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Grameen Danone et Jita

Caroline Monteiro, Alexandre Ribiera, Hichem Taouf


Grameen Danone Food Ltd is a social business venture that was established in 2006 as
a joint venture between Grameen Bank, a microfinance organization, and Danone, a
multinational food company. The company was founded with a mission to provide
affordable, nutritious food products to rural communities in Bangladesh.

Grameen Danone Food Ltd produces and distributes a range of fortified yogurt
products that are designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of the target market.
The products are sold at an affordable price point and are distributed through an
innovative network of local women who act as sales agents in their communities.

The company's unique business model combines social impact with sustainable
business practices. Grameen Danone Food Ltd reinvests all profits back into the
business, with the goal of expanding its reach and impact in rural communities in

Since its founding, Grameen Danone Food Ltd has received widespread recognition for
its innovative business model and social impact. The company has been praised for its
efforts to address malnutrition in rural communities and for its focus on empowering
women through its sales agent network. Today, Grameen Danone Food Ltd is
considered a leading example of how business can be used to address social challenges
and improve lives.

Marketing stratégique
Qualitative information provides a rich, in-depth understanding of a particular topic or
issue by exploring the experiences, perspectives, and motivations of individuals or
groups. This type of information is often obtained through observation, in-depth
interviews, and other qualitative research methods.
In the case of Grameen Danone's marketing strategy, the information I provided
focuses on understanding the key elements of the company's approach to marketing,
such as the social and health benefits it aims to emphasize, the local distribution
networks it leverages, the affordable pricing it offers, and the product quality and
innovation it focuses on. This information provides insight into the motivations and
goals behind Grameen Danone's marketing efforts and helps to build a rich
understanding of the company's approach to marketing.

Grameen Danone Food Ltd is a joint venture between Grameen Bank and Danone, and
it only produces one product, Shokti Doi yogurt. As a result, the BCG matrix for
Grameen Danone would have only one product in it, which is:

Stars: Shokti Doi yogurt can be considered a "star" product because it has a high
market share in the rural areas of Bangladesh where it is sold and it is part of a growing
market in terms of demand for affordable and nutritious food options for the poor.
It is important to note that the BCG matrix is generally used to analyze a company's
portfolio of products and not a single product. However, in the case of Grameen
Danone, as it produces only one product, we can see that the product has a high
market share and growth potential, which indicates that it is a good investment for the
company to continue to focus on this product and expand its reach in Bangladesh.

Growth and development strategy

Grameen Danone Food Ltd is a joint venture between Grameen Bank and Danone,
with a focus on addressing social and economic challenges in Bangladesh while
providing economic opportunities for women entrepreneurs. The company's primary
product is Shokti Doi yogurt, which is sold by a network of local women entrepreneurs
known as "Grameen Ladies" in communities throughout Bangladesh.

To expand the reach of its product, Grameen Danone has been focused on developing
a distribution network in rural areas, where transportation costs are high and access to
healthy food options is limited. The company has established small-scale yogurt
production facilities in these areas, which not only reduces transportation costs but
also provides economic opportunities for local communities.

In addition to its primary product, Grameen Danone has been exploring opportunities
to develop new products that meet the nutritional needs of the poor in rural areas of
Bangladesh. For example, the company has developed a fortified rice product called
"Shokti Rice" that provides essential vitamins and minerals to improve the health of
people in these areas.
Grameen Danone's business model is designed to address social and economic
challenges in the region by providing economic opportunities for women
entrepreneurs and improving the health and nutrition of the poor. By focusing on

these challenges, the company is creating sustainable solutions that have a positive
impact on the communities it serves.

To expand its reach and impact, Grameen Danone has collaborated with local
organizations, such as Grameen Telecom, and partnered with other organizations, such
as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to share its business model
and help replicate its success in other countries.

