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SUC STED FRONT SHEET FOR SCHEME OF WCRK UNIT ENERGY AND ELECTRIC\TY ceseouTme cove SctenceNATONAL CURRICULA 2 ee || How is energy involved in doing Worksheets EE1 “Students should: e Wen ene) Sheet 424 Cot inaat © You are going to experiment with different pairs of ‘metals in the cell Decide which pars of metals you are ping to use @Diseuss now you are going to make sure that the other factors don't vary. © Decide what equipment you vail use, © When you have finatised your plan, ak your teacher to approve it and then carry it out. © Record your results ‘Analyse © Decide how you wall analyse your results © Decice what your results show about which metals ‘produce the highest voltage, Evaluate @ Discuss your results with other groups Consider whether you took into account all the factors that might chang the voltage @ Would you change your experiment if you were going {0 doit again? Ifo, deeide what you would change and why. (Eure aceite She ST de, Mele sheet Aim ‘To plan and carry out an investigation co find out which two metals wil produce the highest vole froma frut or vegetable cll Equipment 1 ruts or vegetables © pleces of the metals of © pleces of metal of the same diferent snes and/or shapes Siza and shape: magnesium, @ voltmeter aluminium, zinc, ion, lead, © connecting leads with copper crocodile cps ruler Introduction You can wse two sods (electrodes) of diferent metals stuck into a fust oF vegetable to act as a cell A chemical change takes place and an electric ‘current is produced, The fruit cell canbe connected into a crcl, ‘There are four factors that will change the voltage from the cell. These are 6 different fruits and vegetables different electrode metals, og magnesiuen, zinc, coppe, ran 1 diferent sized electrodes 1 diferent distances between electrodes te Temon Plan © Discuss in your group which frult or vegetable to use for your cell @ Decide what instrument you will need to measure the voltage being produced by tbe fruit or vegetable cll Continsed ea eonuaces Shear GT2¢ ate shack coin You are going to experiment with different palrs of metals in a cell ‘You will est each of the pairs in the table below, Weal A Meal ‘magnesium copper ‘lominivn copper ‘agrestis aluniniom copper Tea _ alumina Tead © Discuss how you are going to make sure that the other factors don't vary, Consider: © the fruit or vegetable (© the electrode size 1 the position ofthe electrodes @ Decide what equipment you wil use @Moke a table ihe the one below rendy to record your resis @ When you have finalised your pln, sk your teacher to approve i and then cary out Results Mel A Meu) B Voltage (V) ‘ane iron Analyse 1 Did the diferent pairs of metals give diferent voltages? 2 Iso, which pair produced the biggast voltage? Evaluate 3 Discus your results with other groups, Did you take into account all the facors that change the voltage? 4 Would you change your experiment sf you were going ta da i again? Consider: Gh fruit you used ‘© how you measured the voltage ‘© the size and postion ofthe electrodes the pars of metas you chose. so, decide what would you change and why. We easiest Shot ATa5, Eatension Aim ‘To plan andl carry out an investigation to find out which twe metals will produce the highest voltage from a fruit or vegetable cell, Equipment 9 fits or vegetables @ places ofthe metals of | connecting leads with © pieces of metal ofthe ferent sane and/or crocodile lips, samesize and Shape: shapes culer ‘magnesium, aluminium, voltmeter in, ron, lad, copper Introduction You can use two rods (electrodes) of efferent metas stuck Into a frit or vegetable fo act asa cell chemical change takes place and an electric current is produced, The fruit cell can be connected into a crcl. ‘The voltage from the fruit cell wil depend on a numberof factors such as, for example, how far apart the metal eletrodes are placed, rete Tenor Plan © Discussing n your group, make a st of four factors that wil change the voltage ofthe cel, @ Discuss how you could measure the voltage being produced by the frult or vegetable cel © You are going to experiment with diferent pairs of metals inthe cel Decide which pats of metals you will use © Discuss how you are going to make sure that the other factors don't vary. © Decide what equipment you will us. © When you have finalised your plan, ask your teacher to approve it, and ‘hen carry it out O Record your results. Continued — res estates Shek AT 2y Keransuen eohnat ‘Analyse @ Decide how you will analyse