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Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

BSBTWK502 Manage Team

Project Portfolio

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Business this assessment is

based on:

Team this assessment is

based on:

Documentation reviewed as
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template


Section 1: Establish a team performance plan 6

Section 2: Develop and facilitate team cohesion 9
Section 3: Liaise with stakeholders 11

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 3
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
Version 1.0 – Updated on 23 October 2022
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

Section 1: Establish a team performance plan

Team Name: Marketing team

What will your role in the team My role is marketing manager of project who will carry out following
be and who are your team Roles:-
- Market research,
- Comprehend client possibilities and trends,
- Develop advertising and marketing strategies
- Budgets, monitor and the creation of marketing content and
materials, and carry out all other relevant duties necessary
for increasing the revenue of the company.

Roles of other team members

State their roles in the team
and provide a short 1. Sales Representative : Harry
- Forecasts and analyses sales trends,
- marketing strategies,
- product performance
2. Sales Representative: Jane
- Prepares and presents reports summarizing
- Makes recommendations based on analysis.
3. Sales Representative: Juliya
- Develops and distributes materials related to sales,
- Training,
- Marketing

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 4
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
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Provide an overview of the The purpose of team is to serves a purpose because it coordinates
purpose of the team in line and creates all of the materials that reflect your company. The
with organisational objectives. advertising department's role is to connect with potential clients,
purchasers, and/or the network while also developing a
What is the team seeking to
comprehensive picture that positively portrays your company.

Team manager Role of team manager

- They will research and analyse changes in marketing and
What is the role of a manager advertising,
or team leader?
- pinpoint target markets,
- create campaigns and boost strategies,
- manage a team of advertising executives and the budget,
- Monitor and report on the success of campaigns.
- A communication.
- Attention to detail,
- management,
- interpersonal skills,
- Flexibility, writing, data analysis, and problem-solving skills
are also important.

Team tasks The main task of the team is to focus on marketing the products and
meeting the customer needs. They need to meet the marketing goal
What are the main tasks and
of the company. Some of the activities the team needs to do are as
activities the team needs to
Marketing manager responsibilities:
- Evaluating and improving pricing, marketing, and advertising
- Analysing market trends and preparing estimates
- The generation of fresh business leads.
- Increasing market share and logo awareness.
- Coordinating advertising strategies with the departments of
What input was received from sales, finance, public relations, and production.
the stakeholder/s?
Activities performed by marketing manager:
- An advertising and marketing manager could do market
- Recognize trends and customer opportunities,
- Develop marketing strategies and budgets,
- Supervise the creation of marketing materials and content,

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 5
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
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Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

and perform any other pertinent duties necessary for

boosting the company's revenue.
What input was received from
your team member?

Team member tasks and The task for the team members has been decided according to their
KPI’s abilities and skills they have and the past performances and
achievements of the team members.
How did you decide which
task to assign to each team

What are the timelines for

completing each task? The timeline for completing each task is three months.

Setting KPI’s Tasks Key performance indicators

Outline the key performance
Market research - Monitor
indicators for each task.
- Analyse
- Present survey

Recognizing trends and - Simple

- Clear
- Detailed

- Cost per Lead (CPL)

Developing marketing
strategies - Marketing Qualified
Leads (MQLs)
- Customer Retention
- Cost per Customer

Developing budget - Aligned with the

strategic goals
- Revenue concentration

- Revenue growth.
Supervising team
- Revenue per client.
- Profit margin.

Supporting the members of a I will support the team members to achieve the objectives in the
team to achieve expected following ways:
performance outcomes
Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 6
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
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- Developing effective communication techniques can help co-

workers connect and define expectations. I will encourage
face-to-face communication in addition to a number one
verbal exchange strategy, group chats, and emails. Hosting
conferences where everyone may express their opinions,
concerns, and inform others of their work's fame is another
way to ensure communication.
- Make sure your co-workers know they can come to you with
queries concerning their assignments. Even if it may be
useful in most cases to respond, strive to offer the best
advice you can given the information at your disposal. This
will help to ensure that you provide accurate and beneficial
solutions to your co-workers' challenges.
- By showing your co-workers how to do something or helping
them through a brand-new project, you can help them
improve their skills. By giving employees access to these
learning opportunities, you may assign specialists to help
them improve their abilities and motivate them to pursue their
- Try to encourage a group member if they show a desire to
advance within the organization or anticipate taking on more
important responsibilities. This can improve the chances of
career advancement within your team and open the door for
your team members who contribute to promotions. Taking on
more responsibilities might also help your team achieve
organizational objectives and work more efficiently.
- Make an effort to design a workspace that values progressive
ideas. By allowing others the opportunity to speak their
opinions, you can help them feel more appreciated in their
role as co-workers. It may result in the growth of an
organization and better, more environmentally friendly

Attach: Link to business website About page or corporate

brochure that summarises what the business does OR
Simulation Pack if using case study ☐

Team Performance Plan

Slides, visual aids or video clips

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 7
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
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Section 2: Develop and facilitate team cohesion

Complete this section after the meeting.

