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弯玻璃质量计划书 页码Page: 1 of 14

项目名称 Zeit Thu Thiem

弯玻璃质量控制计划 ( Quality Control Plan for Curve Glass)

一. 符合标准 Goal of quality plan

Glass raw material complied with ASTM C 1036 .
Low-E glass complied with ASTM C 1376 and CSG standard.
Bent glass complied with ASTM C1464-16 and CSG standard.
Heat soaked glass complied with EN 14179-1:2016.

Laminated glass comply with CSG standard.

IGU glass comply with CSG standard.

二. 产品类型 Glass type:

6C HS (TD160)#2+12A+6C FT-Curved

三. 产品加工过程示意图 Production process flowchart

Heat soak test
(Qnly FT)

浮法玻璃 镀膜 切割 磨边 弯钢化 → 弯中空 包装

Float Glass Coating Cutting Edging Bent FT /HS Bent Laminate Bent IGU Packing

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1、浮法玻璃质量控制计划 Float Glass Quality Control Plan (Comply with ASTMC1036 Standard)
项目 条款 控制标准 备注
Schedule Items Remark
Control standard Inspection method
检验频次 Inspection frequency:1 片/批 1 piece/batch
浮法玻璃 采用优质原片 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:千分尺
Float Micrometer检验人 Responsible staff:质检员 QC
Purchase high-grade raw glass 检 验 记 录 Inspection record : 进 货 检 验 表
浮法玻璃 Incoming inspection table
Float 玻璃厚度 厚度公差
glass Glass Thickness Tolerance
检验频次 Inspection frequency:1 片/批 1
厚度 公差 Thickness
≤6mm ±0.2 mm
piece/batch检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:千分尺
Thickness 8mm~ ±0.3 mm Micrometer
tolerance 12mm
15mm ±0.5 mm 检验人 Responsible staff:质检员 QC
19mm ±0.7 mm 检验记录 Inspection record:电脑记录 Computer record

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2、镀膜片质量控制计划 (Comply with ASTMC1376 standard)

量控制要求见钢化部分(第 4 节)
Note: Curve glass must be coated first and then tempered, so the visual quality of coated surface will be slightly affected. The quality control in this
chapter is focus on coating quality during coating process. The coating quality after tempering please refer to Part 4.
项目 条款 Items 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Scheule Control Standard Inspection method Remarks

室外面颜色均 检验频次 Inspection frequency:1 次/2 小时 Once

匀性 基片为白玻或超白 色差 /2hours
色差 color deviation: ΔE:≤4.5 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:光度计
Outside Substrate glass 1、玻璃尺寸超过 6M 的缺陷在
Photometer检验人 Responsible staff:质检员QC
color be clear or low- 6M 标准的基础上相应增加,具体按双方
检验记录 Inspection record:电脑记录Computer
uniformity iron glass 协商为准。 Coating defect for more
than 6M glass be agreed by both
镀膜 3M 垂直观察,可见按附表判定. 量等不做要求。
镀膜缺陷 The glass shall be inspected at a distance of
Coating 检验频次 Inspection frequency:全检 Full- For spandrel glass ,the surface
Coating 10ft(3.0m) at viewing angle of 90°to the specimen
Inspection quanlity like air bubbles, scratches
Defect against a bright uniform background or natural
检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:白天自然光,夜 and inclusions not required.
light condition. If a blemish is readily apparent,
晚灯箱 Natural Light at day, Light Box at
the above criteria applies.
基片外观缺陷 检验人 Responsible staff:操作者Operator
Substrate 参照浮法玻璃,钢化玻璃,彩釉玻璃,夹层玻璃要求 检验记录 Inspection record:成品外观检查记录表

appearance According to float glass ,HS/FT glass, frit glass Finished IGU QC record

defects and laminated glass standard.


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Note: 6M 以上长度镀膜外观质量双方另行协商。
Coating Surface quality for more than 6M long glass negociated and confirmed by both parties.

