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Generating Special Data Tabulations Using Public Use File

File File Name

CSPro Installer cspro7.6.2 installer
Data Dictionary 2020 CPH NonSample_PUF Data Dictionary (.dcf)
Area Name 2020 CPH NonSample_PUF Area Name_brgy (.anm)
Data File (Davao del Norte) 11023_PUF_NonSample (.dat)

1. Upon opening the CSPro 7.6.2 application, select ‘Create a new application’.

2. Select Tabulation Application then click OK.

3. Assign any file name for your Tabulation Application.

4. To load a Data Dictionary, click the ellipsis (…).

Select from the folder ‘Data Dictionary’ the file 2020 CPH NonSample_PUF Data
Dictionary (.dcf) then click Save. Click OK.
5. This screen will appear and will be the working area for the tabulation. To drag
variables to the Window Pane, make sure that the ‘Dicts’ tab at the lower part of the
Tree Pane is active.

6. You may add value sets to specify one or more groups of values for a particular data
item, for example, Age as of Last Birthday. To do this, right-click the data item, then
select Add Value Set.

Specify the following:

Value Set Label - A descriptive text label for a collection of categories of an item.
The value set label will be used as the table title.
Value Set Name – This will be used by CSPro in processing the tabulation. You
may opt to just use the value set name set by CSPro.
Value Label – The value label will appear as the category/ies in the table.
From – Starting Value
To – Ending Value
• You may refer to the file, 2020 CPH NonSample_PUF_File Description in the
folder, ‘File Description and Annexes’ for the complete list of data items in the
PUF, their corresponding codes, and values.

7. To generate statistics up to the barangay level, select the Area icon.


From the ‘Questionnaire Items’ box, add Region up to Barangay to the ‘Area Items’
box then click OK.

8. Run the tabulation application by clicking the ‘Run’ icon.


This prompt will appear. Click Yes.

You will be asked to load the Data File and Area Name file.

For the Data File (Input Data), click the ellipsis, select 11023_PUF_NonSample.dat
from the folder ‘NonSample_PUF Datafile’ then click Open.

For the Area Name, click the ellipsis, select 2020 CPH NonSample_PUF Area
Name_brgy.anm from the folder ‘Area name’ then click Open.

Click OK to run the tabulation application.

Resulting tabulations may be copied directly from CSPro to Microsoft Excel.

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