Grameen Danone Food Ltd growth and development strategy is centered around
expanding the reach of its Shokti Doi yogurt product while also addressing social and
economic challenges in Bangladesh. By focusing on these priorities, the company is
creating sustainable solutions that have a positive impact on the communities it

This company operates in a challenging environment, characterized by a high poverty

rate and limited access to nutritious food. In order to address this social challenge, the
company's objective is to provide a nutritious product at an affordable price, while
empowering local women entrepreneurs to drive the economic development of the

In terms of the political environment, the instability in Bangladesh can have an impact
on the operations of Grameen Danone, as well as the policies and regulations related
to food safety and production. The company needs to comply with local laws and
regulations related to labor practices and financial services due to its partnership with
Grameen Bank, a microfinance organization.

The economic environment in Bangladesh is characterized by a low-income

population, limited infrastructure, and high costs of production and distribution. The
company needs to price its products appropriately for the local market, while exploring
innovative solutions to overcome the limitations of technology in the region.

The social environment in Bangladesh is marked by a high poverty rate and limited
access to nutritious food. Grameen Danone's focus on providing a nutritious product at
an affordable price can help to address this social challenge. The company's business
model, which involves training and empowering local women entrepreneurs, can have
a positive impact on gender equality and the development of the local economy.

In terms of technology, the company's operations are dependent on equipment used

for production and distribution, which can be costly to maintain and upgrade. The
company has been exploring innovative solutions, such as small-scale yogurt
production facilities, to overcome the limitations of technology in the region.

The environmental impact of the company's operations can be significant, with waste
generated from production being a concern. Grameen Danone has been implementing
sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy and reducing waste, to minimize
its environmental impact.

Overall, Grameen Danone Food Ltd faces a number of challenges in its operating
environment, and needs to navigate the political, economic, social, technological,
environmental, and legal factors in order to achieve its objective of providing a
nutritious product at an affordable price, while empowering local women
entrepreneurs and driving the economic development of the region.

Competition direct et indirect

Grameen Danone Food Ltd operates in a highly competitive market, both directly and
indirectly. Its primary competitors in the direct market include other companies
producing similar types of dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, which are
also targeting the low-income population in Bangladesh. These companies include
Aarong Dairy, Pran Dairy, and BRAC Dairy, among others. They offer similar products
and price points, and may also have established brand recognition and market share.

In addition to direct competitors, Grameen Danone also faces competition indirectly

from other food and beverage products, including those that may not be in the same
product category but may satisfy similar needs or be available at a similar price point.
For example, the company may compete with packaged snacks or low-cost drinks in
the local market.

Overall, the competitive landscape for Grameen Danone Food Ltd is complex, with
competition coming from both direct and indirect sources. The company needs to
focus on its unique selling proposition, which is its mission to provide a nutritious
product at an affordable price while empowering local women entrepreneurs. By
leveraging its partnership with Grameen Bank and the social mission of its business
model, the company can differentiate itself from its competitors and gain a
competitive advantage in the market.

Porter Analysis
Grameen Danone Food Ltd operates in a highly competitive market in Bangladesh, and
a Porter analysis can provide insights into the competitive landscape. Firstly, the threat
of new entrants is relatively low, as the dairy industry requires significant capital
investment and existing companies have established brands and market share.
Secondly, the bargaining power of suppliers is low as the company sources its raw
materials from local farmers and cooperatives, which limits their bargaining power.
However, the bargaining power of buyers is high as the low-income population in
Bangladesh is highly price-sensitive and may switch to other affordable products if the
price is too high.

The threat of substitutes is high, with a wide range of food and beverage products
available that could satisfy similar needs or be available at a similar price point. This
means that Grameen Danone Food Ltd must focus on providing a unique value
proposition to its customers in order to stand out. Finally, the intensity of competitive
rivalry is high, with many local and international companies operating in the dairy and
food industry in Bangladesh.

In order to stay ahead of the competition, Grameen Danone Food Ltd must leverage its
social mission to provide nutritious and affordable products while empowering local
women entrepreneurs. Additionally, the company needs to focus on cost leadership
and innovation in its product offerings. By emphasizing these areas, Grameen Danone
Food Ltd can differentiate itself from its competitors and gain a competitive advantage
in the market.

