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Nama : Aminatu Zuhriyah

NIM : 301200028

Kelas : IAT A

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

Descriptive Film


The film will be released in Indonesian cinemas on Thursday, April 4, 2019. The role of
Melody is played by Aisyah Aqilah, and Devano Danendra as Dylan. This film tells about the
romance of teenagers Melody and Dylan.

Starting from Melody decided to change schools because of various problems that had
befallen him, including after breaking up with his ex-girlfriend. Melody hopes that with a new
life, peace, and happiness she will get at the new school. He knows there are several famous
students in his new school, one of them, students who often make trouble. Dylan is famous for
his handsome face and cool style. Dylan became the idol of many students, especially girls.
However, Dylan is a troubled student.

Melody and Dylan then often communicate whether they are good or not. Until one day
Dylan took Melody home. The incident was discovered by their friends and caused an uproar in
one school. Several students who liked Dylan did not accept the incident, one of them was Bella,
played by Zoe Abbas Jackson, a famously beautiful student who was considered the closest to
Dylan. Besides that, also Bianca, played by Naima Al Jufri, a student who likes to make trouble
and always tries to get close to Dylan. Some students are also not happy with Dylan and
Melody's closeness, namely Fathur, played by Angga Yunanda, a student who is close to
Melody. The difference between Dylan and Fathur is in terms of popularity. Fathur is an
ordinary student, not as popular as Dylan.

Melody and Dylan do not find common ground in their love issues, so they agree to break
their relationship. Melody just realized that she loves Dylan so much. However, it was too late
because Dylan was sent by his father to study abroad. Melody can only be sad to let Dylan go.
Before leaving, it turned out that Dylan gave Melody a romantic video. With that video, Dylan
revealed everything in his heart. Dylan's honesty made Melody have new hope.

In this film the plot advances (progression) and ends with a happy ending. Directed by
Fajar Nugros, and was successful with the large audience who saw this film. And it becomes a
trending topic of conversation for teenagers because it can make them baper. Based on national
best seller novel by Asri Aci.

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