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Speaking de ingles: Eutanasia.

-Jorge: Hello Diego, how long has it been since I saw you?
-Diego: Hello Jorge, nice to see you again.

-Jorge: Diego I have to tell you something very important.

Diego: Ok Jorge, tell me if I can help you
Jorge: What
happens to me is that my grandfather has
been diagnosed with an illness, which has no cure or

Dirgo: I'msorry Jorge, it's bad luck and good, what did
they tell you?
Jorge: Theyhave proposed to me to apply Euthanasia so
that I no longer suffer from the illness.
Diego: I
am very sorry Jorge, it is a very difficult situation
and I would not want to be in your situation.
Jorge: Exactly,
it is a very difficult situation and I want to
ask you what you would do in my situation.
Diego: In
my opinion, I would use Euthanasia, since I
don't want my grandfather to suffer.
understand you, but Euthanasia would make my
grandfather die and I don't want that.
Diego:Butif you want your grandfather to live without
knowing how long he has left to live and suffer or rest
in peace
family would feel guilty about using
Euthanassia and above all that the person would be
understand you too, but you have to know that
your grandfather is suffering a lot and with Euthanasia
he will stop suffering.
is true that I agree with you but my grandfather
is a very important person for me.
grandparents are important to everyone, but
in my opinion the best thing is Euthanasia.
Diego, I will talk to my family and they
made a decision.
Diego:You're welcome Jorge, that's what friends are for
Jorge: Goodbye Diego

Diego:Goodbye Jorge, good luck

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