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3、切磨控制质量控制计划 (Comply with ASTMC1036 standard)

项目 条款 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Schedule Items ASTMC1036 Control standard ASTMC1036 Inspection method Remark

1、玻璃尺寸超过 6M 的缺

6M 标准的基础上相应增
检验频次 Inspection frequency:1 片/箱 加,
1 piece/box 具体按双方协商为准。
检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:钢卷尺 Steel Coating defect for
measure tape more than 6M glass be
Length and
width 检验人 Responsible staff:操作者 Operator agreed
by both parties.
检验记录 Inspection record:切片/磨边质量控制记录 2、窗间墙玻璃气泡划伤

Cutting/Edge grinding QC Record 和
切割、磨边 For spandrel glass
Cutting, ,the
and Edging surface quanlity like
air bubbles, scratches
and inclusions not
矩形玻璃:粗磨(如有精磨要求,下单时提出) required.
倒棱宽度:对于小半径弯钢,上弧边凸面需磨大斜边,斜边宽 检验频次 Inspection frequency:1 片/箱
度为4~1/2玻璃厚度*45°度 , 1 piece/box
检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:最小刻度为 0.5mm

边部质量 的钢直尺 Steel ruler with minimum scale 0.5mm

Edge 检验人 Responsible staff:操作者 Operator

Quality 检验记录 Inspection record:切片/磨边质量控制记录
表 Cutting/Edge grinding QC Record

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项目 条款 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Schedule Items ASTMC1036 Control standard ASTMC1036 Inspection method Remark

崩边深度、宽度≤玻璃厚度的一半;崩边长度≤ 2 倍玻璃厚度 1、玻璃尺寸超过 6M 的缺陷在

Chip depth and width ≤50% of glass thickness; Chip length≤ 2 time of 6M 标准的基础上相应增加,具
glass thickness.
体按双方协商为准。 Coating
Edge Chip defect for more than 6M
glass be agreed by both
直径Φ 允许个数 Allow Qty 2、窗间墙玻璃气泡划伤和结石
Ф<1.0mm 允许 Allowed 检验频次 Inspection 等表面质量等不做要求。
1.0<Ф≤2.0mm 5 个/m2 frequency:全检 full- For spandrel glass ,the
2.0<Ф≤4.0mm 1 个/m2 inspection
Air 检验仪器 Inspection surface quanlity like air
Bubbles >4.0mm Not Allowed
Instrument:最小刻度为 bubbles, scratches and
(Viewed from Ф>1.5mm 的气泡间距大于 600mm 0.5mm 的钢直尺 Steel
600mm) For Ф>1.5mm,the distance between bubbles shall be>600mm注:因气泡引起 inclusions not required.
ruler with minimum scale
切割、磨 的光学变形不计入气泡范围。
0.5mm检验人 Responsible
边 Note: optiocal distortion caused by air bubbles not inclueded in the staff:操作者 Operator
Cutting, bubble size. 检验记录 Inspection
and 直径Φ 个数 Qty record:切片/磨边质量控
Edging 结石 0.5<Ф≤1.0mm 2.2pcs/m2 制记录表
Inclusions and 1.0<Ф≤2.0mm 1pcs/m2 Cutting/Edge grinding QC
dark point >2.0mm Not Allowed Record
(Viewed from Ф>1.0mm 的结石间距大于 600mm
600mm) For Ф>1.0mm,the distance between inclusions/blemishes shall be>600mm

严重:>3.3m 观察可见 不允许 Not allowed

Heavy:visible from Over
划伤 3.3m 观察可见
中等:1.01-3.3m 长度 Length≤75mm :允许Allowed
Linear blemish Medium:visible from 1.01m 长度 Length>75mm :不允许Not Allowed
/Scratch to 3.3m
轻微:≤1m 处观察可见
Light/Faint:visible from 允许 All Allowed
Less than 1m

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4、弯钢化/半钢化玻璃质量控制计划 Bent FT/HS Glass Quality Control Plan

(Dimension tolerance comply with ASTMC1464-16, visual quality as per CSG internal standard).
项目 条款 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Schedule Items Control standard Inspection method Remark