Policies and procedures An internet usage policy is a document that organizations use to
explain how employees should use technology at work. The
How did you develop/ modify
document provides instructions and advice regarding what the
the Internet Use Policy?
company expects of its employees when using the internet and other
equipment provided by the company.

While developing the policy for internet usage, I used the following

1. Evaluate the current policies. Audit your current net utilization

policy and compare it to what you need your new policy to be based
on the specific requirements of each department in your agency.
Take into account the level of coverage enforcement necessary.

2. Set apart different departments and staff. Current internet access

requirements frequently necessitate that certain policy controls be
applied to individuals, departments, or business network segments.

3. Benefit from increased network traffic visibility. Use a proxy and an

internet traffic evaluation tool to identify and reveal web traffic and to
identify specific places or businesses that are engaging in
unnecessary or excessive internet use.

4. Collaborate closely with all departments. Collaborate with the IT

and human resources departments, which are primarily responsible
for the organization's overall net, use coverage. Make sure that the
network infrastructure can support the established requirements
without there being any inconsistencies.

5. Carry out an exercise for a policy test. While the policy is still in the
writing stage, conduct behavior and exercises with important clients.
This could guarantee that the policy is both practical in terms of
achieving its objectives and sufficiently adaptable to accommodate
changing or emergency circumstances.

Develop team cohesion  When giving feedback, the manager must give feedback that
is important for the work. Some of the communication skills I
What were the communication
will follow to give feedback are as follows:-
skills you applied when giving
feedback? - Setting goals: If you find a group member who could improve
their communication abilities, you could use your criticism to
encourage them to think of a few goals. Utilize your meeting
to assist them in outlining their goals and creating a strategy
to achieve them.
- Personal awareness: Critiquing a crew member's
communication style will make them more self-conscious. It's
a good idea to identify their assets and discuss any

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 8
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
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Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

weaknesses at this time.

- Discussing the verbal exchange skills of your group members
enables them to understand that you are monitoring their
performance. After this conversation, they are aware of your
future expectations.

 The issues, concerns, problems highlighted are as follows:-

What are the issues, - An absence of clarity: A worker must be aware of your
concerns, problems expectations when they are on a mission in order for
highlighted? them to be well-prepared and deliver exceptional
results. When a worker is unclear about their goals, it
might result in inefficiency due to a lack of awareness or
work products that don't meet the project's overall
- Trust problems: Building trust among coworkers is
essential for maximizing team output. Trust enables an
employee to ask for assistance or provide assistance to
others, which can help the entire group solve issues
more quickly and productively.
- Personality conflicts: People all have different
preferences and personalities, which occasionally may
result in circumstances where staff members are prone
to disagree. This may lead to low morale or
uncooperative employees.

 I can help team members to identify issues by following

How did you help team
members identify issues?
- Be in touch frequently and regularly.
- Provide frequent check-ins.
- Regularly go over what they've done.
- Aid them in organizing their tasks.
- Show an interest in their personal lives.
- Set objectives together.
- Set the bar high.
- Be accessible.

How did you apply your  I will apply my problem-solving skills by following ways:-
problem-solving skills? - Describe and identify the issue: The first step is
simple, which makes it simple to miss. However, you
must have a thorough knowledge of the issue at
hand before you can approach it. If you have
numerous difficulties going on at once, deal with
each one separately. You might discover that many
related problems have a common cause.
- Using creativity: The capacity to approach a task

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 9
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
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Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

differently or to consider fresh ideas and

perspectives is one definition of creativity. Many
businesses and people encounter the same issues
time and time again. A timely innovative response
can end the loop.
- Creating potential answers: You'll then consider
responses to the "creative challenge" questions. This
is the type of problem-solving technique known as
- Collaborating as a team: Even if one person is in
control of the process, the final solution should be a
team effort. The benefit of collaboration is that it
keeps everyone on the same page. There is less
uncertainty when everyone is aware of the task, the
specifics, and the logistics.
- Choosing a course of action and pushing ahead:
Following the generation, selection, and
development of ideas, you are prepared to choose
the approach you believe will result in the greatest
success. You'll put your idea into practice and then
practice evaluation, another critical problem-solving
skill. Create benchmark standards to gauge the
effectiveness of the solution.

How did you encouraging  I will encourage team members by following ways to
team members to take take responsibility for team activities:-
responsibility for team - Help others develop a vision of excellence.
- Aim for excellence.
- Set a good example.
- Obtain a dedication to perfection.
- Reward being responsible.
- Use language that encourages
- Examine the steps and benefits of accepting

Facilitate teamwork  I adopted a personal communication style to build

positive working relationships by using the following
How did you adapt your
personal communication style
to build positive working - I am aware of how communication affects
relationships? various people.
- I take into account how various viewpoints,
circumstances, and contexts impact meaning
Model desired behaviour and
and messaging.
- I am able to foresee, prepare for, and handle
ambiguous and perplexing situations.
- I treat everyone with respect when I

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 10
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
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Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

communicate with them.