Market demand
Grameen Danone Food Ltd operates in the dairy and food industry in Bangladesh,
which is a rapidly growing market due to the increasing population and rising
disposable incomes. The market demand for food and beverage products in
Bangladesh is driven by several factors, including a growing population, urbanization,
changing dietary habits, and an increasing focus on health and wellness.

As the population grows and more people move into urban areas, the demand for
packaged and convenience foods is increasing. This trend is driving demand for dairy
and food products that are affordable, nutritious, and easily accessible. At the same
time, there is a growing awareness of the importance of nutrition and healthy eating,
which is driving demand for healthier food and beverage options.

In addition, Grameen Danone Food Ltd mission to provide affordable and nutritious
products is aligned with the needs of the local population, which is predominantly low-
income. The company's products provide essential nutrients such as calcium, protein,
and vitamins, which are often lacking in the diets of low-income families. The
company's focus on social impact, including creating job opportunities for women
entrepreneurs in rural areas, also resonates with local consumers.

However, the market demand for dairy and food products in Bangladesh is highly
price-sensitive, and consumers are often willing to switch to lower-priced alternatives.
Grameen Danone Food Ltd must balance the need to provide affordable products with
the need to generate sustainable profits in a highly competitive market. Additionally,
the company must stay attuned to changing consumer preferences and adapt its
product offerings accordingly in order to remain relevant and meet the evolving
demands of the market.


Grameen Danone Food Ltd offers a range of affordable, nutritious, and high-quality
food products, with a focus on dairy-based products. The company's marketing mix
consists of the following elements:

Product: Grameen Danone Food Ltd offers a range of dairy-based products, including
yogurt, flavored yogurt, and nutrient-enriched yogurt for children. The company's

products are designed to be affordable, nutritious, and accessible, and are formulated
to provide essential nutrients that may be lacking in the diets of low-income families.
Price: Grameen Danone Food Ltd's products are priced competitively to appeal to
price-sensitive consumers. The company's pricing strategy takes into account the need
to generate sustainable profits while still offering affordable products to low-income
Place: The company's products are distributed through a network of local women
entrepreneurs, who operate small-scale sales points in rural and semi-urban areas.
This distribution model not only helps to increase the accessibility of the company's
products, but also provides income-generating opportunities for women in
underserved areas.
Promotion: Grameen Danone Food Ltd's promotion strategy focuses on community
engagement and word-of-mouth marketing. The company works closely with local
community groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to raise awareness
about the importance of nutrition and healthy eating, and to promote the benefits of
its products.
People: Grameen Danone Food Ltd's employees are a key part of its marketing mix.
The company employs a diverse group of individuals, including local residents and
women entrepreneurs, and provides training and support to help them succeed in
their roles.
Process: The company's production and distribution processes are designed to be
efficient and cost-effective, while still maintaining high standards of quality and safety.
The use of local women entrepreneurs for distribution also helps to streamline the
distribution process and reduce costs.
Physical evidence: Grameen Danone Food Ltd physical evidence includes its product
packaging and branding, as well as its partnerships with local community groups and
NGOs. The company's branding emphasizes its mission to provide affordable and
nutritious products, and its partnerships help to build trust and credibility with local

Coherence between the four elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and
promotion) is important for the success of a business. In the case of Grameen Danone
Food Ltd, the marketing mix is designed to be in line with the company's mission of
providing affordable, nutritious food products to rural communities in Bangladesh.

The product element of the marketing mix is exemplified by Grameen Danone Food
Ltd's range of fortified yogurt products, which are designed to meet the specific
nutritional needs of rural populations. The price element of the marketing mix is also
aligned with the company's mission, as the products are priced affordably to make
them accessible to the target market.

The place element of the marketing mix is also important, as Grameen Danone Food
Ltd has developed an innovative distribution system that uses a network of local
women to sell and distribute the products in rural communities. This helps to ensure
that the products are available and accessible to the target market.

Finally, the promotion element of the marketing mix is designed to raise awareness of
the company's mission and products. Grameen Danone Food Ltd has used a range of
promotional activities, such as advertising campaigns and public relations initiatives, to
raise awareness of its products and their nutritional benefits.

