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ICAO LEVEL Included Formats: EPAP, TEC, TEA


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ATPL | PPL | DLR | Mollymawk | PESTA | ICAO Level | Interview Qs
+90 530 101 70 09

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 2
PART A (SECTION 1 for TEA FORMAT) – PERSONAL INTERVIEW & OPINIONS..................................................... 3
Test Format ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Personal and Aviation Related Questions ........................................................................................................ 3
PART B (SECTION 2 for TEA FORMAT) – AUDIO COMPREHENSION ................................................................... 10
Test Format .................................................................................................................................................... 10
PART C (SECTION 3 for TEA FORMAT) – PICTURE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................ 16
Test Format .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Pictures ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
ICAO EVALUATION CRITERIA .............................................................................................................................. 21
ICAO LEVEL – PRIVATE LESSON .......................................................................................................................... 24


What is ICAO Level Exam?

The ICAO Level Exam is an English proficiency exam carried out between the candidate and the examiner. This
exam measures your ability to use English effectively and appropriately in aviation-related subjects rather than
technical knowledge. The result of the exam is accepted as Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6 passing score and is issued
in your license.

If you score is;

- Level 4, you have to take this exam every 4 years.

- Level 5, you have to enter it every 6 years.
- Level 6, you are exempt from this exam throughout your piloting career.

Dear candidates, ICAO Level exam is administered by several institutions authorized by the General Directorate of
Civil Aviation in Turkey. Different institutions apply different exam formats. If you are going to take the ICAO level
exam abroad, I recommend you to study the most common TEA format.

Although there are no significant differences between the formats, the questions directed
to you will vary.
Exam formats applied by institutions in Turkey are listed below.


ISTANBUL AEC EPAP (English Proficiency for Aviation Personnel)
ISTANBUL TALPA TEC (The English Center)
ANTALYA TEST CENTER in TEC (The English Center)
ANTALYA TELEPATY ACADEMY TEA (Test of English for Aviation)
ANKARA TEA (Test of English for Aviation)


Test Format
- This part takes about 10 minutes.

- It starts with personal questions. Then it continues with aviation related questions.

- You will also be asked questions about your professional life. Depending on your answers, the examiner may ask
different questions.

- You must also read the letter and number shown on the screen according to ICAO rules before you move onto
personal and aviation related questions.
You can find an example of PART A from the link below:


Personal and Aviation Related Questions

The questions listed below have been asked in exams so far or are likely to be asked.

Personal Questions & Opinions

1. Name Surname? Your License numbers?

2. What is your nationality and country of residence?
3. Please state if you are a student pilot or if you are a qualified pilot? If you are a qualified pilot, are you a captain or
First Officer?
4. What is the date for today? Which day is it?
5. What is your marital status?
6. What would you be, if you were not a pilot?
7. Why pilotage?
8. What was the reason behind your decision of becoming a pilot?
9. Could you tell me something about your pilot training?
10. Which trainings do you have to take for ATPL license?
11. Why do you have to fly at least 100 hours of solo?
12. Why do you think you have to fly in different airfields during your training?
13. What is the best and worst part of your training/ your school/ your pilotage course?
14. Which part of the course is the most important part?
15. Which part is the most challenging part during theoretical training?
16. Are some parts of the training more difficult than others?
17. Could you tell me about the aircraft you have flown during your training? Which one was your favourite?
18. What does PPL stand for?
19. Could you please tell me about your first solo flight?
20. How do you think flight training has changed today? What are the differences in flight training compared to the
21. For what purpose will you use your license in the future?
22. What would you paint if you painted on an aircraft?
23. Which company do you work for?
24. Are you happy with your current company and why?
25. What was your first day at work like?
26. How long have you been flying?
27. How many flight hours do you have? In which company?
28. What do you find hardest about your job?
29. What do you do for being a healthy pilot? What are your precautions for your health?
30. What do you think about English standard in Turkish aviation?
31. How long do you think it takes to become an experienced pilot?
32. What is the most difficult part of pilotage?
33. What is the best part of becoming a pilot?
34. Do you enjoy some flights more than others?
35. Do you prefer to fly during the day or at night? Why?
36. How will your flight change in the future?
37. How do you see the future of General Aviation?
38. How do you see the future of Commercial Aviation?
39. How do you handle stress in your professional life?
40. How does stress affect pilots?
41. Since you are a pilot, what changes happened in technology?
42. What do you like and dislike about recovery training?
43. What do you think about irregular working hours?
44. What do you think about ATC in this country?
45. What do you think about Phraseology in aviation?
46. What do you think about people overreacting on the plane?
47. What is your biggest concern while flying?
48. What do you think about using electrical devices during flight?
49. What do you think about the third airport which was constructed in Istanbul?
50. In your opinion, which phase of the flight is more dangerous: landing or take off?
51. Do you agree with the technologies that will replace pilots in the future? Why? Why not?
52. Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
53. What type of aircraft do you want to fly and why?
54. Of all the cities you have visited as a pilot, which one is your favourite?
55. Which route would you prefer to fly, domestic or international? Why?
56. Describe your most memorable flight.
57. Do you think an old aircraft are safe for flight?
58. Why do you think you are level 4/5/6?
59. How will/did Corona virus affect the aviation industry?
60. What does your family think about your job?
61. What would be your advice to those who want to become a pilot?
62. What measures does your company take for security?
63. What do you do in your free time?
64. What do you think makes you a pilot?
65. What would you do, if you no longer fly due to medical reasons?
66. How are the medical exams done?
67. Who influenced or supported you for this job?
68. When you become a pilot, where would you like to travel first and why?
69. Why does flying satisfy you?
70. Why do you like flying?

