OET B1 Healthy Living Voc

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jee Healthy living eke NUN OG 1 Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. @ Whatis your favourite time of the day? Why? @ What do you most enjoy eating? Is your diet healthy? Why2/Why not? @ How much exercise do you do in a typical week? What exercise do you da? Dail routine 2 Read about Kim's and Lenny’s routines. Fill nthe ‘gaps (1-17) with the missing verbs. >My favourite time ofthe day isthe morning. always the alarm clock for about 6.15 am, |2_ ‘to the bathroom, where |>__ a shower and a ‘my hai. Then 1% myself breakfast and ¢ —_the news online. 7 home at, 7.30 .m. Sometimes [have to run to® ___ the bus to. University and when | get there, 1?___ with my mates. Kim as Jusuelly get home around 4 p.m. 1° my dog for walk then |""_some food into the microwave ‘and "___myself a cup of coffee. The evenings are my favourite time of day. | the internet and We emails. Them | just relax and "= the telly. Bedtime tends to be about midnight, but before | c -to sleep 1” a snack and a hot drink. Lenny Nutrition and diet 3 choose the correct word to complete the sentences (1-5). 1. Imoverweight. | need to go/follow on a diet 2 Inabalanced/restricted diet, you have to eat the tight foods from the different food groups. 3. Ifyou stick/stay toa low-fat diet, youre sure to lose weight. 4 Avegetarian/vegan doesn't eat meat ar any other animal products. 5 You should cut/put down on the amount of salt youeat. Fruit and vegetables, sod high in fateor suger 4. Look at the nutrition chart and put the foods in the box into the correct categories. Some foods will go into more than one category. You can add other foods you know. sweets wholemeal bread olive oll pear Jam pasta chocolate apple rolls cream rice pork lemon grapes tomato cereal cottage cheese butter Cucumber lettuce fizzy drink French ies carrots ‘rsps biscuits yoghurt salmon trout fruitjuice turkey sausages peas French beans nuts potatoes cauliflower chicken Fruits and vegetables Starchy foods I Meat, fish and eggs ‘Foods high in fats or sugar ‘Milkand dairy foods llnesses and i 5 Match the names of illnesses and injuries with their symptoms (1-6). Look up words you don’t know in your dictionary. _ 1 cold food poisoning sorethroat allergy flu sprained ankle 1. [feel sick and I've got a terrible stomach ache. I've got aa 2 Ithurts when | swallow. ve got a(n) 3. 've got aheadache, a runny nose and a bad cough. Ive got a(n) 4. Ive gota high temperature, my whole body aches and I feel really ill. ve got 5 My oot’s swollen and it hurts when | walk ve got a(n) : 6 vegota rash and it hurts when | breathe. ve got a(n) ss Treatment 6 Workin pairs. Find a possible treatment ( each of the health problems (1-6) in exercise 5. The same treatment may work for more than one problem. take plenty of vitamin C take some medicine take a painkiller go and see a doctor goto casualty drink plenty of water stay in bed for a few days Tie down for a while go to the chemist’s -se7mance in hospital 7 Choose the correct words (1-6) to complete Billy's email. ooo m HiTim, Jost thought i et you krow that | won't be at football practice because I "injured broken/damaged.| fll own some airs and banged my head and was unreelfunexplained! unconscious for a while. Mum gave me first aidlassistance! help. Then she called an ambulance and they took me to hospital My head was OK, but | “madethadltook an X-ray and they discovered | had 2 Sbroken/upset/destroyed ankle Luckily, {don't have to “do/havelmake an operation. See you soon, ily Fitness and exercise 9 Fillin the gaps (1-8) in the fitness advice with the 10 Workin @ Have you ever been in hospital? What for? © Do you think it’s important to have a healthy 8 complete the sentences (1-5) with words from the box. There are TWO extra words you don't need. medication eS treat ward examination recover oper 1 My grandpa is at home now, buthe needs some time to_from his operation. 2. The doctor gave me a(n).__ and decided there was nothing wrong with me. 3. The nurse took my___ because she thought I hada fever. 4. Ive got flu and | have to take three times, aday. 5. 'm going into hospital next week for a(n) on my knee. missing verbs. So, you want to "k__._ fit. Follow our advice and you will! © Youshould*f __a sensible diet. © Youshould%c_____ down on fatty foods. © Ifyouare overweight, you should |__ afew kilos. © Youshould’d___ regular exercise. © Youshould’g enough sleep. (@ How do you keep ft? What do you thinkis the best way to keep fitand healthy? © Do you have general health check-ups regularly? HFyes, how often? | © How often do you get a cold in the winter (months? What do you do to try to avoid colds? What was it like? lifestyle? Why2/Why not?

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