高边长度 H Height H≤ 2000<H< 3601<H<6000mm

高边尺寸偏差 size 2000mm 3600mm
Height size Tolerances 允许偏差 ±3.2 ±4.8 ±6.4 检验频次 Inspection frequency:第一批或 1、Low-E 弯钢玻璃不
allowable tolerance 改变 工 艺 参 数 后 必 须 测 量 。 Must measure 做热浸处理。
弧边长度 L L≤ 2440<L< 3500<L<5000mm the first batch or when changing Note: Heat soak
the parameters ; test
弧边尺寸偏差 Girth Girth length 2440mm 3500mm
size Tolerances ±3.2 ±4.8 ±6.4 首 片 检 验 , 且 每 2 小 时 检 验 一 次 。 The is not apply to Low
first panel will be tested in and random -e coated curve
allowable tolerance
test once every 2 hours; panel.
弧边长度 L L≤ 2440<L< 3500<L<5000mm
弧 边 吻 合 度 Arc-edge Girth length 2440mm 3500mm 检 验 仪 器 Inspection Instrument :细 线 2、窗间墙玻璃气泡划
coincidence/Shape lines直尺 ruler 伤和结石表面质量等
弯钢化/半 Accuracy Tolerances 5 10 25 检验人 Responsible staff:质检员QC 不做
钢化 检验记录 Inspection record:弯钢化玻璃 、 要 求 。 For spandrel
Bent 直线边弯曲度 质量控制记录表 Curve Temper QC Record glass ,the surface
Fully Bow of Straight flange 0.3 % quality like air
Tempered bubbles, scratches
Glass and 0.3 % and inclusions not
The diagonal dislocation
Bent required.

图 1 矩形弯弧玻璃示意图 图 2 弧边吻合度测量示意图 图 3 直线边弯曲度和四角共面偏差测量示意图

Figure 2 Girth alignment measurement Figure 3 Bow of straight edge and four corners Coplanar measurement


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条款 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Items Control standard Inspection method Remark
检验频次 Inspection frequency:首片检验,且每 2 小时检验
一次。Check the 1st pc and then check 1pc per 2 hours检验
仪器 Inspection Instrument:表面应力仪
表面应力 半钢化 HS:24-60Mpa,钢化 FT:≥69MPa Surface stress measurement
Surface Stress 检验人 Responsible staff:质检员 QC
检验记录 Inspection record: 弯钢化玻璃质量控制记录表 Curve
temper glass QC Record
检验频次 Inspection frequency:1 次/批Once/batch
破 碎 试 验 FT:颗粒数 particle count ≥30 粒(particles) 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:规格 50*50mm 的框和冲击笔
Fracture HS:破碎试验应显示 HS 处理。 Specification for 50*50mm frame and the impact of the
Pattern Fracture Pattern shall indicate HS processing. pen.检验人 Responsible staff:质检员 QC
检验记录 Inspection record:弯钢化玻璃质量控制记录表 Curve
temper glass QC Record
(1)磨边的边部质量见第2节切磨要求;edge quality requirement please 检验频次 Inspection frequency:全检 full-inspection
refer to clause 2. 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:目视检查 by naked eyes检 外观检查方式:首
(2)弯弧边不允许有裂口。Any chips at Curve edge( Girth edge)is not 验人 Responsible staff:操作者 Operator 先距离
Edge Quality allowed. 检验记录 Inspection record:弯钢化玻璃质量控制记录表 Curve 5M 处观察看完外观
temper glass QC Record 后并判定是否合格
原片本体的结石、气泡等点状缺陷参照美标 ASTMC1036 要求,见第 3 节切磨要求
原片缺陷 。 Point blemish (such as inclusions , bubbles) comply with ASTMC1036
Raw glass standard, please refer to clause 3 edge grinding requirement.
Methode: To
review and
弯钢化玻璃表面允许有轻微的麻点、辊道白印、杂质落点等表面缺陷,在室外自 determine the
然光线条件下,5 米距离垂直观察不明显(可参照双方确认的样板)。 visual
玻面缺陷 Glass Glass surface defect as slightly hot spot, roller marks or other
appeareance first
surface defect foreign dust on curve glass is allowed. The defect is not obviously be seen 检验频次 Inspection frequency:全检 full-inspection and then to check
standing 5m away vertically under natural light circumstance.(The agreed 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:目视检查 by naked eyes检
sample can be a reference) the dimension
验人 Responsible staff:操作者&质检员 Operator & QC closely
检验记录 Inspection record:弯钢化玻璃质量控制记录表 Curve
弯钢化玻璃的膜面允许有轻微的膜面损伤、褶皱、星点、氧化等因弯钢化高温引 temper glass QC Record
膜面质量 起的膜面缺陷,在室外自然光线条件下,5 米距离垂直观察不明显。(可参照双方
Coated surface 确认的 样板) 。Lightly coating defect, wrinkle,spot or oxidation because
quality of high temperature during tempering process is allowed. The defect is not
(接下表) obviously be seen standing 5m away vertically under natural light
circumstance.(The agreed sample can be a reference)
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膜面质量( 缺陷 Blemish 中部区域Central area 边部区域 Outer area

