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Annex 1

Oath of Data Privacy

I, ______________________________, an ____________________________ of the

Name of Individual Employee/Consultant/Contract of Service Worker

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), and assigned as the ______________________,

Project Position/Role

do solemnly swear that I will adhere to the data privacy principles by maintaining the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal data that I gain access or process as part
of my duties. I acknowledge that I will be accountable for my access and use of collected
personal information, and it is my obligation to exert reasonable and appropriate security
measures to protect the collected personal information against accidental or unlawful loss or
destruction, unauthorized access, modification or negligent handling and misuse.

I acknowledge my obligation to immediately report to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) any
unauthorized use or disclosure, loss, theft, or misuse of collected personal information, and
any other incident that could lead to a privacy violation or security breach, upon reasonable
knowledge of their occurrence, whether or not I am personally involved.

Upon the termination of my employment or separation with the PSA, I pledge to turn over all
devices, storage media, and files, whether paper-based or electronic, which I have access to,
or which are in my possession, to the designated PSA officers. I recognize that my duty to
maintain the confidentiality of personal data that I was able to gain access to or process as
part of my duties extends even after the termination or separation of my employment from the

I vow to comply with the provisions of Republic Act No. 10173 or the Data Privacy Act (DPA)
of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), issuances of the National Privacy
Commission (NPC), and other relevant laws and regulations.

I also acknowledge and agree that my failure to comply with this Oath of Data Privacy, as well
as the provisions of the DPA of 2012, its IRR, NPC issuances, and other rules, regulations
and issuances set forth by the PSA, shall result in my being subject to appropriate disciplinary
and/or legal actions including termination of employment and claim for damages, without
prejudice to possible criminal liabilities against the DPA of 2012 and relevant laws.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereto set my hands this ____ day of __________, ______ in the
City of ____________________, Philippines.

Signature over Printed Name

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____ day of ___________, _______, in the
City of ____________________, Philippines.

Person Administering Oath

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