Cell and Microbes Revision

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Cell and Microbes Revision

1) Describe four features of a bacterial cell. (4 marks)

a. Bacteria reproduce on its own by multiplying one cell into two identical


b. Bacteria has no nucleus, just a loop of DNA within the cytoplast.

c. Bacteria is protected by the cell wall to prevent bursting and also keeping

the cell in shape.

d. Bacteria inhabit the soil, water and air. Also they can survive both good

and harsh conditions.

2) State three ways in which the structure of a bacterial cell is similar to the

structure of a mold fungus. (3 marks).

a. A bacterial cell and mold fungus both have a cell wall.

b. They both have whip like extension to travel through different


c. They both reproduce.

3) Describe three ways in which typical plant cell differ from a typical animal

cell (3 marks).

a. An animal cell doesn’t have a cell wall while the plant cell have both cell

wall and cell membrane.

b. A plant cell contains starch granules but the animal cell contains

glycogen granules.

c. A plant cell have a fixed shape but an animal cell has an irregular shape.

4) Identify the structures in cells that are responsible for protein synthesis. (2

marks). Nucleus, ribosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum.

5) Explain how viruses are different from the cell of bacteria. (3 marks)

Viruses are not cells; they are particles made up of genetic material

surrounded by a protein coat whereas a bacteria has cells and has a loop of

DNA in there cytoplast. All viruses are parasites that enter the cells of

another organism, as a host, in order to multiply while bacteria produce their

own energy and reproduce on their own. Viruses do not respire and cannot

make their own protein DNA or RNA but bacteria can respire aerobically

and anaerobically and they can make their own protein DNA or RNA.

6) Explain why viruses cannot reproduce without being inside a host cell. (3


Firstly, viruses are not cells so they cannot multiply rapidly without a host.

Secondly, viruses do not respire and cannot produce their own DNA or

RNA, that is, they have to take over the host immune system to reproduce.

7) Name the parts of the parts labelled A, B, C in the diagram below. (3marks)

Plant cell- A- cell membrane Animal cell- A- cell membrane

B- cell wall B- there is nothing

C- Cytoplasm C- cytoplasm

8) State the functions of A & B. (2 marks)

A- The cell wall give the cell it shape and it to protect the cell.

B- The cell membrane controls which substances enter and leaves the cell

for both plants and animals.

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