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ase UNIT —: ENERGY RESOURCES LESSON TITLE covER ‘What are the forms of energy? | Saving Science RG What are fuels? 22-25. Answer Qs ‘Whats athermometerand | P252-739 Lets Read, how is tusea?, uae aes et ase uestons How can we compare bie | Starting Science 2. PIT ‘energy from fuels? and 55-61. Make notes and answer @s. ‘What are renewable and non- | Shoots from sso, renewable energy resources? | 228-220 Letts. Anson Whats a renewable erergy | AS above resource? How do we exiract enegy fom food? PITTS Letts, Notes and gs. How do tving things se energy sheet. How do we extract ene-gy Fom food? TEST Notes: Students may not yet know of the different energy forms, Hence the first lesson covers this. ‘SCIENCE NATIONAL CURRICULUM KS3: 5. uergy resources and energy Canter ergy resources 2) abouts variety feo resources icadag cl gs con Bama, fod, ‘vind waves an teri, an te cninton btncen newb ane aevableresources 1) Stour te Sin ashe uit pare of moet ofthe Far energy rence and ‘ee ths bw col oll ead ase formed ©) “tomes pce by meas of variety of exergy esuees Conservation o energy 4) Geudsineon beens tempest aed et, nd at diferencia eerie cm let se of ner ‘rey in wich energy an Be seul tranefered and sted [ow energy is anstod by Ge movment of particle coedato, convection ‘desperation, nd at cory baafeed dey ration (©) Gataough etry ialvays conserved, ay be sated rolcing ably asa eos ‘SCIENCE NATIONAL CURRICULUM KS2: ‘Ther appar tobe no worn ems of ena ney contention, nee afer ot ‘tas nd energy sours etre KS. [New KS3 Scheme of Lesning 08 DBN Tile 1D. What are te forme of energy? What are fuels? lamp: leads, Electric bell and battery; ower supply; ‘woley; ramp; Bunser; matches; spins: ‘team engine, cheesy wots ‘Key Tea: ~The nine forms of energy and which are stores. Fuels as sored eneTay FSW Ref .1c, 128 CC Links: ‘Key Patella kite uel joules, Waneforn Words: Resourses RK re Say (opeCS] ‘candi, clockwork toy ‘OBJECTIVES ‘mUST ‘SHOULD couLD Identity the forms of | Describe energy transfers | Describe and explain energy and those which | in simple examples complex energy rarsfers ae stores ‘such as those in a food chain ‘STARTER’ Brainstorm — How can we describe energy? \What nares exist fr diferent forms of energy? Research ~ give out key words and glossary sheet MAIN: Demonstration ~ Students give demonstrations of energy transfer \devioss as isted ine resources. The teacher should guide the demonstrations, Other students identity the energy forms and ‘ransfers using key wores. The eneigy transfers and simple sagrams could be writen Into books. The burning of a choosy \wotst could be used to itrocuce the idea of lomass and energy chains, PLENARY: denying the forms of enecgy which are sores. ‘SEN Spelling and sentence construction, Possible ned for readerfscribe, Tie: (Whats a thermometer and how fet used? "Koy Fear Hou can we measure the effect of buring 87 TSW Refit, 12a, 1.2b, 1.26, 1.24, ‘CC Links: Key Fal joule, energy, tomporature, Calis, heat, feparature scale Words: Resources: ~ Risks: — Liqud in glass thermometer; dighal | Fire safety (specs) and not water thermometers; data loggers and angers {temperature probes inked toa laptop 400ml beakers; kettles of hat water, crushed ie; Bunsen bumers; baling tubes; stands, bosses and clamps, ‘wooden splints; measuring cylinders ‘OBJECTIVES: mUST ‘SHOULD ‘COULD Descrbe how touse a | Describe how to Explain the tink between thermometer investigata the energy ftom | energy and temperature fuel “STARTER PLENARY: Select some students to demonsrate the use ofa quid in glass thermometer, a digtal thermometer and a datalogger inked to the projector via a laptop). Emphasise the techniques required for Successful measurements Demonstrate how to setup the apparatus for testing the Aemperatre rise of S07 of water using haf a burg splint ‘Students then carry out their own simple investigaton to find the temperature ise Pong of resus and discussion about how the work could be ‘axtonded to clude other fuels or foods. Discussion of energy and temperature “esisiance wih manipulation of apparatus and the roading of Sales fon thermometers, Also spelingeading/witing Z Specials Why are fuels useful? © 4 Use the words tn the box below to fil the gaps in these sentences, You may need to use @ word mone than once °C heat gas temperature fuel coal light thermometer oil hot transfor 1a