Pinhole 针孔 5mm max 6mm max
surface spot 斑点 5mm max 6mm max
Coating scratch 镀膜划伤 100mm max length 150mm max length
curve) Mark/contaminant 痕迹/污垢 100mm max length 150mm max length
Coating rub 擦伤 不允许 none allowed 长度加宽度之和不能超过 19mmLength
plus width not to exceed 19mm
Crazing 裂纹 不允许 none allowed 不允许 none allowed
Corrosion 腐蚀 不允许 none allowed 不允许 none allowed

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5、弯钢化/半钢化玻璃热浸处理控制计划 Bent FT/HS Glass Quality Control Plan (Comply with BS EN14179-1:2016)

项目 条款 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Schedul Items Control standard Inspection method Remark
e 检验频次 Inspection frequency:全检full-inspection
钢化玻璃热浸符合 EN14179-1:2016,玻璃表面温度 250~270℃保温 2 小时. 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:无 none检验人 Responsible
Heat Soak Test in accordance with EN 14179-1:2016,250~270℃ temperature staff:质检QC
is kept for 2 hours. 检验记录 Inspection record:钢化玻璃热浸测试检验记录
Tempered Glass Heat-Soak Test Inspection
钢化玻璃 检验频次 Inspection frequency:1 片/批 1 piece/batch
热浸处理 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:表面应力仪 Surface strain
表面应力 Surface Stress ≥69MPa gauge:GASP
检验人 Responsible staff:质检员 QC
检验记录 Inspection record:钢化玻璃热浸测试检验记录
Test for
Tempered Glass Heat-Soak Test Inspection
glass 检验频次 Inspection frequency:1 片/批 1 piece/batch
检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:规格 50*50mm 的框和冲击笔
破碎试验(尺寸 360*1100mm),颗粒数 particle count ≥30 粒 Fracture Pattern Specification for 50*50mm frame and the impact of the
(Size:360*1100mm):particle count ≥30 粒 pen.检验人 Responsible staff:质检员 QC
(备注:破碎试验片使用平钢化玻璃替代) 检验记录 Inspection record:钢化玻璃热浸测试检验记录
Glass Heat-Soak Test Inspection

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6、弯夹层玻璃质量控制计划 Laminated Glass Quality Control Plan ( Comply with CSG internal standard)
项目 条款 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Schedule Items Control standard Inspection method Remark