71. What are you doing nowadays?
72. Which situation scares the most while flying?
73. Describe what happened in your last simulator?
74. What type of aircraft do you fly?
75. Do animals pose a danger to flight? Do animals put flight safety in danger? (bird strike)
76. Describe yourself?
77. Describe your first flight?
78. Describe your last flight?
79. What is the difference between general aviation and commercial aviation?
80. Describe what happened in your last solo flight?
81. If it was the last day of your life, what would you do?
82. How much authorities do you think the pilot have on flights?
83. Do you think one pilot is enough in the cockpit for every flight?
84. Do you think different kind of viruses will continue to affect the aviation industry in the future?
85. How do you see job opportunities in Turkey?
86. What do you think about the solar system?
87. What do you think about a pilot who shows up late on the first day of the work?
88. Why do you think you must show some respect to the captain pilot in the flight deck?
89. What is air rage?

Aviation Related Qs

1. What are the duties and responsibilities of pilots?

2. What do pilots normally do while the passengers are boarding the aircraft?
3. Before take-off, what do pilots consider and discuss about the flight?
4. How does the weather problem affect communication? And how do pilots manage that difficulty?
5. If there was a radio malfunction during the flight, what would you do?
6. When communicating in emergency situations what extra problems can happen?
7. How difficult to communicate, if you have an emergency?
8. Describe a bird strike?
9. What measures should airports take to prevent bird strikes?
10. Can you compare two different aircrafts?
11. Can you compare flying in two different countries?
12. How can a pilot avoid bad weather?
13. What are the effects of heavy rain on flight?
14. How do you keep your flight skills up to date?
15. In what cases can the doctor suspend a pilot from the flight?
16. What kind of medical problems are most common among the passengers during the flight?
17. What happens in case of extreme turbulence?
18. What are some of the disadvantages of training in the simulator compared to a real aircraft?
19. What is datalink? What are the disadvantages of datalink?
20. Can you talk about dangerous goods?
21. Can you tell me a bit about flight safety?
22. Which situation can cause the highest alertness level for a pilot?
23. What are 4 most important instruments and their functions?
24. What are the reasons for go around?
25. When you initiate ‘’go around’’ what is the procedure and what do you have to focus on?
26. What can confusion between pilot and ATC lead to?
27. What is callsign confusion?