A substance which Is burnt to release energy is called @ and are examples of everyday fuels used to generate eleteelty bb Energy can be found in many forms and it can. fone form to another. and are examples of energy which are released when a fuel is burnt, © A____ is apiece of equipment used ta measure how an object i, or its unit used to measure the temperature ofan object Is 2 Buon adnate Math ee te gan ‘ite oe K we ae Ta Mn ang 98, en Lesson 2 ‘ A Homework Measuring temperature " 11 Whon you want to measure how hat an object Ia plee of apparatus called & thermometer is used The temperature of ie Is 0°C and of baling water s 100°C. ‘The unit of measurement is Celsius (°C). What temperatures are shown on the three thermometers below? 2. To get an accurate reading with a thermometer you have to se it properly. Look at ee diagrams below and eay why the thermometer would be difficult to read or ‘wold give an Inaccurate result a s in Lessor 2. Spetials BUM ig lg s 2 11 Write in cach label in the correct place, (seine Ha] (eek) [Bima] Ce] a ei Gi Questions _— (Remember to answor the questions using complete sentences) 2 What fuel does the Bunsen burner use? ‘3. Why isthe rubber tubing important? 4 How many different types of flame can the Bunsen burner produce? —_ 5 How docs the “air hole” affect the type of flame produced by the Bunsen burner? 66 What piece of the Bunsen burner has to be moved to change the typeof flame see? 7 What are each ofthe diferent coloured flames used for? 8 Which colour of fame is the hotest? [Ti ©) Ho can wa compare the oergy Fron is ‘Key Idea: SW REF: “Energy fom non-renewable (fossil fuels) and ihe process of @ compete investigation ‘Lie, 12a, 120 126,128, 128, (CC Links: Key Words: Fal Termometer heat temperate, chamical eneray 2 beakers ‘Risks: fre safety and dengars Fam ‘thermometers; Bunsens: tripods; gauzes; | scalding (specs) 250ml measuring cinders; sloplocks, heat proof mats ‘OBJECTIVES. MUST ‘SHOULD couLD Produce a simple plan to | Carry out a safe Analyse the results ofthe investigate the energy | investigation ito the investigation and evaluate feleased by buring gas | energy released by burning | the procedure used from a Bunsen oss ‘STARTER: Discussion ofthe work onthe energy released from a burning splint and suggestions of how we could Investigate the eneray ‘leased from a cfferent fuel MAIN: Using the usual template, students should write a plan to investigate the energy released rom burning gas using a Bunsen | bummer ‘The students should carry out the irwestigation and use temperature rie fo 160 ml cf cold water as an indication of the ‘energy, Some groupe could investigate roaring lame and others ‘the yellow of transparent fame, PLENARY: _Podling and ciscussion of results, analysis of resis and [evaluation ofthe procedure. There coud be discussion of how to ‘dovelop the procedure fr lig fue, ‘SEN ‘Rasiatance with readingiwring speling and practical SKS Lesson NON-CONSUMABLE. Activity 2a Core WEAR EYE PROTECTION Aim ‘To compare the diferent Bunsen flames, Preparation \Wateh your teacher set up @ Bunsen bumer to heat 250m! of cold waterin a 400m beaker. ‘Watch particulaty for how the Bunsen flame can be changed using the alr hole. Copy the diagram below and draw a line from each label to the correct part of the diagram. water thermometer wire gauze oRSSDTTRL beaker tripod Bunsen bumer heat proof mat Ol = 1, Drawa tablo wth 4 columns [Arhole [Description of fame” [Temperatures [°C | Other abservations ‘Start _| Finish | Change Closed 2. Heat the water for exactly one minute using a Bunsen with the air hole closed Record your measurements and observations in the table, 3. Change the water for cold water and repeat the experiment with the alr hole half open. 4, Change the water for cold wator and repeat the experiment with the ai hole fully open. Analysing your results Which Bunsen flame i the best for heating water? Explain why you think this one is best. 1 | ‘Type of fuet_[ Temperatare rise CC) ‘Wood 3 ‘Metanat a Ethane 2 Draw a bar chart to show the information in the table above, Remember to clearly label both the xand y axis. ‘© Which fue caused che bigest temperature increase? ‘© Which fuel caused the smallest temperature increase? 