(1)按客户合同要求品牌使用 PVB/SGP。 检验频次 Inspection frequency:1次/2小时 Once/2h

原材料 Use the PVB/SGP Brand as per contract requirement. 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:温湿度计
Raw 胶片 PVB/SGP (2)生产前储存在有温度控制的房间,生产在恒温恒湿环境下进行。Stored Temperature and humidity meter
material and processed at room temperature,Production in the constant 检验人 Responsible staff:质检员 QC
temperature and humidity environment. 检验记录 Inspection record:夹胶玻璃质量控制记录表
Laminated glass QC Record.
尺寸公差 同弯钢玻璃控制要求 外观检查方式:首先
Size tolerance According to curved FT&HS Glass Control Plan 距离5M 处观察看完外
夹层吻合间隙 W≥2440mm,吻合间隙(mismatch gap)≤3.0mm 观后并判定是否合格
Laminated mismatch 后再近距离测量尺寸
gap 尺寸范围:W2400*H3600 以内 偏差等。
弧边叠差 Grith edge misalignment:≤3mm; Methode: To review
高边叠差 height edge misalignment:≤3mm(沿径向方向测量 measure at 检验频次 Inspection frequency:全检 Online 100% and determine the
the radial direction) 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:钢直尺 Steel visual appeareance
ruler at a distance from 5
检验人 Responsible staff:质检员 QC meter first and
尺寸范围:W2400-3200; H3600~6000 检验记录 Inspection record:夹胶玻璃质量控制记录 then to check the
弯夹层玻 叠差 弧边叠差 Grith edge misalignment:≤5mm; 表
Laminated glass QC Record. dimension closely.
璃 Misalignment 高边叠差 height edge misalignment:≤5mm(沿径向方向测量 measure at
Bent the radial direction) 和夹污迹表面质量等
Laminated 尺寸范围: H>6000mm 不做要求。
Glass 弧边叠差 Grith edge misalignment:≤10mm; For spandrel
glass ,the surface
高边叠差 height edge misalignment:≤10mm(沿径向方向测量 measure at quanlity like air
the radial direction) bubbles, scratches
and inclusions not
受手工清洗条件限制,允许中间层有轻微夹杂和污迹。 检验频次 Inspection frequency:全检 Online 100% required
在室外自然光线条件下,5米距离垂直观察缺陷(室外面/室内面)应不明显 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:目视观察 By naked
中间层缺陷 ,可见情况按下表判断。 eyes检验人 Responsible staff:操作者 Operator
Interlayer Spot By the manual washing limit, the slightly foreign affairs or dirt 检验记录 Inspection record:夹胶玻璃质量控制记录表
Defects are allowed. The defect is not obviously be seen standing 5 meter Laminated glass QC Record.
(接下表) away vertically under natural light circumstance.
Interlayer shrinkage for curve glass: max 9mm. 2023-02-24
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中 间 层 缺陷 缺陷Blemish 中部区域 Central 边部区域 Outer area CE=不外露边

area EE=外露边
Interlayer Boil(Bubbles)气泡 4mm max 5mm max
Spot Defects CE=covered edge of
Blow-in;edge boil 凹坑,边部开 / CE 8mm max glass edge bite and
胶 EE 2.3mm max EE=exposed edge
Fuse 麻点 2.4mm max 4mm max

Linear blemish 线状夹杂 Length 长度≤ Length 长度≤100mm

75mm Width 宽度≤0.5mm
Width 宽度≤0.5mm
Inside dirt(dirt spot)内污 5mm max 6mm max

Separation,discoloration 开胶, 不允许none allowed 不允许 none allowed

Hair,lint(single strand)发丝 5m 观察不明显 5m 观察不明显
Scuff;streak 磨痕,条纹 5m 观察不明显 5m 观察不明显

Lint-areas of concentrated lint 5m 观察不明显 5m 观察不明显


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7、中空质量控制计划 IGU Quality Control Plan (Comply with CSG Internal Standard)
项目 条款 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Schedule Items Control standard Inspection method Remark
检验频次Inspection frequency:1 片/箱 1 piece/box
检验仪器Inspection Instrument:卷尺 Steel measure tape检验人
尺寸公差 同弯钢玻璃控制要求
Responsible staff:操作者 Operator
Size tolerance According to curved FT&HS Glass Control Plan
检验记录Inspection record:中空玻璃质量检验记录 Insulating 外观检查方式:
Glass Quality Control Record 首先距离5M 处
玻璃长度 Length≤2000mm:Misalignment≤3mm; 观察看完外观后
玻璃长度 Length 2000~3600mm:Misalignment≤4mm; 检验频次Inspection frequency:全检 full-inspection检验仪器 并判定是否合格
叠差(矩形玻璃) 玻璃长度 Length 3600~4800mm:Misalignment≤5mm; Inspection Instrument:钢直尺 steel ruler检验人Responsible 后再近距离测量
Misalignment 玻璃长度 Length 4800~6000mm:Misalignment≤6mm;玻璃长度 Length staff:操作者 Operator 尺寸偏差等。
step(Rectangle 6000~9000mm:Misalignment≤10mm; 检验记录Inspection record:中空玻璃质量检验记录 Insulating Inspection
glass) Glass Quality Control Record Methode: To
review and
检验频次Inspection frequency:全检 full-inspection determine the
检验仪器Inspection Instrument:目视观察 By naked eyes检验人 visual
边部质量 参照 FT/HS 和镀膜、夹层控制计划
Responsible staff:操作者 Operator appeareance at
Edge quality Same as FT/HS and Coating, Laminated Glass Control Plan
检验记录Inspection record:中空玻璃质量检验记录 Insulating a distance
Glass Quality Control Record from 5 meter
曲面中空 检验频次Inspection frequency:1 次/2 小时 first and then
玻璃 Once/2h to check the
Curved 分子筛 检验仪器Inspection Instrument:电子称 Electronic scale检验人 dimension
灌冲量filling percentage:≥75%
IGU Molecular sieve Responsible staff:操作者 Operator closely.
检验记录Inspection record:中空玻璃质量检验记录 Insulating
Glass Quality Control Record 窗间墙玻璃气泡
除膜宽度 根据胶深和丁基胶工艺确定 划伤和夹污迹表
CoatCoating Deletion Determination of Silicone width and Primary Seal process 面质量等不做要
Length 求。
2mm<丁基胶宽度<10mm 2mm< width of the PIB<10mm For spandrel
检验频次Inspection frequency:全检 full-inspection检验仪器 glass ,the
(1)丁基胶压膜:压膜宽度≤8mm,角部 200mm 范围内压膜宽度 Inspection Instrument:钢直尺 steel ruler检验人Responsible surface
≤10mm. staff:质检员 QC quanlity like
PIB overlap the coating: width ≤8mm, width 200mm 检验记录Inspection record:中空玻璃质量检验记录 Insulating air bubbles,
丁基胶 distance at corner ≤10mm Glass Quality Control Record scratches and
Primary Seal (2)丁基胶内溢:直线边内溢≤5mm,角部 200mm 范围内溢≤8mm inclusions not
弧边内溢≤8mm。 required
PIB internal overflow: straight edge≤3mm;200mm distance
at corner≤8mm; curve edge ≤10mm.