- I choose the best communication strategy for
the individual or individuals I'm speaking

Promote collaboration  I will encourage and foster a shared understanding of

Encourage and foster shared purpose, roles, and responsibilities by:
understanding of purpose, - Engage Staff in Goal Setting and Planning Activities.
roles and responsibilities
- Share Your Vision.
- Give them responsibility and not just work;
- Trust them before you have to;
- Help them find solutions to their own problems;
- Hold them accountable.

Complete this section after the brainstorming session.

Develop a process for  My idea for developing a process for addressing concerns is
addressing concerns. brainstorming.
What were your ideas?
 The process I developed are as follows:-

- Identify the goals.

- Establish a time limit.
Outline the process you
- Everything should be noted.
- Be Receptive to the Absurd.
- Stay away from groupthink.
- Disclose the Results.

What brainstorming and group I use Rapid ideation. Before any ideas are spoken, analyzed, or
leadership techniques did you developed further, rapid ideation involves everyone writing down as
use? many ideas as they can in a short amount of time. You might want to
set (and stick to) a time limit for this brainstorming technique;
otherwise, you risk losing the sense of urgency. This brainstorming
exercise can help prevent the all-too-common situation when an idea
is rejected before it has a chance to develop, mature, and be
improved. Rapid ideation prevents the inevitable, premature taking
photographs down of ideas by allowing everyone to record their
opinions prior to the critique starting.

Internet Usage Policy and procedures ☐

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 11
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
Version 1.0 – Updated on 23 October 2022
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Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 12
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
Version 1.0 – Updated on 23 October 2022
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Section 3: Liaise with stakeholders

Communicating with line Worlducation

You can use this space to
plan your ideas if you like but
you must include the emails 11/01/2023
as attachments Dear maam,
Create your email to your line As you are aware, our marketing department is working on an
manager. Include: initiative to enhance product sales to support underprivileged kids.
What were the issues? I'm writing to you to let you know about a problem that has recently
arisen in our team: a lack of advertising and a lack of cooperation
What solutions are you
among the team members who serve as the team's market
representatives. This is resulting in time loss, which will have an
impact on the project going forward. I have come up with some ideas
about how to deal with this issue. I want you to examine this answer
Create an email to your team.
and select the best course of action. The solutions can be:-
- By creating an interdepartmental process.
What was the decision line
management informed you - By Working while keeping your audience in mind.
- By getting to know your customers.
When will this change occur?
- By synchronizing all consumer insights.
How will it affect the team?
- By deciding on your most important marketing metrics.
Attach to your portfolio.
- By giving content creation first priority.
- By staying true to our brand.
- By considering our campaigns' return on investment.
I hope you will reply soon by reading the letter. I will be waiting for
your response.
Thank you
Yours Sincerely,

Dear staff,
This letter is to let you know that, in accordance with the
marketing manager's decision, we will hold training sessions for the
team members. These sessions will improve our ability to coordinate
with one another and promote team member transparency. These
two actions by the marketing manager will enable the team to work
well together and promote themselves, improving the outcome of a
project in the future. Within a few days, I will let you know the date,
time, and location of the training. The training session must be

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 13
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
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attended by every team member. I look forward to seeing you all

during training.
Thank You
Yours sincerely,

Liaising with stakeholders  A manager can establish an open communication process

How can a manager establish with stakeholders in the following ways:
open communication - Plan conversations with important stakeholders after
processes with stakeholders? identifying them.
- Email and electronic newsletters.
- Presentations, automation of communication, etc.
- Project Status Reports.
- Videoconferences with others or "screen to screen"
What unresolved issues,
concerns and problems needs
to be communicated to - Utilize stakeholder communications that are informal.
 The unresolved issues, concerns, and problems that need to
be communicated to stakeholders are:
- Attempting to bring together numerous stakeholders.
- Stakeholder priorities that are in conflict.
- Resource limitations.
- Communication breakdowns.
- Stakeholder opposition to information sharing.
- Analysis of key players.
- Make a communication strategy.

Applying feedback To monitor their interactions with their clients, our business
stakeholders presumably utilize a CRM (Customer Relationship
What feedback did you
Management) system. This is a good business technique that our
receive from the
functional teams should adopt (at least with a personal or team
spreadsheet or equivalent). However, as highly skilled specialists,
this process is undoubtedly within our comfort range. The human
component is what we should pay attention to. Prior to achieving the
coveted "trusted partner" position, we must establish genuine
connections with real people.

How did you address their

I would address their concerns by following ways:-

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 14
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
Version 1.0 – Updated on 23 October 2022
Attachment 1-Project Portfolio Template

- At the start of the project, list all the stakeholders.

- Make sure that everyone involved in the project
understands their roles and the deliverables of the project.
- Obtain agreement on how to manage project modifications.
- Practice effective communication.
- Keep the project's vision open to view.

Attach: Presentation slides ☐

Email to line manager ☐

Email to team ☐

Collins Academy: Level 5, 259 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia.
Email:| Website: www. BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness | 15
RTO: 45270 CRICOS: 03645E ABN: 64 613 880 498
Version 1.0 – Updated on 23 October 2022

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