Overall, the coherence between the four elements of the marketing mix is aligned with
the company's mission and values, and is designed to be in line with the needs and
characteristics of the target market.

SWOT analysis

Grameen Danone Food Ltd has a number of strengths that help to position the
company well in the market. One of its primary strengths is its focus on providing
affordable, nutritious food products to low-income families. The company's use of local
women entrepreneurs as distribution partners also helps to increase accessibility to its
products in rural and semi-urban areas.

However, Grameen Danone Food Ltd also faces some challenges. One of the primary
challenges is competition from other food and beverage companies, which may have
greater financial resources and more established brands. The company also faces
challenges in terms of supply chain management, as it relies on a network of small-
scale entrepreneurs for distribution.

Despite these challenges, there are several opportunities for Grameen Danone Food
Ltd to expand its business. One opportunity is to expand its product line beyond dairy-
based products, and to include other affordable and nutritious food options. The
company can also explore partnerships with other organizations, such as local farmers
or NGOs, to further enhance its supply chain.

Finally, Grameen Danone Food Ltd also needs to be aware of potential threats to its
business. These threats may include changes in government regulations or economic
conditions, as well as shifts in consumer behavior or preferences. To mitigate these
threats, the company needs to maintain flexibility in its business operations and be
prepared to adapt quickly to changing market conditions.

Overall, Grameen Danone Food Ltd's focus on providing affordable and nutritious food
products, and its unique distribution model, position it well for continued growth and
success in the future. However, the company must remain vigilant to potential
challenges and threats, and continue to innovate and adapt to changing market

The McKinsey 7S model is a framework for organizational effectiveness and change

management that analyzes seven key elements of an organization. Here's an overview
of how the model applies to Grameen Danone Food Ltd:

Strategy: Grameen Danone Food Ltd strategy is to produce and sell affordable,
nutritious yogurt to low-income communities in Bangladesh, while also creating

economic opportunities for local farmers and entrepreneurs. The company's strategy
aligns with its social mission and is focused on sustainable growth.
Structure: The organizational structure of Grameen Danone Food Ltd is relatively flat,
with a small executive team overseeing a larger workforce of employees, suppliers,
and community partners. The company's structure is designed to facilitate
communication and collaboration across different stakeholder groups.
Systems: Grameen Danone Food Ltd uses a variety of systems and processes to
manage its operations, including production, distribution, and sales. The company also
relies on data and metrics to track its impact and make data-driven decisions.
Shared values: Grameen Danone Food Ltd shared values include social responsibility,
sustainability, and innovation. These values are reflected in the company's mission and
vision, as well as its commitment to ethical business practices.
Skills: The skills required for success at Grameen Danone Food Ltd include a mix of
technical expertise (in areas such as food science, marketing, and supply chain
management) and soft skills (such as empathy, cultural sensitivity, and community
Style: The leadership style at Grameen Danone Food Ltd is collaborative and inclusive,
with a focus on building partnerships and empowering local communities. The
company's leaders are also committed to transparency and accountability.
Staff: Grameen Danone Food Ltd staff includes employees, suppliers, and community
partners who are all committed to the company's social mission. The company places a
high value on diversity and inclusion, and actively seeks to recruit and retain talent
from a wide range of backgrounds.
Overall, the McKinsey 7S model highlights the importance of alignment and integration
across all aspects of an organization in order to achieve long-term success. By focusing
on strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, and staff, Grameen Danone
Food Ltd is able to effectively balance social impact and business growth.

Grameen Danone Foods is a social business in Bangladesh that aims to combat
malnutrition through its nutritious yogurt products. In order to create an effective
marketing strategy, the following elements should be taken into consideration:

Market Segmentation: Grameen Danone should determine their target customers

based on demographic factors such as age, income, and location.
Competitor Analysis: The company should analyze their competition to understand
their strengths and weaknesses and distinguish themselves from others in the market.
Customer Needs: Through market research, Grameen Danone can gain insight into
their customers' wants and needs, allowing them to tailor their products and
marketing efforts.
SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis will help Grameen Danone to identify their internal
strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats.
Marketing Mix: The company should review and adjust their marketing mix (product,
price, promotion, place) to improve their overall marketing strategy.
Brand Image: Building a strong brand image is crucial for Grameen Danone and can be
accomplished through consistent high-quality products and clear communication of
their social mission.
By taking these elements into account, Grameen Danone can develop a
comprehensive marketing plan that will allow them to reach their target customers
and achieve their goals as a social business.