弯玻璃质量计划书 页码Page: 14 of 14

胶深偏差 尺寸<W2400*H3600: -2/+4mm

Silicon Bite 尺寸:W2400-3200, 2600<H<6000:-3/+5mm
H>6M: -4/+6mm
基片外观质量 参照弯玻的 FT/HS 和镀膜、夹层控制计划(第 4、5、6 点)。
Appearance defects Same as Curved FT/HS Glass and Curved Coating Glass, Curved 检验频次Inspection frequency:全检 full-inspection
of glass substrate Laminated Glass Control Plan. 检验仪器Inspection Instrument:目视观察 By naked eyes
空气层污点/污迹/水 室外光线条件下,距离玻璃 5 米处垂直透过观察(室外/室内面) ,检验人Responsible staff:质检员 QC
迹/斑纹等 无明显影响观察视线的缺陷为合格。It should be accepted while 检验记录Inspection record:中空玻璃质量检验记录
Dirt in airspace there is no obviously visible defects when glass be Insulating Glass Quality Control Record
inspected in a vertical position ,in the daylight condition
and at a distance of 5m.
检验频次Inspection frequency:1 次/班 Once/shift
检验仪器Inspection Instrument:露点仪 Dew point meter检验
露点测试 < -40℃ 人Responsible staff:质检员 QC
Dew point test
检验记录Inspection record:中空玻璃质量检验记录 Insulating
Glass Quality Control Record

8、包装 Packing (Comply with CSG internal Standard)

项目 条款 控制标准 检验方法 备注
Schedul Items Control standard Inspection method Remark
木箱正确、牢固,有钉位置没有前后左右的晃动。Wood frame
木箱包装质量 is correct, strong, no misalignment in left, right, front,
Wood frame packing back all nails in place.
玻璃之间采用软木垫隔离 与箱内实物相符
Isolated using cork mat between glass. 检验频次 Inspection frequency:全检 full-inspection
。 Indicate
木箱内有防潮防震措 检验仪器 Inspection Instrument:目视观察By naked eyes检验人
包装 施 Wood frame Responsible staff:操作者&质检员 operator&QC
玻璃与木材之间使用泡沫材料隔离,纤维板和纸板固定在木箱 。检验记录 Inspection record:中空玻璃质量检验记录 standard and
Packing inside (moisture- quantity on
proof, quake- 上 Place foam material b/w wood frame and glass, place Insulating Glass Quality Control Record
fiberboard and cardboard around to stabilize. packing label.
proof) Label on
packing must
箱卡 按流程卡 match product
Packing label As per regulation. inside the
整体安全性 安全检查 package.
Overall safety Check safety
24th Feb, 2023

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