Microbiology ملخص

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Mirobiology :

- indian ink stain : Cryptocooces neoformans

- case include a women with cat Toxoplasmo
- resestins vancomysin ‫ ؟‬enterococcus fescium
- Causes ammonia smell? Infection with E.coli
- Normal flora in eyes ? s.epidermis
- bacteria produce H2s? salmonella
- movement of bacteria by ? fallagate
- What bacteria cause HUS ? E.coli , shigell
- Oxidate positive bacteria? Vibiro ,Pseudomonas, Neisseria, Alcaligens, Aeromonas,
Campylobacter, Brucella, Pasteurella, Moraxella, Helicobacter pylori, Legionella,pneumophila
- bacteria cause chronic pulmonary disease ? mycobacterium tubrcolesis
- Patient with diarrhea we do selanit broth and we find H2S what is the bacteria cuses that ?
- H. influenzae ? Chocolate agar
- bacteria from newborn infant, gows at 4 c ? listeria
- which of the following is test to differentiate between staph aureus
and micrococcus ? Oxidation and fermentation
- Bacteria sensitive to opotichin ? Streptococcus pneumoniae
- bacteria resistance to vancomycin ? Enteroccus faecalis
- Antibiotics inhibit gram + ve ? Vancmycin
- Typhoid and fever ? salmonella typhi
- B. hemolytic in blood agar no growth in mackonky catalase+ ve ? s.aurus
- blue green coloni ? Psedomonase due to pigmintation
- cause meningitis for neonatal ? E.coli
- bacteria found in young females ? S. Saprophytics
- duble zone beta hemolysis? Colstridium , s. Pyogens
- most commoncause UIT ? stahylococooous saprophyticus
- diphtheria staine ? Albert stain
- selective media v.cholera? TCBS
- bacteria 4C ? Listeria
- diarrhea of rice ? Bacillus cerus
- media for n.gonorrhoea ? thayer martin agar
- Mannitol salt agar ? s.sapro
- bacteria cause food poisoning ? s.aureus
- Sputum culture on agar ? Bloid agar , choclet agar
- .H2S produced ? Sallomenella
- Bacteria cause obortion ? Niesseria & listeria
- Indol +, Methyl red +, VP -, Citrate - ? E. Coli
- bacteria ureas possitive in stool ? Proteus
- Zile _ Neelsen stain Acid Fast ?Myobacteria
- Optician test ? Senstive : S,pnemonea , Resestens : S, virdens
- Replasing fever ? Borrelia recurrentis
- resistant to penicillin? Mycoplasmas
- Rice watery stool can caused by ? Vibro cholera
- Which media is used to isolate vibrio cholera? TCBS
- Which test is used to differentiate between group B and A streptococcus? CAMP test
- What bacteria can you get from a cat bite? Pasteurella , Yersinia pestis
- UTI (urinary tract infections) is caused by?
- saprophyticus
- Meningitis is caused by the fungus ? Cryptococcus neoformans
- Diffrent test between s.pyogens and other strepto ? Bacteracin sensitive
- bacteria motile cause diarrhea ? Salmonella
- bacteria need CO2 carbon dioxide and chocolates? Neisseria.
- bacteria cause food poisoning ? s.aureus
- Lowenstein- Jensen media ? Mycobacterium tubrcoloiss
- resistant to penicillin? Mycoplasmas
- stathorea‫ ? حلطصم‬Fat
- Catalase pos oxidase pos gram positive cocci? Micrococus
- HIV+ meningitis ? tuberculosis mycobacterium
- Tonsillitis caused by ? s.pyogen
- Endocarditis ? staph aureus
- Catalase_ ve and b hemolytic ? s.pyogen/s.group B
- hemolytic catalase +ve coagulase + ve grame +ve in cluster ? staph aureus
- Hemolytic uremic syndrome caused by ?E.coli 0157 Note ; 0157 = serotype
- Sputum sample cultured in chocolate agar under microscope appear filaments ?h.influenzae
- Indian ink in case of bacteria capsule: klbssela
- Watery diarrhea ? shigella.
