quality of the two composts,
discuss what has happened.
Answer :
It is because soil from plot B more accidict level than soil plot A. So the soil need more
compost to neutralize the soil. But , plot B did not get enough compost to neutralize it to make
sure the soil become neutral. At plot A, it get enough compost to neutralize the soil. So it can
make the soil become fertile and make the plant growth healthy. Plot B is a loamy soil that
make the plant being difficult to growth . it need more compost to make it neutral such as
calcium carbonate.
(5 marks)

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