your results (© Decide what your results show about which metals ‘produce the highest voltage Evaluate @ Discus: your results with other groups. Consider ‘whether you succesfully took inte account all the factors that change the voltage @ Consider whether you would change your experiment it you were going to do i again. Ifs0, decide what you would change and why. Pit ccuma unc Sheek AT 2i Specie osc Voltage 1. Alf lectsical appliances are marked with the voltage that they are designed to work with Put a ree round the corect value for mains voltage in the UK 7 TE Cy 2 Lots of battery-operated appliances uss AA batteries (cel) Pata circle round the correct value for the voltage of an AA battery oe 13 Many battery-opersted appliances use more than one ctl Ie clls have a voltage of .5V, how many would be needed for: ae personal CD player which operates at BV? ba torch which operates at 3V?__ acaleulator which operates at 450 4 Colelate the operating voltage foreach ofthese appliances a atorch which takes thre 1.5 cals b ara which takes st 15 V ces aremote control car which takes two 9 batteries 5 a The bulbs used in these circus are rated at (Intended to work a) 1.5 V. The boul in the first circuit i Bright. But the two in the second circuit are dim | | 1 | Flow could the second citcult be changed to make the bulbs bright? bb This circuit dlagram shows a clcuit using a bulb rated at 3V, 2 bale ‘What battery voltage is needed in this circuit? 1 This diagram shows the voltages that Kelly recorded across the cell and each ofthe two bulbs, 4 Copy this creult diagram and draw a voltmeter connected that itis measuring the voltage aross the buzzer. Sher ar25 Remauere 3 Look a tis circu vossv Hib ee el lb vray v=? a Why does the top voltmeter read only 3.6V when each call i 1 5V ae 6 Whe reading would you expect o ae ‘see on this voltmeter when the eprint be meceacag) circuit is switched on? ree wreu ¢ How did you work out your answer 2 Look ath cet, which has two tou ret ght different light bulbs. 4 Look at this circuit, de or ASV calle veaw {id i{H- | sv Ba ‘4 Whats the vottage across the cell? > What isthe voltage across light bull BP ‘Another identical bulb is added to this clr ike tis iH @-g-@ Copy the circu diagram and mark ‘on the value fr the voltage across the batery and across each bulb. : SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT (Tite —— Mediate of since — how cree an ba modieg ‘Kay [dea _Medeling energy rarer i EI NC Ree 316g, S78 ‘CC Links: COTSD, [Key Words” Component ammatar, virmater, energy. ISTMal derence—— ee ‘Resouces! —Cauriers orbale or eons a, components, OWA Risks. Tap hazard. eserves wusT ‘SHOULD cou eseribe a model of energy transfer rom bateies © components in ercuts Desenbe 2 macel of patent ference making @ current flow. [SARE ‘Show video clps of electical models SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES ‘SHOULD ‘COULD (Extension works OST Toke partin planning and acting | Provide aweten description of | Research cuts and describe outa Grouit model using stents | tre model using using appropriate | them using ideas about energy in fana.compenents with energy | Key words ang concepts joules and coulombsl) Deserbe the circuit using i siagrams SEN special worcshest ‘Suggested Homeware Measuring volages in seros crouts worksheot This lesson could be used to completa work fom lesson 2 and then to shortan the performing ats ecu New KS Sebeme of Work Modelling energy transfer Sheet ATS. ‘Aim ‘To model the transfer of energy in an electric circu using people, Equipment Tots of thick cardboard @ carrer bags ‘© ‘components tnd scissors orange @ containefs to calect © stopwatch number of balls andor cards or balls ean bags What to do @ Discuss with your group how you could model an electric circuit. Here are some eas to help you # In this model each person in your class will be part ofthe electric current around the circu. ‘© The circuit wil be Tatd out inthe playground or gym, (© Each person will need to carry a supply of ‘energy’. Decide how you will represent this ‘¢ Everyone will pick up energy a the ‘ell’ drop some energy off at each ‘component’ and go beck tothe cell for more, Some ‘cornponents' will need more energy dropped off at them than others. Some ‘components’ should be harder to passthrough than others. This is why they need more energy. Think about stepping stones, narrow lines to walk on and steps up and down, ‘© One person will have the job of being an ammeter. Think about what they veil count, ‘© One person will have the job of being @ voltmeter. Think about what they val count. @ Decite how your circut will work to model an electric circuit. Check your idea ‘with your teacher, © Draw a diagram of your circult and write notes on how tt works @ Set up the circuit and run the model Questions, 1 Which parts of the model represented an electri circuit well? 2 Which parts ofthe model worked less well? 3 Ttyou were to make improvements, wat would you do? Shes OTs, Species We cant see electricity, so these children doing gym ace modelling a circuit. 