Introduction JITA

JITA Bangladesh is a social enterprise that aims to create economic opportunities for
the marginalized according to their facebook page.
We can add that JITA Bangladesh is a social enterprise established in 2011 and
operating in Bangladesh. "JITA" stands for "Jibon Tari" in Bengali, which translates to
"boat of life." The company was founded by the non-governmental organization CARE
Bangladesh, and is supported by several partners, including the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations Development Program,
and the government of Bangladesh.

JITA Bangladesh works to empower low-income women and enable them to access
economic opportunities. It reaches out to rural and urban women, especially those
living in isolated and marginalized communities, and provides them with essential
products and services such as food, basic necessities, information and communication
technology, and vocational training.

The company uses an innovative business model based on technology, marketing and
distribution to provide women with access to quality products at affordable prices. It
also works closely with local community organizations to ensure that products and
services are locally and culturally appropriate. JITA Bangladesh's business model is
designed to stimulate women's economic empowerment, improve their social status
and strengthen their role in decision-making within their families and communities.

Strategic marketing : Firm

JITA, which stands for "Joining Initiative for Trade Advancement", is a social business
initiative started in Bangladesh through the partnership between Danone and CARE
Bangladesh, an NGO. JITA's purpose is to create economic opportunities for rural
communities in Bangladesh by providing them access to safe, affordable, and
nutritious food products. Through its distribution network, JITA works to improve the
livelihoods of rural people by creating jobs, promoting entrepreneurship, and
increasing access to food products. JITA aims to achieve this by implementing a
sustainable business model that prioritizes the needs of the rural communities while
generating positive social and economic impact.

JITA has developed a highly efficient rural distribution system in Bangladesh that uses
over 300 Aparajitas to deliver essential products directly to underserved rural
customers. The system includes a unique supply chain model that employs rural
women as door-to-door salespersons, offering a range of products including health,
hygiene, nutrition, and agricultural inputs. The model uses a rural franchise called
'Hub' to deliver inventory to these women, who source products from various
companies including MNCs, local conglomerates, and rural producers. Paid service
personnel help facilitate product lifting and sales, ensuring the program's quality. This
model has helped rural women accumulate wealth through a viable commission
structure provided by partner companies. Currently, JITA's rural supply chain model
operates through about 450 local distribution hubs in 51 districts and serves 17 million
BoP consumers, selling impactful products from private sector companies such as
Unilever, BATA, BIC, d.light, Lalteer Seeds, Square Toiletries, Grameen Danone Foods
Ltd, and Marico, among others.

JITA Bangladesh primarily focuses on internal development, but also incorporates

external development initiatives into its strategy.
Internal development refers to initiatives that are initiated and carried out by the
organization itself, such as building the capacity of its staff (hub managers or aparajita
for example), improving its internal systems and processes, and developing new
research methods and techniques. This focus on internal development enables JITA
Bangladesh to strengthen its capabilities and increase its efficiency and effectiveness.
External development refers to initiatives that are initiated by external stakeholders
and that have an impact on the organization, such as changes in government policies,
new funding opportunities, and advances in technology and research methods. JITA
Bangladesh also incorporates external development initiatives into its strategy by
forming partnerships with other organizations and collaborating on joint research and
analysis projects.
In conclusion, JITA Bangladesh has a balanced approach to development, with a focus
on internal development to strengthen its capabilities and incorporating external
development initiatives to adapt to changes in its external environment and to
increase its impact and efficiency. Besides that, JITA is creating this model of solution in
other countries to make ‘impactful’ safe, affordable, and demand-driven products

available to rural BoP consumers that help them have a better life as well as increase
their monthly savings and household incomes in the process.
BCG Matrix

JITA offers two types of services that generate profits for the company. The first is its
product distribution system, which is the foundation and core of its business and
provides a steady stream of revenue. The second service is its offering of consulting
and marketing research to companies interested in accessing BoP markets, which
requires market analysis or product development. This service allows JITA to generate
significant profits (60% of its revenue in 2012). Although this service was its star
product in 2012, its steady revenue stream from its sales network will remain and
continue to grow over time.

