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Rde efLiteoral Consruciom

The nuul c_itoral -Cnhhen is

censialereo to be ha inst prnuiple of
nksnpsrefoben Accoiding to hiSuli, th
cweils e/ an enacrrint u w be 9nen lhuir
dirany and naheal mLoning,ond suh
nieoning dtan Oraluirooabi)uans,dlt
=houdd e gin to a provisiom i Stakt
nhoeeo2 may be u tenseqeces This
u l i can be easly undupstood. Undsr he
ellonsing hiadingt
DNahunal ard Groomahial Meoning.
3)&octruonine pcerud o loore Meoing
Technical cwsid ia Cechnial Jense.

Naheal onol aaoamahcal Meonirg

The we dA ef a Sta hde areiL3
Cun durzgtood ia thuirnahaal, ilnany A
populanzerse andl phroasesono 3erlnc
ane OBNiLd acAding 7o lhui qsuamma

h a l uaning.unlus he_laols 3ee

Usundihy o unlis how jz Sovcino n be
cenkrt, oi in he elject ef he shahue o B090
he LeDrony
hlonguage seod has a nàhoral
manmg cue con} Olpasnt rora
h a f Share
eanung Linluss, eading
a whole, ho coneet ollnec ls us ho ol0 s0.

Sohes ,lhjn Rds mus! be. inkoupve eo in

h Sdinasny G o m m a
n he ionkc, eS in
reru be s c r 2 h u n g
Srahute b ewhih huy
e elject fhe

ShoLw hat fhy LsEne

u avre Lsed Jo

h u r e2cinany
Lheuoham he nae tnMy i3 to
ll islahere hoe
Jake he c l d a s the
Hus mioning
gin h e m n d t f a k e
cwhich ha cwidl gNannahulalliy
nsthareHo cenhuhiin f hose
ei by
cweldtjs, Eihn Ay he preorble
o celert efhe cwehds in Gusim,
or alteneol"

dn he Lose ef Shndran VImmiarah

Apeal Touibnal, Sechon ) e
Lmmionatton Acl, 1A7) cWas undin lonsuchen
frevialol hat a peez80 Lro has va
iraited l a v u a l s his Act to enkn 8
emair in he:k . may apheal an
adjudicakea againtt any vaniaha2 e
lLaLe o against any upudal -h va1y he
eIshds 'a Beruon èsho hos a Linid l a e '
Cwene censruual not so incluole a beism
sho ha hao uh linaided u o e AndI1 nal
held hod he echen appheo ely a a
Coho at ho ioru togeel,lodord hiu pbeal coa
lauoully în ha Vk thaf s incwhese case
eave hao not eped d u nve efodapnent
nMuricipal Boand Stale Tronspei
drhriry TailunalE2hen a he Regiona
Transpe ddhe-ihy haol changud h locdtiorn
fa bus ond,.arnue wand o move an
apbbta hen agans) Hhis eide he sould do 30
wihin 30 day1 rern he dote ef ido o ha
Aegienal Transpeiduheihy CatPAÜPeto
TR S a l r a i p s i ) u n d a Sec 6 - A 7 R
Motes ehicls Ac,1939. 7e appucaism was
inoveolto o Hale Tanspit Arlhoihy o e
he expiny ef 30 day enm Hhe olase
d Hesuu JAuwal AGuLd h a t an.obplica
Tien cald Se Aemoed wihi 3Odayi pma
he knOwledge.f he Ceiont idus pasca
he Sbreme.Cont hela iRhat Caie h a t
Cshenexen languagu ofa s t a e e la plain
qltn be t it
nanbiguerus, mioning hould
Erespehire efha onscguinc ond
inlesptehng sohdes s/ limitahen equuhalls
Censideraiori a l eut place and Llaa
Gaomnatia roning ehe
ahould zhond