1 Look carefully at the diagram, Draw in lines below to match each part of the ‘rout withthe part ofthe model chat eepresents i Pats of circuit Parts of model the currentin the dealt bin of bean bags the energy inthe creuit wobble board component that ses a lot of energy Dean bags ‘4 componeat that uses some energy children the battery or ell steps 2 The circu represents a series circuit. Where could & plank be added to make it nto a parallel circuit? Draw a line on the diagram to shave ‘where the plank could go 3 Suggest how a switch could be made between the stepping stones and the ladders Veet cet un eelas 1 Look at this circuit, HH 4 What i the reading on the bottom voltmeter bb What i the vottage provided by the batery? Another bulb i added in parallel to the circu ike this pot } jg | | —— «© What willbe the voltage cross each bulb now? Sheer AT3e Henewrt 2. These two circus have identical bbe and new eels a What isthe voltage eading on voltmeter X? What the reading on volometer YP ‘© Which bulb is brighter the bulb ot Xor the bulb at ¥? 44 Which bulb transforms more pollution effets, Resear an altematve generator ‘method from text material or intemet and complete the activity hast questions SEN ‘Soe special sheet ggested Fomewar Michael Faraday workshest New KS Scheme of Wak eee ture cig _ Sheek OT By aim Tose that a dynamo generates electricity, Equipment 1 bicycle dynamo or generator which ean be turned by hand © voltmeter © light bulb © connecting wires What to do This diagram shows how a bicycle dynamo (generator) is constructed serine © Watch the demonstration of the dynamo and arswee the questions below. Questions 11 What happens to the magnet as the generator whee! is turned? 2 When the generator wheel is turned slowly, what happens a tothe volometer? 1 to the light bulb? ‘3 When the generator whee ts tured quickly, what happens a wo thevolimete? b to me bub? 4 When the generator whe! stops turning, what happens @ to the volimeter? to the bub? 5 What type of energy isthe input energy tothe generator? 16 What type of energy isthe output energy from the generator (the input energy tothe bulb)? 7 What happens to the input energy and the output energy a5 the generator is turned faster? (rasa pepe: Ara Shack AT Sb Aim “To deride whlch i the most suitable power station to construct at particular ites to keep the environmental Smpactof generating electricity Lov. Equipment ‘© books or eafetson all @ OHP, acetates and pens or ‘ps of power card, paper and pers for generation posters, or PC with © scams to PC connected PowerPoint to the internet ‘What to do, ‘Yous am gaing to do some esearch about the environmental impact of various ways of generating electricity. Having Decome a specialist about that type of power salon, you ‘wil present your findings to a panel (the clas), who wll compare the environmental impact of each method. Final, you will look at some ses to decide on thebest power Station for each site Your group will be making «presentation tothe class bout the (ype of power tation yeu have investigate. A Researching power stations © Choose which method of generating elect you will research from the list below coal © vave —@ geothermal © ol © tidal # biomass eps fe wind nuicear (© hydroelectric (HEP) @ solar © Use the questions below to help you do your research © What Is neered co run the power tation? © What pollution is produced? © How far does the pollution spread and how does it affect the surroundings? 1 Are there other effects thatthe power sation fas on the environment? ‘© Are there long-term effects on the environment? ‘¢ What accidents might occur and how serious might these be? ‘© Foow will the power station affect the local population? (© Wil the power station generate a lot of power (vould we needa lot of there)? Continued — Wiha ee retreat Sheer AT Se. Cotiaet fom 5, B Choosing which type of power station © Listen carefully tothe presentations about types of power stations from all the groups In your class. Make notes of any important paints {Desc mic op of power sation to const in nck of te alo entons 1 There are besutiful mountains here, with high snowfall and rainfall. Many turers come bere for skiing and climbing. The ‘weather ean be lovely sn the summer but the winters ae harsh. A power station is needed to supply the big ets o the south (where there no spare bullding land) and the focal vilges. There is coal under the westem half ofthe mountains. 