28. When Callsign confusion occurs, what happens? How can it be solved?
29. What is runway incursion and excursion? What are the differences between them?
30. Is it possible to prevent runway incursion or excursion? How?
31. What is situational awareness?
32. Why are descent and approach briefings important?
33. Could you tell me something about pet animal transportation?
34. Explain vertical and horizontal flight path?
35. If the ILS failed during landing in fog, what would you do?
36. Could you explain missed approach?
37. What is precision approach?
38. What are some common causes of fire in the galley?
39. What could be some of the effects of Foreign Object Damage (FOD)?
40. What is task sharing?
41. What could be some of the situations when the sterile cockpit rules can be broken?
42. What is human performance? Why is it important for aviation?
43. If there is Prolonged Loss of Communication (PLOC) what can be done?
44. What could be some of the wind shear avoidance and recovery techniques?
45. In which phase is wind shear more dangerous? During take-off or landing?
46. What are some of the interruptions and/or distractions on the flight deck?
47. Why is cross check important for pilots?
48. How is airworthiness connected to flight safety?
49. Why is it important for pilots to be up-to date with manuals and regulations?
50. What is holdover time?
51. What are the types of fire that can occur in the aircraft?
52. Is there any difference between safety and security?
53. What are the measurements pilots must take in poor visibility?
54. What is Conditional clearance?
55. What is pre-flight? How can be done? What do you focus on during pre-flight?
56. What does’’ you have control’’ mean? When is it used?
57. Why would you tell the tower you want to fly at a higher altitude?
58. Why do most crashes occur during approach and take off?
59. What is circling approach?
60. Could you tell me something about de-icing?
61. What is Level bust?
62. What is frequency congestion?
63. What is taxi? Why do we use it?
64. What is ramp service?
65. What are the reasons for go around?
66. What is hypoxia?
67. What is wake turbulence and its problems?
68. On the ground, when aircrafts are taxiing, it causes many accidents and incidents. What could be the reasons?
69. How can we avoid accidents?
70. What is ATIS?
71. What could be the maintenance errors? Have you ever come across with such problem?
72. Why do pilots need alternate flight routes?
73. What are the results for unstable approach?
74. What do you do during interior and exterior check?
75. How do you avoid wind shear?