dnRamavtar V S518tont Salls Jax

AeJie lhe corn
Ucor he giushon
l i a e was
esh1han hu sale. c befel
o salu tar The. apbellont yeled
n he dichemany m u o n ing of
h i c h Aayu had vegchalla iz Jhot
eal h r panta
ehih i s deaied ol skhain
he Suyprtme Cowrt neyedeo
huir bars
The co2ersrer n d hulod h a f
e e l Luares
COula not olchomany Hbnicas
Le aitn h
Leunial mioniag Loheo he oidinany
clan and
nd hanoal uanng w
urombtuerus houpse he sale e beAl
laes Ias lialle Jo ades Jay.
Gaoldn u
Mod/ied a e) ha pnaple
Qramnmahialuinhsrprefahon i s he n u n o
as roduo kul'
As lemeol in Susser Yerage Lase
he enly 2nule Jet He tenshriuhan b
dk e Pasuli asrernt is#at huy haid
be.cenruuw aceidng o hrdnttnd ef
he aaliaoorr eohiclhrsMel he Act
he twell ehe ahle daHE in #henmsehes
DCCse Cmd UombrgunA,hen no mgre Can
be necesiany hoo t ethlan ho aNd
n bheinahrat Ond oAinang 3ense.h
Ceicls hernsehoes.Lloe:do, h ALLeh cales,
bexd oleeaeri he nlenterhe la ies:
This 2uule ë ugasndioo y ofol
hWensleydal as 9old1n mul Ja thu rrkon
orchabien ef Staes keid Jen leydals hos slsenvtd
nho caie Grey v teansen
a Lemstutng Sahites, as in lemstrug
all olh Diers s numls,the qnonmacbal
a d cilinleny Scnse ef ha cserdl s o be adhr
untes hat eold lacd 4o 20na alsundikq ei
Sena hebugnonc innemsi'yency Loh ha
est e hiinsnumunt, n whih.LJe quamma
a l and eidinay sense h o Å d s naay be-
acced BOaoavd hat alserdihy ei htosishu
nhe wAd e Vis0untSiondkC2
The Groldsn Ruluis Aat he uoIdL g a
-ahh mut bnhaa.Jocie be qhccn their crdinany
nuaning: Nahoral and hdinay nuoning e
he twids Should not be dparihd p1ena unlese
i can be shoon hat Ao lugat zobet hnhich
heverdk u Ascd o1eguere a

Lrplonohen he Nl
hun is Said h a t oSds au o be
ins in thur rahural, osdnay eo
bishlasnsetu puont hat hi weicis niuss
be ascnibect hat nahoalyectnany el febula
Meoning eshlch huy hae l ulatioyn to h e
3tliéetraltn evit 1eJrenta to hich and
h e Cezeet jn h i h thy hae beer Aised in
Ho Slahbes
dn ho Staraune ho Ule hu ehats
nahuzal, llinaui ikralquonmaha2
and pblan'au enplayeal almest inkeen che
ngrally L \ y ha'lone lLa
dn ollermin ing, the iuoning any
c R el hrose n a Statrue Hu
n a h r a l ano
s e askeds Khat jp ha

wid eR phease
eidinaLy meomng e h a t
icn u Jatle Bus shen h a t
Lerdert Auh
nahoral diany moning Jn dicates
esLul cwhich con be poseol have
we hae
Th j o e i o n e hs ugolohore,hen
to lepk Je 30rme ohunÞessible hneonuno
eho cwoid el phase evtvb may h n Len