2 Put the following statements into the right order to show how to light a Bunsen ‘burner safely ‘¢ Hold a lighted spill next to the top ofthe Bunsen burner ¢ Turn on the gas up ‘© Connect the Bunsen burner’s rubber tubing tothe gas tap f@ Make sure the alr hoe i losed omy Cra Ran Sa Tee ae Homework ete 2 1 [ ype offic Temperatare ve 60) Wood os | Matianat a Blkanol Z Draw a bar char to show the information in the table above. Remember to csarly label both the x and y ats ‘© Which fuel caused the biggest temperature inorease? ‘¢ Which fuet caused the smallest temperatuse increase? 2 Pat the following statements into the right order to show how to light a Bunsen Durer safely: ‘© Hold a lighted spill next to the tap ofthe Bunsen burnee ‘© Tum on the gas tap © Connect the Bunsen burner’s rubber tubing to the gas tap (© Make sure the alr hale i closed 21 {Yet an ra San ema See What ae renewable and non-renewable energy ‘Key Idea: Formaton of fossi fuels and existence of renewable energy reS0urees SW Ref iiai, ttc, L10 ‘energy of elect ‘CC Links: ‘Key Fossil fuel Biomass, hysroalecite, sclar geoTrermal resource, Words: renewable: non-renewable; primary resource, secondary resource Resourses: Rik Video: “Tm Giad You Asked That Question” of Fuels" ~ Scien Eye, Model steam engine setup to dive @ genoratr. ‘OBJECTIVES: ‘MUST ‘SHOULD couLD State how non-renewable | Deseiibe how renewable, | Explain some ofthe fossil foes are formed and | and non-renewable energy | arguments for and against ‘hat ther eneray ‘resources can be used to | the use of some different ‘crginaled fem Sunlight. | make the secondary primary energy resources. “STARTER: PLENARY: Discussion of energy resources andthe importance of Sunlight Watch the video (preferably ‘Fusls™. Discuss the problems related ‘0 foss fuss (nol easly replaced) and easly replaced alternatives. Emghasise the role played by sunight in neat all energy esources (particulerly for photosyrhess in plant). Demonstrate the wanefer of heat eneray Into kinetic energy and clectrical energy using the slaam engine and the generaior. Use the woksheets Discuss the environmental mpiations ofthe use of a primary energy resource. SEN Felp wih reaaingramiingrspating a Casson 4 Special Recess (ts 13 1 Use the words in the box below to fll the gops in these sentences. You may need to use a word more than once [paraffin mineral non-renewable animals coat diesel Ses oe Crude ot, and natural gas ar also known as fuels. This is because they are made from the rotted remains of living plants and over of years, Fossil fuels cannot be replaced once they have been burnt and so are known as energy resources. Crude oll i also known as ‘ll and can be separated into _— __and Natural gas tsa ‘gas which it burns very easily and can be piped around the country to homes and ery 11 Read the following passage and answer the questions. ‘There are many sources of energy in our world, We ean get energy from the sun, wind, waves and falling water. We can also get energy from materials that contain stored energy. We cal thos materials “Faas (One of the most important sources of energy today i fossil fuels. There are three ‘major forms of fossi fuels; coal, oll and natural gas. AU three were formed between 50 and 350 mallion years ago before the ime of dinosaurs. Fossil fuels are mace up of rotted plants and animals. When the plants and other ancient ereatures ded, their rotting remains became buried under the ground. Millions of years later, these remains had formed a hard, black coloured rock called coal, or a thick black liquid called oil and natural gas, depending on where they were Fossil fuels cannot be replaced quickly; this is why they are called non-renewable energy resources. Fach ofthe fossil fuels needs to be removed from the ground, ‘which can be very expensive and make the landseape look ugly tend as ost on | ea (Once the fuels removed from the ground it needs to be transported oli twansported using huge pipelines and tanker ships, natural gas is sent through a seties of pipes until it reaches homes, schools and industries and coal is ‘transported using trains and ocean-golng ships. Where do fossil fuels come from? bb How long ago were fost fuels made? ‘¢ How do people remove fossil fuels from the ground? 4d Are they a renewable or non-renewable energy resource? ‘eHow does extracting fossil fuels affect the environment? £ What aro the good points about using these fuels? 18 What are the down sides to using these fuels? 