76. What do you do before belly landing?
77. How the radar system helps in flight?
78. Could you tell me the importance of communication?
79. What actions do pilots take in case of undesirable weather conditions?
80. What do you do before starting push back?
81. You took off above the Maximum Take Off Weight. What would happen?
82. If there is fuel starvation on board, what do you do?
83. Could you give an example of conditional clearance?
84. Last minute changes can affect the flights. Can you give examples for last minute changes.
85. What is the difference between minimum fuel and emergency fuel?
86. What is CRM? What is the importance of CRM? What can happen to the flight if a captain doesn’t follow the CRM?
87. The accidents usually happen during take-off and landing. What do you think could be the reason for this? How can
it be prevented?
88. You entered icing conditions. What would you do?
89. What is microburst? How do you recover from it?
90. How would you act if you experienced hydraulic failure during flight?
91. What is situational awareness? Can you give an example of this?
92. How does snow affect ground operations?
93. What is fatigue?
94. How do we prevent VORTEX?
95. In which situations do you engage the autopilot and in which situation do you take direct control of the airplane?
96. What are V1, Vr and V2?
97. What is a TCAS?
98. When can a pilot refuse an ATC’ s instruction?
99. As an F/O, what are your responsibilities and duties for the captain?
100. How does density affect the flight?
101. Your observation during flight may be a valuable source of information for ATC and other pilots. Please give 3
examples of information you may want to report to ATC or other pilots for safety related reasons.
102. How would you prioritize your tasks in an emergency situation?
103. Please give 3 examles of situation that would justify making a mayday call?
104. Please give 3 examples of situation that would justify making a panpan call?
105. What is the difference between incident and accident?
106. What is runway obstruction? Give an example.
107. What is sink rate?
108. Please compare VFR and IFR.
109. What are the examples of the loss of communication due to human errors?
110. Give 2 medical emergency examples?
111. What kind of measurements should be taken to reduce medical emergencies?
112. Can you tell me the differences between controlled and uncontrolled airspace?
113. What are the difficulties about short runway?
114. What is the difference between de-icing and anti icing?
115. Have you ever been in a ground accident? How can we prevent ground accidents?
116. How do you prevent midair collision?
117. How should the relationship between captain and first officer be?
118. What topics entertain you and the captain during longhoul flights?
119. How do you prepare yourself for day or night fligths?
120. Should pilots be retired before 60? Why?Why not?
121. What is precautionary landing?
122. Why do pilots say ‘’heavy’’?
123. What are the results of fire on board?
124. What are the reasons for runway incursion and excursions?
125. What is NOTAM?
126. What do you do during rejected take off?
127. What is depressurisation?
128. What changes have happened in the cockpit in the last 20 years?
129. Tell me something about low-cost airlines?
130. What would you do if your landing gear did not retract after take-off?
131. What would you do if you realized the doors were still open after take-off?
132. What could be the reason for turbulences?
133. What would you do if there was a drunk passenger on board and he was not calming down?
134. What must be done if there is a life-threatening situation on board, such as hijacking?
135. What do you think about the delays due to VIP aircrafts or movements?
136. If there was a bomb threat on board what would you do?
137. What would you do when you faced with storms during flight?
138. What is the difference between mayday and pan pan call?
139. What kind of icing equipment are on the aircraft?
140. What happens if you encounter CB Clouds?
141. Can you compare 2 different airports?
142. Can you compare cargo and passenger aircraft?
143. Have you ever misunderstood the tower? What could happen if you misunderstand the tower?
144. Have you ever experienced ground movement?
145. What is the most revolutionary aircraft for passengers?
146. What are the factors that can affect stop distance?
147. What is the most dangerous flight you have ever been in?
148. What do airport authorizations focus on at busy airports?
149. Is the fire more dangerous in the air or on the ground?
150. How does government flight affect flight operations?
151. You are ready for departure but suddenly delay occurred. What do you say to the passengers?
152. What does a pilot do if he is not feeling well before the flight?
153. What are the technical problems at airports?
154. What kind of problems occur during cargo operations?
155. What should we do in order to decrease medical emergencies?
156. What do you think about wild animals in aviation?
157. How do you prevent accidents during night?
158. After take-off what kind of problems can you encounter?
159. What should the investigation team focus on during investing the accident?
160. How did 11th September change the flight safety?
161. What are the treats you can encounter during approach?
162. What are the responsibilities of airport authorization if there is an accident at the airport?
163. What is ditching? What is the procedure before ditching into water?
164. Do you think is it better to make preflight by auto machine instead of human pilot?
165. What are the precautions you take for security during flight or on the ground?
166. If you make mistakes, how do you recover from that mistake during the flight?
167. How smoke, fire and passenger are related to each other?
168. If you come across with volcanic ash, what would you do?
169. Can you compare the pilots of 50 years ago with the pilots of today?
170. How much authorities do you think the pilot have on flights?
171. What are the disadvantages of long-haul flights?
172. How do you handle jet lag?
173. What are the advantage and disadvantage of briefing?

174. What can you tell me about air spaceship?
175. Do you think passengers and dangerous goods can be transferred together?
176. What is air rage?
177. What is the purpose of passenger baggage identification?
178. What are the difficulties flying abroad?
179. What kind of problem can passengers cause when flying?
180. Why is coordination between airports and a flight crew required?
181. What is near miss?
182. What may cause a lack of fuel in flight?
183. What action shall be taken in case of pilot’s incapacitation?
184. How realistic are simulator flights?
185. What airport vehicles are involved in the pre-flight preparation?
186. Which vehicles are used at the airports?
187. Why does the flight delay?
188. What could cause landing gear failure?


Test Format

This section will vary according to the institution where you will take the exam.

The parts you may encounter according to the exam formats are as follows:


- In this part, you will listen 6-7 audio recordings.

- Before each audio, the questions to be asked are displayed on the monitor.
- Therefore, if you focus on the questions and take notes while listening to the audios, will make it easier to
pass this part.
- When the audio recording is finished, the examiner will ask you the questions you see on the screen.
- Do not answer the questions before being asked by the Examiner.

- In addition to asking questions about the recordings, the Examiner may also ask you to repeat
what was said in the recording.