In conclusion, JITA Bangladesh operates in a complex and challenging environment,
but its innovative business model has enabled it to create a unique niche in the
market. The company's focus on empowering rural women and underserved
communities has not only generated social impact but also economic benefits. Despite
the various external factors that pose a threat to the company's growth, JITA has
managed to adapt to the changing landscape and continue to deliver value to its
customers and partners. Overall, JITA's success provides valuable lessons for
organizations seeking to create sustainable and scalable business models that benefit
both society and the bottom line.

Strategic marketing: Market Demand

JITA has identified the need to establish a system for the sales and distribution of food,
hygiene, and other products. This need reflects the demand for employment
opportunities for women in rural villages who have been marginalized until now, as
well as the need for entrepreneurs and companies to develop. Consumers also require
access to a wide variety of high-quality products.
Additionally, due to the success of JITA's social system, governments and businesses
are interested in accessing the BoP market or replicating this system in other parts of
the world. They are seeking market analyses, product development, and other services
from JITA to achieve this.

PORTER Analysis:

JITA Bangladesh operates in a very competitive market and its position is relatively
strong due to its negotiation ability with suppliers and its strategy of working closely
with local suppliers. However, there are still potential threats from new entrants,
substitute products and rivalry between competitors. However, JITA has a unique way
of employing and training local people, which strengthens the company's reputation.

MIX Analysis:

JITA Bangladesh has adopted an innovative and sustainability-driven approach to
managing its marketing mix. By focusing on the quality, sustainability, and accessibility
of its products, using a distribution model based on women entrepreneurs, and
emphasizing the promotion of its products through digital and physical channels, the
company is able to differentiate itself from its competitors and meet the needs of its
customers. Two examples show this adaptability: the opening towards social networks
and events. JITA is also characterized by the desire to offer a wide range of products
from food to clothing. The will of JITA is to make these products accessible to low-
income households

SWOT Analysis:
The company has three core internal and external strengths: an innovative distribution
model based on a network of women entrepreneurs, called "Aparajitas", to sell its
products in rural communities. In this, JITA Bangladesh is committed to sustainable
development and social inclusion. These targets do not exclude the desire to deliver
quality and sustainable products. Its ability to communicate through social networks is
the event organized by JITA gives opportunities to expand the regions reached by its
product distribution. However, the retail market in Bangladesh is very competitive,
with many local and international companies competing directly. We can add the very
fact that economic and political conditions in Bangladesh may impact the company's
financial results.

The main competitors of JITA Bangladesh depend on the categories of products it sells.

For food products, JITA Bangladesh's main competitors are traditional supermarkets
such as Shwapno, Meena Bazar, Agora, etc. They sell a variety of food products,
including products similar to those of JITA Bangladesh, such as fresh vegetables, dairy
products, spices, etc. They sell a variety of food products, including products similar to
JITA Bangladesh, such as fresh vegetables, dairy products, spices, etc.

For non-food products, the main competitors of JITA Bangladesh are local retailers and
local markets. Local retailers sell a variety of products, such as clothing, shoes,
personal care products, etc. Local markets are also an important source of non-food
products for consumers.

It should be noted that JITA Bangladesh focuses on low-income consumers, and there
are not many direct competitors that specifically target this market segment. However,
there is indirect competition from street vendors and small retailers who sell similar
products at a lower price, but without the added benefits such as guaranteed quality
and the convenience of home delivery offered by JITA Bangladesh.

Conclusion JITA

In conclusion, JITA is a company that conveys important values to help revive the
economy of underprivileged areas of Bangladesh through unique means, such as
employment and specific training of women who previously had little opportunity for
professional activity. The company has an interesting potential to make products and
services of all kinds accessible in rural areas. The company ensures that the quality of
its products at reduced prices is respected.