Censrher2 ef Stahdes, 7ha LOrhrt nLons

he sahle a aLhole, he Jeevvenus 's/ale
/ hilaw, Uhum ahdes snpai naakola
hogonwmal scope haHotude Ondh
nishie/hat A0as Derdeol lo Uray
&ru ecid apae1 e r havig a
nahwrol, oldinany elþipulan muoningn
has a Acendaay muoniag 70 hich naay
be Jol eg' c h kcbnical oA 3ciendpe. his
SLendany paioning lss Cermn h o n
h hlnaus nauonng
Ceinmisimvief Sales Io Jplnde
V asnVantngh dha0n ingh.
e Supeme ceus Censmung Ha
cOeid Coalin 0 salu Tax Act abhlede
pbularr mioning kst:"What ueuld be
the muoning ehich perse6dalung Lih
Loal ond Lensumusas pNhasing uAasuek
eoeuld gihe o hat s0id" 2n niserrto hes
est id aWas helAhat_iel LoilL JMclude
hancoal ai well not onluy Coal oltained ola
MnLral. But h he cemkr4 e Sales Jax
Aet, Loal will incluoli n tho n0horal,
Gidinaug popular sense kret ho Loal
InMoipu Kaninday o:lYA VSae
ef Bha wodien ALOIe Lhehen ha
BgON cone Jiu coihin the beorm. greu
Salu Tax Act, 17 ol potypese ef Jol ix.
Suprere oer hilol hat ewhik daling aidha
faxing t u k ho naheral n d Holinaner reon
n e a ccld Snouulol be ho coiect pconing
h qmem ntgillu i Jdr pepuulan Are
nduars xQhails hat ton be gronn i ha
ithtn gasd and con be uicdyel eatiag
durino Lnh oi cino houese ugahane does
not alundahis.cahgeiy

Un ch cenkrt ofo sals Taz Acd ho pepulan

meonlng hat nroning cuhichjs bapulaerin
cemorercias ccdes tol o Act in i s weng
Cnwnod essedhally cwilh dalv2s coho cane
Copmunial mn :Aphlying his ert ol the
unpose e unyo Sals Tx AcA 7269, nfu ancl
ádoly evene hlal be dJerent _cemmodbes
ana he weid" LialLl Lwas _CeNBhueol cecr
Cotten)eellin duyn JH.
n OSnal Agno Mil LHd Vollectes
Canas ause, jt was hild h a l +ollt soe
Cwas a Horwehols Sab o n l nola 30ah ef
chen e r h Schedusle ) e/he Canral j a e i

and salUAA17 anyere goesto nanks

and.ais Jci eike1scap hr nruus? ask ely
heruxhstd buhing fperbele Gnd not ei
indusnasc i c h i i e . {vm he peeble t
dalng cwih wvlol Supply i hewe
prefred hh love
t)Erac moning

3 pom Mgaiding h
he irfer-ku r
is h a l enat
u l ef LiJral cONmal/ian
b Loole Weoniny n
n e o i n i phsrecd
an Act ráarrlian1n
ailbbal Sngh V Lpien ef Jrolia
Hvashalol hotov.iso presunapron ha
he i au Aacd in an At oanlonun)
CELNLCHy anel eLacHs ano not leelely
LAd Heesand CT while. AsLo/bing e
he wid 'cenliguons S eroct naeoning
Leeie niean
ie touching ,in prcprerie o iti
ing e neighbouring'slsemeol"I: ALGhd
hbe ho sauule, anat iwe av glad o hink
thas Aiu hu snd, hal w8do a e uscal n
onAct e/ Porliomrnt lotmecHy oned erocly
Ona no leosely and JaetocH
Eiveny uOskd has a eLendony MOni
To9 eeJotg in ahplying ho abore Saded
uule bnesheulol be cosu hol not fo rirup
hsecondoruy rsorvng ciilh tha loose
Mubruný. Lecsc nuoning shoLld not dileat
ho seLenrdany mionurig ef e ueid hre
he Belerdany monino ponf h hot mioni
cuhich Stohde uonprefe renLe thodd be
qien b. at AETdany iaNmg