- The recordings include ATIS, Clearance, Unusual Situations, Emergency situations, Readbacks…

You can find an example of PART B from the link below:


Recording 1

Question 1: What was the given squawk?

Answer: 1040

Question 2: Which SID was given?

Answer: It was Kennedy 1 departure.

Question 3: What was the given initial climb altitude?

Answer: Initial climb altitude was 5000 ft.

Recording 2

Question: What was requested from the pilot?

Answer: He was requested to climb 3000 ft.

Recording 3

Question 1: What was the emergency of the aircraft?

Answer: Aircraft has an engine failure.

Question 2: Which info was asked by the ATC?

Answer: ATC wants to confirm the call sign of the aircraft.

Question 3: Which instruction was given by the ATC?

Answer: ATC asks him to call when he is ready to turn.

Recording 4

Question: What was pilot’s intention?

Answer: Most probably the pilot has a landing gear problem and he wants to have the aircraft’s landing gear

checked by the ATC and then make another approach.

Recording 5

Question 1: What is the runway in use?

Answer: Runway in use is 07

Question 2: What is the departure frequency?

Answer: Departure frequency is 127.720

Question 3: What is the actual wind?

Answer: Wind is 080 degrees 7 kt

Recording 6

Question 1: What is the runway in use?

Answer: Runways in use are 05 Left and 05 Right

Question 2: What is the visibility?

Answer: visibility is 10 km or more

Question 2: What is the outside temperature?

Answer: It’s 24 degrees

Recording 7

Question: Can you please read back the audio?

Answer: Descend and maintain 4000 ft. Altimeter is 2981.


This Part Consists of 2 Parts

Part 1

- The Examiner will turn her/his back on you to avoid being face to face.
- You will listen 2 short audio recordings.
- The Examiner tells you the questions to be asked you before playing the recordings.
- You take notes of those questions and listen to the recording accordingly. When the recording is finished, you
answer the questions.

Part 2

- You will listen 1 recording about aviation.

- This recording will be longer than the Part 1.
- Then the Examiner will ask you what was told or what was happening in the recording.
- After you summarize what you understood from the recording, the Examiner will ask questions about this

Please listen to the sample recordings below:


Part 1

Recording 1

Question 1: What is the wind direction and speed?

Answer 1: 220 degrees 13 kt

Question 2: What is the QNH?

Answer 2: 1011

Recording 2

Question 1: What is the frequency for Hong Kong departures?

Answer 1: 128.35

Question 2: What estimate does VFA give?

Answer 2: 11:52

Part 2

1. Could you tell me what you understood from the audio?

2. Have you ever heard of a similar situation?
3. Why didn’t the driver stop at the stoplights?
4. Are you familiar within airport where routes intersect the runway?
5. What should happen to someone who disregards airport signage?
6. Do you consider that someone who enters a runway in this way should have their licenses revoked?


TEA format Section 2 is divided into 3 parts in itself.

The audio recording, which includes all three parts, is below:



- You will listen 6 short recordings.

- You can listen to a recording twice, but if you want to listen to it a second time, you have to ask.

- You will be asked 2 standard questions about these 6 short recordings. Questions are: ‘’ What was the
message?” and “who do you think wasspeaking, a pilot or a controller?’’.

- These questions will already be given to you so that you do not forget.
- The Examiner will ask you what the message in the recording is and who speaks.
- Since every situation you hear in the recording is important, it is recommended not to skip any part.
- You will be given 20 seconds for answer.


Situation 1: The passenger still not calm. Please call security. (A pilot is speaking.)

Situation 2: Could you confirm that your injured passenger has stopped bleeding? (A controller is speaking.)

Situation 3: A heavy storm has caused damaged. We will not be able to take off. (A pilot is speaking)

Situation 4: Our screens are now working. We can see again. (A controller is speaking.)

Situation 5: What’s happening? An airplane just passed in front of us. (A pilot is speaking.)

Situation 6: Is there lightening in the vicinity? Is a quick weather update available? (A pilot is speaking.)


