Ged 104 - The Contemporary World

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GED 104 - THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD more cultural exchanges and transformation

Trans by: ANONUEVO, CALIMAG, GONZALES, MACASAET, in traditional social patterns.

ORTEGA, SALAZAR, SANGALANG, SEVILLA, UNTALAN ● Process of industrialization also accelerated.
5. The Contemporary World (from 1970 to present)
WEEK 2: INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ● Creation, expansion and acceleration of
GLOBALIZATION worldwide interdependencies occurs in a
dramatic way and it was a kind of leap in the
What is globalization? history of globalization.
● The process in which people, ideas and goods spread
throughout the world, spurring more interaction and Dimensions of Globalization
integration between the world’s cultures, government 1. Economic Dimension - refers to the extensive
and economies. development of economic relations across the globe
● A process of interaction and integration among the as a result of technology and the enormous flow of
people, companies, and governments of different capital that has stimulated trade in both sources and
nations, a process driven by international trade and goods.
investment and aided by information technology. 2. Political Dimension - refers to an enlargement and
● It is about growing worldwide connectivity. strengthening of political interrelations across the
Globalization: PAST VS PRESENT 3. Cultural Dimension - refers to the increase in the
amount of cultural flows across the globe. Cultural
interconnections are at the foundations of
contemporary globalization.
4. Religious Dimension - whether the root cause of a
particular conflict or merely a vehicle for the
mobilization of nationalist or ethnic passions, religion
is certainly central to much of the strife currently
taking place around the globe.
5. Ideological Dimension - Ideology is a system of
widely shared ideas, beliefs, norms and values
Globalization: Defined among a group of people often used to legitimize
“Globalization is an expression, and intensification of certain political interests or to defend dominant power
social relations and consciousness across world time and structures. It connects human actions with some
world space. It is about growing worlwide connectivity.” - generalized claims. - Globalization is a social process
Steger of intensifying global interdependence while globalism
is an ideology that gives the concept of neo-liberal
Characteristics of Globalization: values and meanings to globalization.
1. It involves both the creation of new social networks
and the multiplication of existing connections that cut Major Ideological Claims of Advocates of Globalism
across traditional, political, economic, cultural and 1. Globalization is about the liberalization and global
geographical boundaries. integration of markets.
2. Globalization is reflected in the expansion and the 2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
stretching of social relations, activities, and 3. Nobody is in charge of globalization.
connections. 4. Globalization benefits everyone.
3. Globalization involves the intensification and 5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the
acceleration of social exchanges and activities. world.
4. Globalization processes do not occur merely or an
objective, material level but they also involve the
subjective plane of human consciousness. WEEK 3: GLOBAL ECONOMY AND MARKET
Historical Periods of Globalization
1. The Prehistoric Period (10000 BCE - 3500 BCE) Economic Globalization
● Contacts among hunters and gatherers - - Refers to the increasing interdependence of world
who were spread around the world - were economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-
geographically limited. border trade of commodities and services, flow of
2. The Premodern Period (3500 BCE - 1500 BCE) international capital and wide and rapid spread of
● Invention of wheel in addition to roads made technologies.
the transportation of people and goods more - Reflects the continuing expansion and mutual
efficient. integration of the market frontier.
● Writing facilitated the spread of ideas and - An irreversible trend for the economic development in
inventions. the whole world at the turn of the millennium.
3. Early Modern Period (1500-1750)
● European Enlightenment project tried to Dimensions of Economic Globalization
achieve a universal form of morality and law. 1. The globalization of trade of goods and services.
● Led to the capitalist world system which 2. The globalization of financial and capital markets
helped to strengthen globalization. 3. The globalization of technology and communication
4. The Modern Period (1750-1970) 4. The globalization of products.
● Innovations in transportation and
communication technology, population International Monetary Systems (Ims) and Gold Standard
explosion, and increase in migration led to
● IMS refers to a system that forms RULES AND 2. Bilateral Trade Policy