'b There are lovely beaches in this aes alt 4s home to thousands of seabird, some of them rae, Many peopte spend thelr ‘srnmer holidays here and more power Is ‘needed forthe small towns and holiday villages where they stay. There arena very tig een gor and noc olot iy gas reserves. A strong wind cores form the ‘Sea and many ples are named after. The area can be stormy with high waves. ¢ This is wonderful plae fora holiday, the ag sun shines almost every day, the wind is gentle and the seas are calen, There are no fossil fuel reserves, which is problem as more power Is needed forthe dozen or so small towns on the sland. There i an al fired station uring imported ail, and more could be buile nearby. The biggest problem isthe amount of electricity used for the airconditioned hotels, This city in northern Britain needs a ot of power, Some of the old power stations eed replacing. There are supplis af coal under the leds, and oil and gas out co sea, about 20 miles away. There ae large low-flowing rivers. Between hese and the toast there are no more large tvs, just a —~ few isolated villages, Wie ohuiewe acest tele err ler: Thaleli [emily tefel=lelelel#[7[o if>f=lelelelalalalylelmlelalal: fa mfelelelwlel«l-[-['l@lrl=le[alile ele lal=lefel=[e['[*[lel-lel «|e {a vfelelefele[tlelwlel lef lape[ |e ef left le[=[s(i [= [elt [y[alalel ele alelel=lefal«|elefr[ele[«|e[i fale ePehheEpheEehEpT alee fei [e [te [efe li fe [= fe fafe [a b{ifalmfelafit-[e[a[e]=[elale[o[= ifefelelelel-lifelei lel le[e[ fe elt lefelel [fe lelelefe [=o [-[e]e @fefel fe fates (ele ell ele s{v fete falelwlelx[s]ifofelile[i fu efile tte l=[efe [fel el=[el=[- [a Thale(e]e[efe[e eal [e le [eT e [ele [me életefel« [ele] efmla[sfefets[=[sle Find the words listed under each heading. Circe them on the grid Renewable Fossil fuel Other power Hretscity energy sources power stations generation wind coal pudear ‘turbine waves ail peotherral generator ida es pylon hnydrelectie Cooling tower solar dam biomass reactor Weer Sheek 45 Se. Temaverle ‘Read this article about Michael Faraday and answer the questions that follow. ‘Mics Farad (191-1867) was Ue son of» Yeahs ahem and was boc Landon ‘rth ag of Uh ws appari to = Boke the was mot nae In encase Ais spate was spent eading about cance and doing exparnenes, He steed secs ofectures tthe Royal Institution Loon (jou may have sen ome of teers Crises cts whch are tl given tha). Fray mace ots ate lectures He Isat ther, bound them as book and set them ote ture, Sit Hurry Dany. ‘king fo jb. He was given ab, an evetualy Beemer a laboratory. asa di ots of expertinents, on glass ad gre and many oer things, but Hs xpeimens wih lett ae the ones that sve Rad the grate ft Our Lvs. He one that Sere curcent foing in one iret indus enue) 2 cuTEnt o ow in atic try ‘cut, and his opened te way for the trarison of signals though space, He mons hat 2 moving magoetndute an cece current ins wie wich how we mere less. He ao showed that a wie caring anlar crn In get ld wl mow, andi she bss ofthe ce motor Ie ilu 1 magne whet Ke would be ke today witht motors. generar: and d/l phone ersmision Faraday’ eleverent a regsd by the et atone ofthe Suit nana a hi Capactance (how good a mstera a sring etcal char) sere fa {tis nt always pose to peeiewhether a sentiedcovery willbe Important in the ute. eis sd that whan asa bythe Prime Mise wb tty woul ever heey practic ignifenc, Faraday rep, Siz, Loot bnow wht poo fo but of ane ting L am quite sre, one dy you wl oxi: 11 What was Faraday’s frst job? 2 Where di Faraday get his frst scenic job? 3 Describe one electrical experiment that Faraday di and explain why it was important 4 How old was Faraday when Queon Victoria's eign began in 1837? 5 What unit Js named afer him? You can fnd out more about Michael Faraday if you go to ‘wort and tick on this activity 6 Dosome research to find out what other areas of science Faraday was interested in, low did this link in with his research on electricity? 