- In this part, you will listen 4 recordings that are slightly longer than the recordings you heard in PART 2A.
- You can listen to the recordings twice. So, ask for it, if you want to listen it for the second time.
- In this part, the pilot or controller will talk about a problem, tell them what they need, and give some details.
- Then you will be asked questions about the recording.
- You will be given pencil and paper to take note.
- It will be your advantage to convey the message you heard in as much detail as possible. If you convey the
message incompletely, it will affect your exam result.

Situation 1: We are entering icing conditions. Our anti-icing system is faulty. We would like to descend FL250 as
soon as possible to get out of this.

Situation 2: You are entering air space that has been closed due to hot air balloon activity. Turn left to 180
immediately and state your intentions. We do not have a flight plan for you.

Situation 3: We have given the passengers some medication from the unborn medical kit but he doesn’t seem to
be responding to it. Can you speak to a doctor?

Situation 4: It looks like we got a flap malfunction. We think we are going to try landing on runway 17 right. But
please hold on while we check with the landing distance assumption.


- You will listen 3 short unusual recordings.

- After each recording, you should ask as many questions as you can.
- You will be given approximately 20 seconds to ask the questions.
- The examiner will also ask you to give advice to the speaker in the recording in order to apprehend
whether you understand the topic or not. so that you can better understand your understanding of the

Situation 1: We need some help. The engine started losing power.

Possible Questions:
 What’s the reason of power loss?
 Is there a bird strike?
 What are the meteorological conditions?
 Are there any thunderstorm, lightning or hail?
 Do you see any flames or smoke coming out of the engines?
 Are your other systems such as electrical or hydraulic systems working?
 Can you maintain altitude and speed?

Examiner’s Question: What advice would you give to this speaker?

Possible Advices:
 Apply Aviate -Navigate-Communicate.
 Maintain the control of the aircraft to fly straight and level.
 Navigate safely using your displays.
 Communicate with the ATC, so he/she can give you instructions for a possible emergency landing.
 Check the Operations Manual and see if you can solve the malfunction.

Situation 2: We have a problem. We need to get the passenger off the plane quickly.

Possible Questions:
 Why do you need to get the passenger off the airplane?
 Is there any unlawful interference?
 Is he/she a terrorist?
 Is there any hi-jacking situation?
 Is he/she drunk?
 Did he/she hurt anybody?
 Do you need security?
 Is he/she in the cabin or in the cockpit?

Examiner’s Question: What advice would you give to this speaker?

Possible advices:
 Instruct the cabin crew so they can control the situation.
 Try to speak with the passenger and keep him calm.
 Don’t let the passenger enter the cockpit.
 Call the security.
 Try to keep the other passengers safe.

Situation 3: We have a situation. We couldn’t put out the fire.

Possible Questions:
 Where is the fire exactly?
 Is it an engine fire or is the fire in the cabin or the cargo compartment?
 Have you used all possible fire extinguishers?
 Did you use the fire-shut off valve if the fire is in the engine?
 Is there any smoke in the cabin?
 Are the passengers affected from this situation?

Examiner’s Question: What advice would you give to this speaker?

Possible advices:
 Use all possible fire extinguishers
 Use the fire-shut off valve if it is an engine fire?
 Shut off ventilating airflow if the fire is in the cargo compartment?
 Evacuate the passengers immediately if you are on ground?


Test Format

- In this section, you will be shown a few different pictures and you will be asked to describe what you see in the
- The more details you provide, the more advantageous it will be.
- You need to start describing the picture from the most important point. For example, it could be a runway
excursion that you see in the picture. In this case, you can start the narration with the sentence "this is a picture
of runway excursion".
- Then the definition of the aircraft (passenger, cargo, training etc…)
- The position of the aircraft (in the air, on the ground etc…)
- Living or inanimate objects around.
- Description of the entire event you see in the picture (ready to take off, damage, about to land).
- What you see in the foreground and background.
- You can complete your explanation by giving details such as weather conditions


- Aviation related pictures will be displayed on the screen.

- Then you will be asked to describe what you see in the pictures.
- After explaining the pictures by giving the details mentioned in the test format section above, the
examiner will ask you at least 2 questions.

