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Sure, here are five sets of tables containing 25 advanced level homophones
each. Each table contains the homophone pairs, their meanings, and an
example sentence using them.
Table 1:
Homophone Pair Meaning Example Sentence
1. Cite/Site Cite: to quote as I will cite my sources
evidence; Site: a when writing about
location historical sites.
2. Complement: Your shoes really
Complement/Complime something that complement your outfit.
nt completes; Compliment: I must compliment you
a nice thing said about on your style.
3. Stationary/Stationery Stationary: not moving; The car remained
Stationery: writing stationary because it
materials was out of gas. I bought
some stationery to write
4. Principal/Principle Principal: head of a The school principal
school or a sum of spoke about the
money; Principle: a basic principle of honesty.
truth or law
5. Capital/Capitol Capital: a city where a The capital of France is
country's government is Paris. The U.S. Capitol is
located; Capitol: a in Washington D.C.
building where
legislative work is done
6. Desert/Dessert Desert: a barren sandy The Sahara is a large
place; Dessert: a sweet desert. I enjoy eating
course eaten at the end dessert after dinner.
of a meal
7. Coarse/Course Coarse: rough or loose Sandpaper is coarse. We
in texture; Course: a plotted a course on the
direction or a part of a map.
8. Billed/Build Billed: to charge for a We billed the client for
service; Build: to our services. We will
construct build a new deck this
9. Serial/Cereal Serial: a story or play I watched a serial drama
appearing in regular on television. I ate
installments; Cereal: a cereal for breakfast.
breakfast food
10. Vain/Vane/Vein Vain: having a high He was vain about his
opinion of one's looks. The weather vane
appearance; Vane: a shows the wind's
blade on a rotor; Vein: direction. The vein
blood vessels that carry carries blood to the
blood towards the heart heart.
11. Humerus/Humorous Humerus: bone of the The humerus is a long
upper arm; Humorous: bone in the arm. The
funny joke was very
12. Miner/Minor Miner: a person who The miner was looking
works in a mine; Minor: for gold. The minor was
lesser in importance or not allowed to enter the
not yet of legal age bar.
13. Pail/Pale Pail: a bucket; Pale: light I filled the pail with
in color water. She looked pale
after hearing the news.
14. Foul/Fowl Foul: offensive to the The smell was foul.
senses; Fowl: birds Chickens are a type of
15. Bore/Boar Bore: to make a hole; He bore a hole in the
Boar: a wild pig wall. The boar ran
through the forest.
16. Hare/Hair Hare: a type of rabbit; The hare jumped into
Hair: strands growing the bushes. She brushed
from the skin her hair.
17. Grate/Great Grate: to shred; Great: Grate the cheese for the
of an extent or high pizza. That's a great
standard idea!
18. Heal/Heel Heal: to become healthy The wound will heal in
again; Heel: the back time. She wore high
part of the foot heel shoes.
19. Idle/Idol Idle: not active or in use; The machine was idle.
Idol: a person or thing She is my idol.
that is greatly admired
20. Knead/Need Knead: to work dough; Knead the dough until it
Need: require is smooth. I need some
something flour for this recipe.
21. Maid/Made Maid: a female servant; The maid cleaned the
Made: past participle of room. She made a cake.
22. Mail/Male Mail: letters and I received the mail
packages; Male: a man today. The male bird is
or boy more colorful.
23. Meat/Meet Meat: animal flesh; I cooked the meat for
Meet: to come into dinner. I will meet you
contact at the restaurant.
24. Medal/Meddle Medal: a metal disk with He won a medal in the
an inscription or design, competition. Don't
made to commemorate meddle in my affairs.
an event or awarded as
a distinction to
someone such as a
soldier, athlete, or
scholar; Meddle:
interfere in something
that is not one's
25. Morning/Mourning Morning: the period of Good morning! She is in
time from sunrise to mourning after her loss.
noon; Mourning: the
expression of deep
sorrow for someone
who has died
I will provide the remaining four tables in the following messages due to the
character limit. Please wait for a moment..


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