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1. In 2014, an international group of astronomers discovered a new rocky planet which they named
Kepler 10-C. they estimated it revolves around a star similar to the Sun every 45 days and that it is
17 times larger than Earth.
a) How long is the year in Kepler 10-C? What movement of the planet determines the length
of the year? 45 days
b) Why is Kepler 10-C a planet and not a star or satellite?
c) Kepler 10-C is a rocky planet. Mention the rocky planets of the solar system. Mercury, Mars, Venus, earth
d) List the conditions that must exist in Kepler 10-C to support life. Liquid water, atmosphere, oxigen and good

2. Explain the similarities and differences between:

similarities: both revolve around a star and both are spherical and they due to it’s gravity . Differences: planets are clear
a) Planet and tiny planet. of obstacles in their orbit and tiny planets no.
b) Solar and lunar eclipse.Similarities: when an eclipse happen both are hiding from the other but in different places. Differences: in the solar eclipse one,
the moon comes between the earth and the sun. I am in the lunar eclipse one the earth comes between the moon and the sun.
c) Asteroid and comet.
Similarities: both are rocky bodies and revolve around the sun. Differences: astroids astroids are much closer to the sun and come at
tend to be more icier

3. On June 21, when the Northern Hemisphere celebrates its longest day, Australians will have
their shortest day.
a) Which phenomenon causes day and night on Earth? The phenomenon that calluses day and night is rotation
b) What is June 21 called in Europe? And in Australia? In Europe: summer solstice and in Australia: winter solstice
c) If the Earth's axis was not tilted, what would the seasons be like? Every day would have the same duration 12

4. Analyze the following table and complete it. Follow the given example to guide you.

Uranus Mercury Jupiter Mars

Distance to the Sunl Far Near Far Far

Composition Gas Metals Gas Oxygen
Atmosphere Big No atmosphere Big Small

5. Imagine you are the captain of a spaceship that is moving at a speed of 10000 km/s and you
have to cross an asteroid belt located 15000 km away. Answer the following questions:
a) What is an asteroid called if it enters the atmosphere? Meteorites The spaceship is faster
b) Is the speed of the ship faster or slower than the speed of light? Justify your answer.because the speed of light
east 1235,52 km/h
c) Is the asteroid more than one astronomical unit away? Justify your answer.

6. Answer the following questions about the intensity and duration of light.
a) Does the Earth get hotter if the solar radiation hits the surface perpendicularly or oblique? Yes
b) During an equinox, how long is the day and how long is the night? 12 hour day and 12 hour night

7. Analyze the diagram about the phenomenons caused by

the movement of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.
a) What type of tide does diagram A represent? And in
diagram B? Justify your answer.
b) From Earth, what phase of the Moon could we
observe at A and B? Justify your answer.

I didn’t understand some questions and

exercise 7 sorry

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