Please listen to the sample recordings below:


Picture 1

 Please describe the picture in as much detail as possible.

 How do you think the situation occurred?
 What would you do as a pilot in such a situation?
 What would the duties of the ground personnel be in this case of a situation?

Picture 2

 Please describe the picture in as much detail as possible.

 What would you do as a pilot in such a situation?


- You will be shown an aviation related picture.

- The picture will be allowed to stand in front of you while describing the picture.

- At this stage, your answers will be audio or video recorded.

Please listen to the sample recordings below:

 I want you to describe everything you see in this photo with as much detail as possible
 Are you familiar with cargo operations?
 What kind of cargo is transported in this aircraft?
 Can you describe the weather conditions?
 To end the interview is there any aviation related anecdote or incident that you can tell me about?


Please listen to the sample recordings below:


This Section will consist of two part:

Picture Description:

- You will be shown 2 pictures for you to describe.

- You will be shown the first picture and asked to describe what you see in the picture. You will be given 30 seconds
for the narration.

- The second picture will be shown to you and you will be asked questions about this picture.

 Please describe what you can see. You have 30 seconds.

 I would like to ask some questions about second picture. What is the passenger doing?
 What type of situation is this?
 What do you think will happen next?
 Both pictures show emergency situations. What are the main differences between them?
 Why is the situation A not standard?
 What is the same about the two situations?
 In your opinion which situation looks more serious?
 Why did you say that? You mentioned fire in picture B?

- There will be a face-to-face discussion on general aviation based on the given pictures.
- In this section, you will have the opportunity to express your thoughts, make assumptions about the future, etc..
 Now let’s discuss emergency situations. When is a situation an emergency situation?
 What can cause the lack of control of the aircraft?
 To which emergency situation should passengers be most worried about?
 Why depressurization is one of the most dangerous situations for passengers?
 In what ways to aviation personnel threats depressurization differently from other emergencies?
 Can pilots descend immediately or do they need clearance?
 Do you agree that the frequency of emergencies during flight is likely to drop in line with technological
developments or other changes?
 How are problems in the past reported so the industry could improve?
 How would you suggest the aviation industry eases the anxiety of some passengers about flight safety?
 How would you suggest the industry informs passengers better?


This is a picture of an Airbus 380 and I see that her right wing tip crashed into a building. The picture only shows the
fuselage and the right wing of the aircraft. This may have happened after a runway excursion because the aircraft is
standing on a grassy ground rather than a runway or a taxiway.

It is probably a rainy day because I see that the sky is overcast by dark clouds.

There are a few people and a few vehicles around the aircraft.

I also see that there is an aircraft flying below the clouds. Also on the ground far away, I can see another building or
hangar and another aircraft in front of it.

Assumes a dialect
structures and
and/or accent
intelligible to the
are determined by
language functions
appropriate to the
Vocabulary range and Able to speak at length
stress, rhythm, and Both basic and Comprehension is
accuracy are sufficient to with a natural, effortless Interacts with ease in
intonation, though complex consistently accurate
communicate effectively flow. Varies speech flow nearly all situations. Is
Expert possibly influenced grammatical in nearly all contexts
on a wide variety of for stylistic effect, e.g. to sensitive to verbal and
by the first language structures and and includes
familiar and unfamiliar emphasize a point. Uses non-verbal cues and
6 or regional variation, sentence patterns comprehension of
topics. Vocabulary is appropriate discourse responds to them
almost never are consistently well linguistic and cultural
idiomatic, nuanced, and markers and connectors appropriately.
interfere with ease controlled. subtleties.
sensitive to register. spontaneously.
of understanding.
Comprehension is
accurate on
common, concrete,
Basic grammatical and work-related
Pronunciation, Vocabulary range and
structures and Able to speak at length topics and mostly
stress, rhythm, and accuracy are sufficient to
sentence patterns with relative ease on accurate when the
intonation, though communicate effectively Responses are immediate,
are consistently well familiar topics but may speaker is confronted
Extended influenced by the on common, concrete, appropriate, and
controlled. Complex not vary speech flow as a with a linguistic or
first language or and work-related informative. Manages the
structures are stylistic device. Can make situational
5 regional variation, topics. Paraphases speaker/listener
attempted but with use of appropriate complication or an
rarely interfere with consistently and relationship effectively.
errors which discourse markers or unexpected turn of
ease of successfully. Vocabulary
sometimes interfere connectors. events. Is able to
understanding. is sometimes idiomatic.
with meaning. comprehend a range
of speech varieties
(dialect and/or
accent) or registers.