7 Find our what Faraday and the Reyal Institution have done to promote the ideas of sclonce tothe publi 6 SUGGESTED LESSON PLAN FORMAT Tie: low on we rece waste eficin Key Wee efficiency and energy arrow diagrams NG Ref 91123.s1130 waste in an energy vansfer. Expiin how the fal input energy matches the tial outut energies {or a transfer device/epplance, Describe eneray transfers using Sankey dagrams. (CC Links: —HIS16,20 Flas: Ae Worcs Sankey a eetnterl ‘ResourcésiLarip holaars and sandard GOW lamp and an eneigy saving mip, slar calculator, paper Risks: Mains votsge ‘OBJECTIVES WOST ‘SHOULD COuLs Explain how energy may goto | Beable to calcuate an cutput | Describe he ferences in energy given the input end other output energy vals, Ba aba to describe the benef of using energy efficent ght bubs consiructon ofan energy efcient | lamp compared ta 8 normal lamp? ‘STARTER, Discussion of energy efficiency and diferent ypes of ght bub EE eee eee ‘SUGGESTED ACTIVITES — wOST ‘SHOULD ‘COULD (Extension work) Investigate the two lamps for their | Describe the investigation and | Evaluate the method used forthe ‘energy efiency using the analyse the results, Investigation and suggest ‘erksheot provided. improvements, Complete the energy arrow (Gankey) worksheets. SEW None ‘Suggested Homeware ‘Test yoursel worksheets in preparation for he test New KS) Scheme of Work Shea VT bb contintet Pon AZ be What to do: investigating the light produced @ Position the 18 W light bulb 20cm from the solar cell ‘of calculator and switch on, @Place one sheet of paper over the cell ofthe caleultor. © Continue adding sheets of paper untl the daplay of the calculator fades (this may take afew seconds, so ‘wait afew seconds before adding each sheet) @Record the numberof sheets of paper forthe 18 W ub. ‘Repeat steps @ to © for the GOW bulb, ‘Analyse 3 The number of sheets of paper needed to cut out the light and switch off the display gives a measure of the brightness of the light. Was one bull much brighter than the other, or were thy similar? ‘What to do: investigating the heat produced @ Clamp the thermometer so that the bulb & about Sm above the 18 W ight bulb @ Switch on the light and leave it on for 6 minutes, Record the temperature. @Repeat steps @ and @ for the 60 W bulb Analyse 4 What do you notice shout the temperature of the ale shove each of the ight bulbs? 5 Which light bulb gives out the most heat? 6 Draw a Sankey diagram foreach light bulb. Cipastae ae Sheek AT be Spocten, Energy diagrams ‘These diagrams show what happens when energy is transformed from one type to another, The sizes ofthe arrows represent how much energy is transformed a capcom) 8 \ log ‘aga apa 1 Complete the following sentences by fling in the gaps. In clagram __, most ofthe input energy etansformed tothe output enersy we ‘vant, Not so much energy is transformed to heat and waste, Incliagram __, most ofthe Spt energy wasted becuse ts trnsfrmed to enecgy 2 Which of che diagrams above could show an ordinary light bulb and which could show an energy saving fluorescent ight bulb? ordinary Hght bul ‘energy saving fluorescent ight bull {3 Label esch of dlagrams A and B above with these types of energy: itenergy olectrical energy heat energy 4 Look atthe four diagrams below. Write the letter of each diagram next to is matching chject below. cr gas ire ‘rin golar panel heating on house here conn ie eat oer Ke Sankey energy diagrams ee Wena 1 This diagram sev shows the nese a energy transfer aya ewe a sna bieycle even dynamo, game a What ype of energy does the whee have heat err atthe star? lao bb What isthe energy transformed to? ¢ How is encrgy wasted? Does the dynamo transform more energy into uss ‘energy oF mare energy into wasted enorgy? 2 Copy this energy ee sagram ancl ada labels {0 show the energy changes that take place sna wind turbine 3 Draw a diagram to show the energy ‘eansformations taking place ina television, 4 Draw an energy diagram to show haw energy {ror the Sun eventually gives you the energy to mun '5 Copy this energy diagram of a power station and fil in the paps. - ee ingewe inetine ‘nvoaing ee [SUGGESTED LESSON FLAN FORMAT [ Tite; ——Elecifeal Energy test Key kaa Review tis unt and assess esting of sudents NG ‘As forJassons 1106, ‘CC Links! As for lessons 1 10 6 ‘Rey Word See cineriesson shests Resources Test raiaral isis OBJECTIVES WOST ‘SHOULD COULE All contained in this unt ‘STARTER: Final revisionlquestions round ihe class SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES WOT “SHOULD ‘COULD (Eension war) ake the test SEN ‘Some may need help with reedinghurting ‘Suggested Hariework: ‘New KS Schone of Wok rN eue Racca Uniti 11 Cornplete the energy transformations shown in these pictures. a awind uptoy ey b acandle ceneray and energy a SREY gg water whee! ¢ awind turbine i energy > ‘energy | 2. This potato clock does not use batteries ~ uses & potato instead, energy —~ _energy 1 Complete the energy transformations that take place in the ‘potato batory’ energy + energy and __ energy 'b Which two motals would produce the highest voltage if used for elactrodes? ‘Tick the corrct answer. fron and iron gold and gold copper and magnesium fron and zine Continaed —- "ae Test yourseit Pern ratarais Reslal ala sl Unit 3 Allthe bulbs in these circuits are the same, wot 4 Which ammeter, A,B, Cor D shows the lowest current? Complete the sontancas by crossing out the wrong words. i Ammeter C shows more/the samelless current in camparison with ammeter D. i AmmeterB shows morelthe sameless current io comparsoa with ammeter C. 4 All the bulbs in these ciruits are the same, | Ly ib 4 Write dowm the reading an each votrete. P —_ R s 1b Complete this sentence by crossing out the wrong words. ‘The bulbs in the series circuit wil be Drighter/less bright than the bulbs inthe parallel circuit beceuse they are transforming more/less electrical energy to light nergy. Continued Test yoursit eve ue caucingecgecs Unit! 8 A church tower usually has lightning conductor. a What i a lightning conductor? bb What happens when lightning strikes the conductor? PP ighening «© What happens if cere sno conductor and the lightning strikes the tower? 6 Look atthe diagram of a model for describing an elect cre, In this model say what represents each ofthe following components the cell the current voltage eneray 8 component switch ‘he wires continued —» revel Ma aeaia eels a0 5 Test yourself Unit 1 Wich of tse appliances wile he mot etic an hour Cie he Aa SRW eke tre B a LW kote C 260 tmp Da SW hander 8 These diagrams show a hyoelcrc power taton and gifted power sation fue ron 5 ay crn oe Contin Test yoursett Energy and electricity continued — Units Complete the santances below about how they work. In a hydroelectric power station, 's collected in the______ When the station s generating eet, the ‘woter flows ______to the turbines I uns the wien turn the tomate slectrcty. When the generators are tured, a moving produces electricity Ina gas-Bred power stator Is burned to hheat_________in the boilers, The produced tums the turbines, The_______ tum the generators. side the generators a moving makes actly. The 1s condensed in te The waste gases leave through the 'b The waste gases from the power station may be released into the atmosphere, Some dissolve in rainwater. What problems can this cause? All fosl fuel power stations produce carbon dioxide. What long-term problem might be caused by too much earbon dioxide inthe atmosphere? Not all the energy is transformed to electrical energy in the gas-fired power station. How is energy wasted? Continued ag Test yourseit (are cvgeu Recast aeele aa Unit 9 Complete this energy Now dkagram shovring the energy use ofa car. a1 10 These two light bulbs both give out the same amount of light, A B tice it ab tigre a Which bulb uses more electrical energy in one minute? 'b What happens to the electrical energy that not transformed into ight? ‘© Which bulb wil get hotter while tis being used 4 Explain your answer to ¢ 11 Anna sas: In alle transformations we have seen, energy is conserved ~ Its neither created nor destroyed” Explain how this can be true if two light bubs give out the same amount of light vshile one uses more electrical energy than the other 12 The unt of electricity is the illovat hour. ‘How many units wil be used in each of these cases? a a LKW ketde for 1 hour b a S00W iron for 2 hours ¢ 2 60W bulb for 100 hours © Test yourslt errors Unit Answers 41 Complete the energy transformations shown in these pletres. a awind up toy » acandle chemical energy —~ _hest and . late _ energy rial energy —~ KN eney seatential energy —- _kinetle energy da water wheel ¢ awind bine aU lint encgy —» CEA energy POE energy —~ MEIC energy 2 This pot clock does not use batteries — i utes potato instead, 2 Compe the energy transformations ht tke pce in he potato batty chemical _ energy—>__electrical energy and_heat ____ energy » Which two metals would produce the highest vohage if used for lctrods? Tick the coret answer. [_] tron and tron [J] ot ana got (A crper and magnesium LJ son and zine Continued so Test yourselt ir rf wd alt &. 