- Rice watery diarrhea ? vibrio cholerae
‫ هدنع يركس ضيرم‬ulcer ‫ ؟ داوس ةلماع لامشلا مدقلا يف‬Hav gas gangrene caused by Cl.perfringens
- Patient with otitis media bacteria that causes ? S.aureus
- ‫ ةنيع انلش نا سيك‬synovial fluid ‫ ؟ هعقوتملا ايريتكبلا‬strepto pyogene ‫صافم باهتلا يوست اهنال‬
- Sample culture in anaerobic condition ? Eye Swab
- sample culture in charcoal media ? legionella
- Septecemia ? sallmonella
- Peptic ulcer/urease positive/grow in chocalte? h .pylori
- Cultur of sputum And stain with weak acid fast bacilli ?nocardia
- whooping cough caused ? bordetella pertussis
- B. anthrax cause ? wool sorter disease a type of pneumonia
- zoonotic diseases ? yersinia
- vibrio on TCBS yellow colonies due to ? fermentation of sucrose
- Non glucose ferment ? pseudomonas
- lactose fermenter ( red to pink ) e.g : E.coli , Klebsilla , Enterobacte
- Non lactose fermenter (colorless) e.g proteus , salmonella , shigella
- selective media for bordetella ? bordetella gengou agar
- shigella on Xld agar ? red colored or colourless withoutindicator
- shigella on macconkey agar ? colourless with small colony
- Salmonella in XlD ? pink colour with black center(ParatyphiB)
- salmonella on macconkey agar ? colourless or pale yellow
- Bacillary dysentery causes by ? shigella
- Capsulated bacteria ? S.pnemonea , Nasieria , klbesila pnemonea , H.influenzae, Sallmonella
typhi, C.neformans, psedomonas areganosa
- Food poisoning causes by ? salmonella enteritidis
- septicemia and gas gangrene caused by ?Clostridium perfringens
- Lowfer serum media for ? Corynebacterium diphtheriae
- .colour of gram positive bacteria ? violet colour
- colour of gram negative bacteria ? red colour
- Fishy smell in media characteristic for ? Proteus
- To deferential between group B and A streptococcus ?CAMP test
- Group A and B.Streptococcus ? B.hemolytic
- prokaryote like bacteria.
- Sore throt cussed by ? S.pyogens
- Shagilla ? Non lactose ferment , non motile
- Patient with severe borns and infections due to infection, what will appear in the microbiological
examinations? P.aeruginosa
- trapel sugar iron in agar A/K+ ve? Salmonella, Shigella and protein
- The most common causes of food poisoning? clostridium perfringens
- Bacteria from a newborn grows at 4 C? Listeria monocytogenes
- What organisms can grow on agar Makconcy ? S. aureus
- Bacteria no cell wall ? Mycoplasma bacteria
- Gram + ve , motile , catalese -ve ? Listeria
- Stain Alberat ? C. Diphatheria
- Untreated bacteria cause stomach cancer? H.pylori
- bacteria apper grenn metalic sheen on EMB agar ? E.coli
- elek test ? C.diphtheria
- 4-year-child is sick with meningitis, what are the bacteria that cause this? H.influnezaB
- cholera oxidase give us? postive
- Bacteria grow > 43 C ? Campelobacteri jejuni
- patient have contamination after draw why? S. epidermes
- Patient came from African , he has sleep sick , what probably seen in lab ? T.Bruci
- dignosis test for suggestion bacteria ? Cultur
- H . Influenza : gram negative cocobacill
- Nessirea : gram postive dibcocoi
- Bacteria can cause POISON ? ⁃ Clostridium perfringins⁃ Clostridium botulinum⁃ Staph.aureus⁃
Vibrio spp v.colorae , v.parahaemolylicus⁃ Bacillus cereus⁃ salmonella⁃ Shigella⁃ E.coli.Toxiginc⁃
Campylobacter⁃ Yersinie⁃ Listeria⁃ Aeromonas
- Bacteria appear on blood agar like swarming? Protease.