)Tehiol uoolds in lednicas senie

The erunh nbiornt htnt cq0ra
ul f Jerat satriuhen s hat
ao o n o

ebaical coelds wu urderstood in e ebnico

SNse ny.
Few telrant peNb Iegasnding hii asu
Shecal paaninq n ad lusin e
Leid Eahe MiR has shaed h a t h
Act is e e pas4ed ewih nep2encszo'o
paniculan hodlnsirneei tranlac tim
cOidi e u dLsCol Lhich eenyboy cEnensan
with hat.hraoLL krsneu es onsachia knew
Onol undLAnoli e harcaparaiculan
2MeNig in iH,hn he.cugidd O U to be
c N e d askhoing h o baeticlan meoning
Uiea Izlia CiaaNE Nlens d
was helo hat es aniaeisay lenKquniL
a o prnupleh a t ticidi ane: underte od -
hir cidinan oinaheual nacaning in relahior-
h sLlyeA aten, jn lugulaioi sekotng
he a

panhicuudan frucl, kauinekl, Dredeesien a d es.

Bubne,ids lhamg aeualsmiorning s r
h a cemkxt am ude2sdvo in hat ense
duch a heual muoning Lscallls e
echrucal mionn9 Jn i d s ib ditnguish j
hom e 07sBe Corpaen muonng had h e

Y eronmple, in. adiding o e s Hlaled to

morujactne efa pmduct ho gueLhen be
asud is hat" Ho tw i4 h prbducf d t e
by ho clas a ehenef pcope dialng eolh EK
cuiing o valud?H iA grurally hy wreb-
l haroca hot u frlut is so ietrthcd
Khena woidALquneA A atdituulaa
Maa he dhade C e m u i a l
has eanmG beceret e bopuulah ruoing
ohs Lerk ard
Enmally be ccfplrd
nUnion of Inda V Delhi Cloh ano!

Chensial Mllu o sd. ho qushionA Was o

Clase auhy en re)ined cil':/ 9a) hild hat
Dsaiiiahem el Sraw eil Jn the pOas e
mUnulothore Vonasbati ashone dedeli
otreridor ajlen hydnog1naton does notat
any Hag2 honslorm he eil nto 1eJnnd er
Q knenn to he ceniumans and cenmul
CEnimunihy Stause n LommurcuawAld
sli i alny otee zaiern dodsazeo bephe
i s manke a! ulined Heru uupone
Cr.L08ilwdAAho erdpnes ef ranuJochsne
d sulridoil ard Hu tpeilicahan ef teflncd erl
by hr Dncdion Sondand rshihabio

(6egal Bense o cocids

y gal Stnse elds poe mian hat
ehen wsids auqure a tshnical Lonmg
beLase i r Lens keat uie'by u
lgLilature h a þa:thularsense dLecaue
huir auholfative teNsNUAon by-
Bfen o Lensrs, thuy an undors doDd jo that
ersE Ahun decl dn A 8nilanceDkrAin.
BiUA q i n t leglanee. hhin a coold
acopunes a Apeet al cornotahor ja l a u , hen
cbietieareR also case to be helblt h
hlerprdng hof d Houserey fho comkrt
h e eOid mas hrdicae hat he lugislolhou
ahnde ousc o wcid Ja Ms Aihnas aen se Onl)
no h legel.sense
n Gro harndalagedndas Vunicl*
nuAS Jer21e1 hradalad,ha Suprma
Lerorin.adalig i t h e c h n 72 of ha
Benmbau unicilihy BetoLghi c 199
enc auhoiizcd a municipålitesh ioapeie
a n e en Lruildng, el lods! helol hot
he s t d 'tahshould be entavdn a
echricalsense Liccaue Ahas acguined
a apeial ruonng to cornoke. c fae
iapeicd by Localauheiie3 en he onnual

DModes nanmly!
Achual s1en eAhol
SDAhe jADot lU, aent aicd en
hyfpohuhcal nony dred
i ) h e i h e c heLse hus caodes nct
Cnailallelay valuohon asedem tabital


Taxing stohe) ae Bhichy cenutmed

Tax ande r e mpesihibz2s mad by a
Shate e 9tadsing 9UcnueeA tox impeie
pulle puoipee ol saisine Gowral
greru h e Sa le cuhuuas aJee Ls inposd
I e r d n n g - s e n c e A and &eCOS A vad

Taxi2g stelAtea muors any s aing

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