Comprehension is
mostly accurate on
common, concrete,
and work-related
Produces stretches of
Basic grammatical topics when the
Vocabulary range and language at an
structures and accent or variety Responses are usually
accuracy are usually appropriate tempo. There
Pronunciation, sentence patterns used is sufficiently immediate, appropriate,
sufficient to may be occassional loss of
stress, rhythm, and are used creatively intelligible for an and informative. Initiates
communicate effectively fluency on transition from
intonation are and are usually well international and maintains exchanges
on common, concrete, rehearsed or formulaic
Operational influenced by the controlled. Errors community of even when dealing with
and work-related speech to spontaneous
first language or may occur, users. When the an unexpected turn of
topics. Can often interaction, but this does
4 regional variation particularly in speaker is confronted events. Deals adequately
paraphrase successfully not prevent effective
but only sometimes unusual or with a linguistic or with apparent
when lacking vocabulary communication. Can
interfere with ease unexpected situational misunderstandings by
in unusual or make limited use of
of understanding. circumstances, but complication or an checking, confirming, or
unexpected discourse markers or
rarely interfere with unexpected turn of clarifying.
circumstances. connectors. Fillers are not
meaning. events,
comprehension may
be slower or require
Comprehension is
often accurate on
Vocabulary range and Responses are sometimes
common, concrete,
Basic grammatical accuracy are often immediate, appropriate,
Pronunciation, Produces stretches of and work-related
structures and sufficient to and informative. Can
stress, rhythm, and language, but phrasing topics when the
sentence patterns communicate on initiate and maintain
intonation are and pausing are often accent or variety
Pre- associated with common, concrete, or exchanges with
influenced by the inappropriate. Hesitations used is sufficiently
operational predictable work-related topics, but reasonable ease on
first language or or slowness in language intelligible for an
situations are not range is limited and the familiar topics and in
regional variation processing may prevent international
3 always well word choice often predictable
and frequently effective community of
controlled. Errors inappropriate. Is often situations. Generally
interfere with ease communication. Fillers users. May fail to
frequently interfere unable to paraphrase inadequate when dealing
of understanding. are sometimes distracting. understand a
with meaning. successfully when with an unexpected turn
linguistic or
lacking vocabulary. of events.
complication or an

unexpected turn of
Can produce very short,
stress, rhythm, and
Shows only limited isolated, memorized Comprehension is
intonation are Response time is slow and
control of a few Limited vocabulary utterances with frequent limited to isolated,
Elementary heavily influenced by often
simple memorized range consisting only of pausing and a distracting memorized phrases
the first language or inappropriate. Interaction
grammatical isolated words and use of fillers to search for when they are
2 regional variation is limited to simple
structures and memorized phrases. expressions and to carefully and slowly
and usually interfere routine exchanges.
sentence patterns. articulate less familiar articulated.
with ease of
Performs at a level Performs at a level Performs at a level Performs at a level
elementary Performs at a level below Performs at a level below
below the below the below the Elementary below the
the Elementary level. the Elementary level.
Elementary level. Elementary level. level. Elementary level.



- You will receive detailed information about the format applied in the institution where you
will take the ICAO Level Exam.
- Afterwards, we will conduct a face-to-face or online study with exam simulation and
- During our lessons, you will have a chance to listen plenty audio recordings, learn how to
answer aviation related and personal questions and how to describe the pictures.
- You can reach us from the contact information below.

+90 530 101 70 09


What is ICAO Level Exam:

Part A - Personal Interview & Opinions:

Part B - Audio Comprehension:

Part C - Picture Description:

our in-depth sources
ATPL | PPL | DLR | Mollymawk | PESTA | ICAO Level | Interview Qs

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