2 Design a poster about fosi fuels; make sure your postr is colour, interesting and easy to understand. You can design it about al fossil fuels or just pick one. ‘Your paster should include diagrams and you can add information to tfrom ‘other sources, eg, Internet, parents, books and CD-ROMs, ati ta ng Peete ee Lisson 4 Homework 3 [Tie Key Idea ‘Whats a renewable energy resource Renewable meaning easly replaced’, and Some examples Such as wind, wave, solar et. ib, te Resources! Latls Revise textbook. Model solar cet! | Negigible land motor. Balance of Power vdeo and Rieke worksheet ‘OBJECTIVES ‘musT ‘SHOULD couLD Lustthe renewable energy | Describe how renewable | Explain he toon resoutoes. resources oan be renewable’ using ideas hhamessed ta make spout replacement over a lect. Short period of time, and ‘the example of wood. ‘STARTER’ Using Letts book to research the types of renewable resource, main: \Watch the video "The Balance of Power and complete the question shat [Emghasise the role of sunlght in each process except for geothermal ‘Demonstrate the examples of electrical ganeraton using wind and solar Remind students ofthe steam engine demonstration and explain ‘hat wood, alent (any blomass/ges) could be used. PLENARY: Discuss the deferences between renewable and non-renewable sources. SEN Help with reading the loxt material and constructing prose answers to ‘question from te worksheet a i Lesson S [Meee Urge resources? 1 Use the words in the box below to fill he gaps in these sentencss. You may nood to use a word more than once. solar hydroclectric wood wi renewable wave biomass water ‘energy resources are forms of energy which do not get smaller If they are used fs. « cammon source of energy from recently living material or products, eg. or animal dung, power is when elecrilty is male from the energy of flowing, Other exarnples of renewable energy resources are and 2 Below are four pletures showing examples of how different renewable energy resources are used and descriptions. Match the pictures to the correct description. etek cy es byeodec poner ss winé ener Specials 4 a lesson S Video 2: The Balance of Power Anawor these questions while you watch the video. Most of the questions require one-word answers. Write the answers beside the questions. @ with and without ‘a Give one use of static electricity. what the name ofthe national elactiety transmission network? @ Renewables Give three examples of snewable sources of eneray. @ wind Power ‘8 What area would a 200-megawatt wind farm eccupy? bb How many wind turbinas af 200 kilowatts would be needed for it? @ Dinorwig 18 When doss the pumped storage system at Dinorwig deliver electricity? bb When does it store energy? @ Nuclear Power What fraction of Britain's electrical supply comes from nuclear power? @ Etticlency ‘what happens to the efficiency of a turbin Its operating temperature Is raised? © Combined Hest and Power Some of Purfleet Board Mile fusl comes trom an unusual source. What? @ More for Less In a combined cycle eystem, what a for? the het exhaust gases from the gas turbine used @ Today and Tomorrow For the foreseeable future, what will be the main source of energy to ge power? Sergei “ ‘Ae present, because of the fact that ‘oss fuels are eanning out we need to think about using renewable energy resources mare in everyday fe. In Bra, ears run on the ice" removed from sugar beet, snstead of potrol. There's recently ‘been a boat designed and tested in ‘Australia that is powered by a ‘combination of solar and wind ‘energy. Solar energy is very useful ‘and cheap t has aso been adapted to power smal ears, 1 How many types of renewable energy resources are there? 2 What isthe difference between renewable and non-renewable energy resources? ‘3 Design a form of transport, which wses a renewable energy source to power it. You need ta think about hos much power is needed fo proce in order to drive the ‘ehicle and which type of renewable energy i always avallabe (you may need to tase more than one, especially if using solar power which will nat work at nigh). Ti How much eiay can we got om food ue ood (ul fo exact energy endo ind high onwray Tosa “ad Le, 42a, 12, 126,126, 128, 1.28 Food, fas, energy valve, Joule and koja, respiration Resources! Risks ‘Video of energy and food. Boling tubes, | Wear safety specs. Care when Bunsen and heet proof mat, mounted | mounting food on needles. need, samples of food, thermometers, measuring eyinders ‘OBJECTIVES. MOST ‘SHOULD ‘couLD State that respiration | Analyse