1) What is GDPL business model and social profits objective ? How did the company
manage to sell its products at a low price in a rural area ?

GDPL aims for three types of profits: First Nutritional profits by providing good quality
products at a low price.
Second, the employment profit. 3000 more jobs are planned. For now, they succeeded
by implementing non-sophisticated equipment into the factory so that local people
could work without problem of machinery type.
Thirdly, environment profit. The reduction of energy consumption and ecological
packaging are the two axes of this profit.

2) What are JITA Business model and social profits objective ? How and why are
integrated into the center of the distribution system ?

JITA provides work and training for multitudes of women. It is a social act to allow
those to have a working activity and more independence. It increases local
employment too. It had other benefits such as the reduction of violence, the reach of
social position for women who work as sale ladies and of course the improvement of
living conditions. Indeed, These ladies are trained, sell products and receive a
commission on each product sold.

3) What have been Grameen Danone Food Ltd and JITA’s difficulties to achieve
goals ?

For Danone: They received a lot of criticism. They did not sell a lot too for different
reasons. Firstly, yoghurt is not consumed a lot by poor people. It is not in their habits.
Moreover, it is made at home and not bought in those regions of the world. GDFL
reported as a difficulty that the product needs good storage in order to keep its
quality. A liquid yoghurt is less appealing for customers.
For JITA, avoiding competition between sell ladies is difficult. JITA tracks aparajitas but
do not measure social impacts such as education and empowerment. Moreover JITA
doesn’t have a budget for that. JITA is doing less than a NGO, but much more than any
social business

4) What are the supply chain specificities of JITA and GDFL ?

JITA Bangladesh has developed a unique and innovative supply chain model that
leverages a rural franchise system called "Hub" to deliver products to underserved
rural communities. The system relies on a network of around 450 local distribution
hubs in 51 districts, which supply inventory to a network of door-to-door saleswomen
known as "Aparajitas." The saleswomen, who are rural poor women, procure inventory
from multinational corporations, local conglomerates, and rural producers and sell a

"basket of goods" including impactful products like health hygiene nutrition and
agricultural inputs directly to rural customers. Paid service persons facilitate product
lifting and sales and enhance program quality. JITA's supply chain model allows partner
companies to penetrate the BoP market, provides income opportunities for rural
women, and offers rural consumers access to a variety of high-quality products.

Grameen Danone Food Ltd supply chain is built around a network of around 6,000
Grameen ladies, who are micro-entrepreneurs selected and trained by Grameen Bank,
a leading microfinance institution in Bangladesh. These Grameen ladies work as
independent agents, selling the yogurt in their local communities. They receive training
from Grameen Danone on how to store, display and sell the yogurt, as well as on
nutrition and hygiene.
To ensure the quality and safety of its products, Grameen Danone sources its milk from
a dedicated network of dairy farmers who follow strict quality standards. The milk is
then transported to the company's processing plant where it is pasteurized and turned
into yogurt. The company also works with local farmers to promote sustainable
agriculture practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers and improved irrigation
Grameen Danone's supply chain also includes a dedicated team of "field partners" who
provide ongoing support to the Grameen ladies. They help to manage inventory and
sales, provide customer service, and offer training and support on an ongoing basis.
Overall, Grameen Danone's unique supply chain enables the company to reach some
of the most underserved communities in Bangladesh with affordable and nutritious
products, while also providing income and entrepreneurship opportunities to
thousands of women.

5) What are JITA and GDFL next challenges ?

For GDPL: Production capacity, quality and accessibility

For JITA: Urbanisation and competing with partners


Danone's official website:

Danone's sustainability report:
Danone's annual financial reports:
Articles and news articles about Danone: Try searching for news articles about
Danone's growth strategy and sustainability initiatives in reputable news sources such
as Reuters, Forbes, and Bloomberg.
Market research reports: You can find market research reports on the food and
beverage industry that include information on Danone's growth strategy and market
position. One example is Euromonitor's report on the global dairy market.


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