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‘1 Workin pairs. Look at the picture and answer the questions. @ How do you think the students are feeling? @ What do you remember about your first day at school? © Would you like to be a teacher? ‘Why?/Why not? School subjects 2 Read the sentences (1-8) and write the names of school subjects. 1 It the study of energy and matter, and things such as light, sound, heat and electricity, — 2 You can learn about colour, shading and perspective in this subjct. oe 3 It’s the study of the world’s surface: its climate, countries, populations, etc. 4 Itinvolves playing instruments and learning about rhythm, etc a 5 Youlearn about the past in this subject, 9. life during World Wer I cease 6 Inthis subject you can find out how to use the Internet and how to create websites, — 7 Its the study of plants, animals and humans. 8 Its the scientific stucy of the structure of substances. ete 3 Match the verbs (1-8) with the words (a-h) to describe school activities, 1 read — a handball 2 sove = insects 3 canyout maps 4 memorize d_problems 5 do — @ sketches 6 draw f dates 7 examine 9 vocabulary exercises 8 play A h experiments Which school subjects are the a 1¢— geography co Parts of the school 4 its Polly's first day at school, Answer her questions (1-9) with names of parts of the school. 1A Where can | find a dictionary? B inthel___ 2 A Where can | keep my bag and sports kit? B inyourL__, 3 A Where can find the teachers? B They'te inthe s___ 4 A Where can | get lunch? B Inthe __ 5-_ A I'm studying ICT. Where should | go? B Gotothee 6 A Where do | go for PE? B Gototheg 7A Whete is the chemistry class? B Inthe science L ea 8 A Whereis the headteacher? B Inhero 9A I'm playing football this afternoon. Where should | go? BTothes___f School life 5 Match the words (1-8) and phrases with the definitions (ah). 1 classmate headteacher ae break es notebook textbook a patents'evening = school certificate register z oNVousun When students stop working fora while. ‘An official document students getat the end of the school year. Something you write in. Somebody you study with Alist of students names, Something that contains information about your subject. The person who's in charge ofa school. When parents come to the school to discuss their children’ results, sean co zo 6 Read the email and choose the correct words (1-14). ee Hi Csenge, ‘You know, life at university in Enoland isnt easy. | have to “co/make a lot of project work, and | have to "absentattend 2 lotof classes and *do/make notes. Sometimes, ‘have to “give/geta presentation in class. However, I think Fm ‘doing/making progress. | hope so! As you know, I°cid/ got very badly in last year's exams. In fact, | lostfaled two cams, and | had toretake/remake them in the surnmer So this ime, tm not going to jumpiskip any classes, 2nd 'm going to ®make/prepare forall my exams really <2refully.m planning to sit in my room for hours, with all ‘ny books, "remaking/revising everything I've learned. Hopeful, one day Il ®getvmake my degree! y the way, did | tell you? Two students have already “rallenidrapped out of my course this year. And one student has been asked to leave the university because he “cheated/attended in an exam, He wrote allthe answers ‘oh armt See you soon! Jemy Language learning 7 Complete the sentences (1-5) with words from the box. 1. You can look up unfamiliar words in a—_ 2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing ate communication 3. The rules of a language are called the 4 Ifyou speak two languages very well, you are called 5. When you can express yourself without difficulties, you become in that language. After-school activities 'S Match the verbs from the box with the words or phrases (1-6) to describe after-school activities. You can use a verb more than once. [~ Practise play organize go i ina band 2 on trips 3 voluntary work 4 sport 5 6 ki charity events a saling course pairs. Discuss the questions. ich of the activities have you done? ich of the activities would you like to do? Why?, Education system 10 Fillin the gaps (1-10) in the article about schools the UK with words from the box. | private single-sex nursery primary secondary college comprehensive vocational mixed grammer In Britain, very young children go to * " school, Then, when they are four or five years old, they goto? ___ school. At the age of eleven, ‘they go on to? school. A school is a school for childken aged 11-18, that you don't heve to pay for and you don't have to pass an exam to get into. A®_ schoolis a selective school This maans you have to pass an ‘exam to go there. Parents have to pay fees for their children to go to ® schools. Some schools are? .$0 they are for boys or for girs oniy, ‘but most schools are * __. When they are sixteen, pupils take their GOSE examinations. When they are eighteen, they do A Level exeminations, At sixteen, they can leave school and go to work, or they can goto a? _of further education. Here they can do traditional subjects as well as training such as learning to become @ mechanic or a beautician. 11 EBD» isten and check your answers. Work in pairs and describe the Hungarian ‘education system. We start school when we are. Collocations with do, make and take 12. Choose the correct verb in each sentence (1-8). 1. Have you ever done/made a language course abroad? Did you like it? Would you like to go on a language course? 2. Would you take/make a gap year before you go to university? Why2/Why not? 3. Would you like to make/do a degree in media studies? Why2/Why not? 4 Whatwias the last test you took/made at school ike? 5 When do you usually do/make your homework? 6 Isita good idea to do/make any revision the night before an exam? Why?/Why not? 7 How often do you make/take a break when you are studying? 8 Doyou enjoy making/doing projects in English? Why?/Why not? 13 Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions from exercise 12. C2 ve

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