the results ftom _ | Evaluate the process of Teleases energy fom | burning food to dently the | the investigaton to identity food. State tnat the highest energy foods and | whore there ae energy amount of enerey Ink this fo food labeling. | osses and how Feleased is linked tothe Improvements could be fige of temperature. Set made, Up suitable apparatus to Investigate the energy release. Identity eneray ‘valabilty fom reading food Iabels, ‘STARTER: Show the energy from food video and dlscuss how food could be bumed to find out how much energy is relcaced. ‘Students should Took sta range of food labs fo find the energy valves. Energy in food shouldbe Inked fo respiration in ts simplest terms, main: ‘This wil probably take two sessions! Sludents should pian an investigation into finaing the energy released from two foods (2. cheesy wolsls and ensps). The standart template should be wed land eblestucents should be able to nk the nutitonal information| {orwhich food wil heat water by the greatest ammount. PLENARY: Discuss the resuits ofthe investigation and problems encountered Discuss the analysis and evaluation ofthe procedure. ‘SEN: Help with readinghwiing and manipulation of apparatus. ¢ Activ. Wine sor cote ert = Extension Aim ‘To measure the amount of energy released by burning Aifferent types of food. eat Equipment olting tube ‘¢ clamp stand and boss head ‘© thermometer © mounted needles f& measuring cylinder f@ iferent foods ‘© balance Planning {@ Discuss with your group how to work out the energy content of different food samples, @ Now ork out how you can ws the energy ofthe food sample to investigate is effec upon the temperature of afixed amount of water @ Work out how you are going to record your results; remember to include the unlts for temperature. @Now complete your investigation with the food samples you have been given and record your retuls carefully. Analysing 1 What do you notice about the mass of the food samples before and after heating the water? 2 Which food sample had the largest temperature ailferenes? 3. Which food sample had the smallest temperature alferencs? 4 Write a conclusion for your investigation describing what it shows about the energy content ofthe different Food samples. Evaluating '5 Were your predictions about the energy content ofthe food samples correct? 6 If not why do you think your results were different to the ones you expected? 7 Compare your results with other groups within the class, how raliable do you think they arc? Sere cicero Cole Aim ‘To measure the amount of energy released by burning diferent «ypes of food. Equipment «bolting tubes ‘¢ clamp stand and boss head ‘© messuring cylinder fleet foods 4 mounted noodles ‘© thormometer balance Preparing Look atthe diferent types of food given to you to investigate: {@ How can you make sure that your measurements are accurate? @ How are you going to control the variables of this investigation? © Draw a table with sixcotumns; — Type ot | Massbefore | Mass ater = | Finishing | Temperature food | heating (| eating 3 | temperature | temperature | diference [eo | eo co CO What to do @ Carefully welgh the food sample, @ Record the highest emperacare using the balance, before heating. reached by the water aftr beating @Using the thermometer, record the @ Weigh the food sample, using the Starting temperature of the wate, balance, after heating @Burn the food sample, sing the ‘energy given off to heat the water Analysing your results 11 What do you notice about the mass of 3. Which food sample had the smallest the food simples before and aftr temperature difference? beating the water? 4 Write a conclusion for your 2 Which food sample had the largest investigation describing what it shows temperature difference? bout the energy content of the dliferent food samples, Evaluating your results 5 Compare your results with those of 7 Why might there be these diferences? ae 8 How could you get the most accurate {6 What differences do you notice? results inthis investigation? iris loess tes eared ‘im ‘To measure the energy reese by burning diferent types of oe ‘What to do o ‘ing mening oi eiesoead Serine T © Mt ef ald at sng he ‘oregon pour ating = ©) taedetpemnctiewatge vac an wie on I lo Puta food sample nto end oft mouaied beri oon gs Sere T 1 Mensur high temperate aed Eee sce I ean a af nd See ES he sami Continaed —» a

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