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C A Jai Cha~\a
{9 7887 7887 05
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Vsmart Academy 11aqe1group ... ,,,. ,... V:,m ar t Ac ademy c h ,mne1
"" -uh Uu, Auth o~• Prlntlnn nnd Pu h t h o Aulho• •
All Employee Benefits Short Term Other Long Post Terminal
Defined Benefit

Except - Shnre Based Employee Term Employee Employment Benefits Defined
Benefits Benefits Employee Contribution P lans (DCP) Plans (DBP) DEFlNED BENEFITS PLAN ASSETS
Payments (lndAS 102)
t t i
Benefits Eg. VRS Employer's Contribution OBLIGATION (LIABILITY)
Eg. Salaries, Eg.Long
Eg. Gratuity,

Expenditure Contribution is Fixed may not be fixed
A greed Benefits a re ! Through

l'ncentives Term A ctua r ial & Investment
Bonus Plans Provident R equired to be Provided Through
Alwa ys C harged Risk is on the Employee a) Contributions
Funds a) Current Service
Always Char ged t o P & Lin t he Actua r ial Assumptions u nderDBP Made by E mployer
to P&Lin the Year in w hich Actua rial & Investment Cost (CSC) b) Fin a nce Income on
it Occ urs a re not Required
Year In which Risk is on the Employer &
Entire Contribution a bove Contributions
it Occurs b) Inte r est Cost (IC)
Expense is Charged to Actua rial Assumptions
P&La/c are required
CSC & IC both arc charged to P&L
Expense is Recognised
Based on "Projected U n it
Credit Method"
Defined Benefit Liability Defined Benefit Plan Assets
It means Change (l.ncrease) csc F i.ii'ance I ncome

is reduced with or without
Settlement due to Modification
in Defined Benefit O bligat ion
(Liability) due to Plan
I. +
Plan Assets Shall
t on P lan Assets
( Expected Rctu r!l o n P inn Assets)
made by Employer Discounted Va lue Calc ulated on
Amendments made by Entity DBO Sha ll be be Measured at of Estimated Defined Benefit
+ t Measured as per
the Discount Rate
Fair Val ue a t
each B! Date
A nnual Benefits Liability Using
If Contribution
is made &
Calculate Six Monthly Rate
( \/ l + Annual Rate - 1 )
Gain on Curtailment
shall always be
PSC is an expense &
transfer to P&L
Revised by Actuary
& Other Revised
(Discounting to be
Same Discounting
Rate ofCSC.
Benefits are paid
nt Beginning of Six monthly Rate shall be
applied on Value of Phm
transfer to P&L immediately & Increase Assumptions Any Chan ge Due m a de downstream) year or End of yenr
then take Annual Rate. Assets if Contribution is
DBO Liability Ale above Shall b e
DBO Liab. Ale D r. any Change due
A ctuarial G /L
& Transfer to

F o r eg. From L a ter Year to

Earlie r Yea r
made & Benefits are
paid in Mid of yea r
To Bank Ale to above Shall be OCI
To Gain on C u rtaihn cn t Ale
Actuari:\::~c~ /
T h is OCI S h a ll not be
reclassified to P&L
12 Continued to next
. . VsMART -~
, ~" CARUI.
CAJai Ch
{9 7887 7
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Vsmart Academy page.1group .._ Ith t no Auttu,..,.
<O ..... nh t ho Au t ho r ,. P r lnUnu an d Pu
( P age - 2)
f) Short Term Emp. Benefits
+ l
Profit Sharing
Short Term Compensated & Bonus Plan
Recognise Exp. & not
Non-Accumulating Accumulating Distribution of
Leaves Leaves Profits, only if:-
1) There is Legal or Constructive
No Recognitian Accumulating Accumulating
obligation to Pay
of Exp ense Vested Benefits Unvested Benefits
2) Reliable Estimate
(i.e. Cash Compensation (Compensation through
can be made
against Un- used Leaves) leaves aganst Un- used
Make 100%
Make provision for
Provision for estimated Leaves CIF
, Compensation & to be used in the next
(Per day Salary X
Estimated Leaves to be utilized)

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