- Bacterial oxidase positive? Pseudomonas, Campylobacter, Vibrio, Helicobacter pylori
- McConkey agar was used? Gram-negative bacilli but if you see in the answers (gram-negative
Cocci), choose it
- Catalase +ve motiliy +ve ? Listeria
- Sallmonella and shagella ? Colorless
- bacteria motile cuses diharrheia ? Sallmonella
- Bacteria give beta hemolysis in blood agar ? S.aures
- Bacteria motile by ? Flagella
- The most bacteria causes toxic ? C.perfnges
- What is the color of gram negative bacteria after staine ? Red color
- What is the color of gram postive bacteria after staine ? Blue
- Frist primary stain of asid fast stain ? Carbol fuschin
- steps of gram stain : crystal violt (purple), iodine(mordent),Alchol(decolorastion),safrain
- Steps of Acid fast stein ) : Carbol fuschin , het fix cell, Alchol(decolorastion),methaylblue
- Thermophilic : 42C-80C
- Microaerophic : Grows best in the presence of a low level of oxygen - kills with higher
concentrations of oxygen eg Campylobacter spp., Helicobacter spp
- Capenophilic : Requires high levels of carbon dioxide eg Neisseria spps
- Kinyoun Ziehl Nielson : mycobacteria
- Asid fast stain give coloo of gram + ? Pink
- Asid fast stain give coloo of gram - ? Blue
- Media Loeffer agar ? Crynobacteria
- alkaline peptone ? V. Choloria
- Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract (BCYE) Agar ? Legionella pnemonea
- indicote citrat test : bromthmol blue
- Indicater indol test : kovac’s ( p-di mythayl amonia benzaldehyed )
- Voges Proskauer test Reagents: A: 5% alpha-naphthol, ethanol B: KOH, deionized water
- Catalase test : postive Staphyl , negative strepto
- Oxidaes test : end prducat color : blue +
- Cogulase test : + s.aures
- Bile esculine : E.facalis
- No cell wall : mycoplasma , ureaplasma
- Chlamydi : trachomatis
- Borrelia burgdorferi : relapsing fever
- Treponema pallidum : syphilis
- Dignosis syphilis : confirmatory ( FTA-ABS), specific test ( RPR ) ( TPHA) , scrining test ( VDRL) ,
dark field microscopy.
- Screw like bacteria ? syphilis
- Cuses lesion on penis ? syphilis
- Growth on artfical media ? Spirochate (syphilis)
- Gram postive cocci : grap like in culster
- S.aures ? Colonies are golden color beta hemolytic on blood agar
- S.epdermidis : prosthetic implant infection
- S.saprophytics: UTI in old women
- ASO tes postive and CRP postive ? S. Pyogens
- RF ? S. Pyogens
- C.diphtheria : psedomonas at tha backof the throat
- Dobel Zone : C.perfringes
- Neurotoxien and trminal spor : C.tetani
- Neurotoxien : C.botulinum
- Diplococco: niseeria
- Bacteria meningitis : ⬆ ️neutrophils⬆ ️protien ⬇ ️glucose
- Bacillus anthracis : biological warfare
- Bacillus anthracis : woolsorters deaseas
- Bacillus anthracis : polychroma MB stain capsule
- Klebisell and shigell and yersinea : motile
- Non lactos ferment : shigell and sallmonel and yarsines and protees
- Lactose ferments : E.coli ,klpsilla , seerita , citrobacteria,enterobacteria
- Watery diarrhea in chliidern : EPEC
- Travel diarrhea : ETEC
- Seritea : ONPG agar : red pigment
- S.typhi: Typhoid fever
- Camylobacteria jejuni : gastroenteritis
- H. influnzea : Facor V Factor X
- H. influnzea : meningitis infant
- Specimin urin : SBA media 0.01ml or 0.001 ml claprated loop
- Specmin Blood : blood to broth 1:5 to 1:10
- Steralztion : Autoclave 121C at 15pci
- Antibiotic Prootine synthesis inhiboter ? Aminoglycosides
- Antibiotic inhibioter RNA ? Rifampicn
- Antibiotic inhibioter DNA ? quinolones
- MIC : The lowest concentration of the antibiotic prevents the growth of bacteria as well as does
not harm the patient (bacteriostatic )
- MBC : The lowest concentration of the antibiotic kills the bacteria as well as does not harm the
patient (bactericidal)
- Brucella melitensis : Malta fever
- Bordetella pertussis : whooping cough
- MIC high : Antagonism
- MIC low : synergism
- Meningitis noenatel : S.agalactiae , L. Monocytogens, E.coli
- Meningitis 6month to 6 years : S.pnemonea,H.inflonzea type B , Nessirea
- Meningitis 6years to 60 years : S.pnemonea , Nessirea

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