4 Hy Q_1SY s_3y¥ 0. Test yourself recuse deg) Unit Answers 5 A church tower usually has lightning conductr. 4 What sa lightning conductor? A metal rod which projects above the tower and runs down to ‘the ground and conducts electricity safely to the around 'b What happens when lightning strikes the conductor? The electricity is conducted down the rod to the ground © What happens if there iso conductor and the lightning strikes the tower? The electricity tries to pass through the bricks, heating and damaging the tower 6 Look atthe diogrrn of a model for describing an electric circuit tf, OA alt: In this modal, say what represents each of the following components the col_bin of bean bags the current moving children voltage the number of bean bags one child has energy__bean bags a component _ stepping stones or. wobble bolard - asviteh gate the wires _cincle on floor Continued an Test yoursetr renga rauceisgoen ga) Unit 7 Walch ofthese appianoes wil se the most elect in an hour? Cle the Basi ner tre B a LkW kote Ca 60W tap D a 500W hairdryer 8 These diagrams show a lydroelectric power station and 4 gas-fired power station, Continued — site Test yourself Energy and electricity continued unit! Answers 1 Complete the sentences below about how they work, Tn ahytroeectre pone station, _waker ss clleted in the reservoir ‘When the station i generating electricity, he ‘water flows _ downhill or down pipes to the turbines. It turns tne _turbines which tum the _ generators we make electricity. When the generators: are turned, a moving, magnet or magnetic ld _ produces eect Ina gasfired power station, _gas____ts burned to teat_water fn the bolle, The _steam produced tums the turbines, The turbines turn the seneratocs. Inside the genertors moving _ magnet or magnetic field makes electricity, The __steaim ___ ts condensed in the _ cooling towers The waste gues leave through the _ chimney or flue 1b The waste gasis from Ge power station may be released int the atmosphere. Some dissolve i rainwater. What problems can this anuse? avid rain which-can corrode buildings and kill fish and trees. «All fossi fuel power stations preduce carbon dioxide, What long-term problern might be caused by too mach carbon dioxide m the atmosphere? —alobal warming 4. Not all the enorgy is transformed to electrical energy In the gas-fired power station, How is energy wasted? as water Continoed > i sa * Test yourselt Unit | Answers 98 Complete this energy Faw diagram shoving the energy use ofa car 21 10) kine chemical aie eneray — heat and sound eneray 10 These two light bulbs both lve out the same amount af light. A B & aw. W coention cent ps ole iebeals a Which bulb uses more electrical energy in one minute? 6 _ What happens to the etl energy ta not estore into tight? It is transformed into heat Which bub wl get hotter while is beng wsea?_B 4 Explain your answer te more electrical energy is being transformed into heat inB 114 Ara seys ‘In all the transformations we have seen, energy is conserved ~ its neither created nor destroyed, Explain how this can be true if two light bus give out the sme amount of Fight while one uses more electrical energy than the other. ‘the one using mors electrical eneray transforms more into heat 12 Tho unt of electetty isthe Kilowatt hour. How many units wil be used in each ofthese cases? 2 a LW kettle for 1 hour 1h bb 2 500W iron for 2 hours _1 kWh ¢ 260W bulb for 100hours Gh Soca Sheek 456 Air ‘To investigate an energy saving light bulb anda traditional bulb to find out how mach energy they we and how much light anv heat they produce, Equipment © lamp with 18 W tow «© solar-powered ealeulator eneriy light bulb © about 40 sheets of paper © lamp with BOW © ruler conventional ight bulb an stand joulereter @ themiometer © stopwatch Introduction An energy saving ight bulb is rated as 18 W, I is claimed that gies as mach ight as an ‘ordinary’ 60 W bulb. ci] = What to do: investigating the energy used © Connect the 18 W lighe bulb to the joulemeter and the Joulemeter to the mains supply. @ Switch on the Hight and stat the stopwatch. © Switch othe light after 6 minutes and record the energy use in joules during this time by the 18W bulb @ When the bulb has had a few minute co coal down, carefully replace the bulb wath the 60 W light bub. @ Repeat steps @ and © for this ight bulb Analyse 11 Which bulb used the mast energy? 2 Is there any relationship betwoen the amount of energy tse and the power ratings of the 18 W and 60 W bulbs? Continued +

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