STANDARDS for facilitating international trade  To regulate the trade and business
among the nations. relations between two nations, this
● It helps in reallocating the CAPITAL AND policy is formed.
INVESTMENT from one nation to another. 3. International Trade Policy
● It is the global network of the government and  Defined the international trade policy
financial institutions that determine the exchange rate under their charter like the International
of different currencies for international trade. economic organizations, such as
Organization for Economic Cooperation
International Monetary Systems (Ims) and Gold Standard and Development (OECD), World Trade
● Gold Standard is a SYSTEM of backing a country’s Organization (WTO) and International
currency with its gold reserves. Such currencies are Monetary Fund (IMF).
freely convertible into gold at a fixed price, and the
country settles all its international trade transactions World Trade Organization (WTO)
in gold. ○ Deals with the global rules of trade between
nations with the main function of ensuring
European Monetary Integration that trade flows smoothly, predictably and
➔ Refers to a 30-year long process intended to reduce freely.
the excessive influence of the US dollar on domestic ○ The only global international organization
exchange rates, and led, through various attempts, to dealing with the rules of trade between
the creation of a Monetary Union and a common nations with WTO agreements, negotiated
currency. and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading
➔ According to the European Commission in 2008, the nations and ratified in their parliaments at its
first 10 years of the EMU were an evident success for heart.
participating countries in terms of increased trade and
capital transactions, more integrated economies, Global Economy Outsourcing
restored macroeconomic stability and the utilization of Outsourcing
Euro as the second most widely used reserve ● An activity that requires search for a partner
currency. and relation-specific investments that are
governed by incomplete contracts.
International Trade ● Depends on:
 Refers to the exchange of goods, services and capital ○ Thickness of the domestic and
across national borders. foreign market for input suppliers.
 A multi-million dollar activity central to the GDP of ○ Relative cost of searching in each
many countries and the only way for many people in market.
many countries to acquire resources. ○ Relative cost of customizing inputs.
○ Nature of contracting environment.
Trade Policies
● Refers to the regulations and agreement of foreign Market Integration
countries. ● Refers to how easily two or more markets can trade
● It defines standards, goals, rules, and regulations that with each other.
pertain to trade relation between countries. ● Occurs when prices among different
● Taxes imposes on import and export, inspection, locations or related goods follow similar patterns over
regulations, tariffs and quotas are all part of country’s a long period of time.
trade policy.
Types of Related Market Where Market Integration Occurs
Focuses of Trade Policies in International Trade 1. Stock Market Integration
1. Tariffs - A condition in which stock markets in
 Taxes or duties paid for a particular class of different countries trend together and depict
imports or exports. same expected risk adjusted returns
 Heavy tariffs on imported goods are levied 2. Financial Market Integration
by some nations for the protection of their - An open market economy between countries
local industries. facilitated by a common currency and the
2. Trade Barriers elimination of technical, regulatory and tax
 Measures that governments or public differences to encourage free flow of capital
authorities introduce to make imported and investment across borders
goods or services less competitive than
locally produced goods and services. Global Corporation
 State-imposed restrictions on trading a ● A business that operates in two or more countries
particular product or with a specific nation. (multinational company)
● Several advantages are offered by global expansion
3. Safety of business over running a strictly domestic company.
 Ensures that imported products in the
country are of high quality. Foreign Direct Investment (Fdi)
● A major driver of extended global corporate
Types of Trade Policies development
1. National Trade Policy ● An investment made by a company or individual in
 Safeguards the best interest of its trade one country in business interests in another country,
and citizens.
in the form of either establishing business operations ● Linked to a territory
or ● Exists with sovereignty
acquiring business assets in the other country, such ● Established consciously
as ownership or controlling interest in a foreign ● United by laws
company. Nation
● A socio-cultural entity
BRICS ECONOMIES ● Linked to a group of people
● Combined economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China ● May exist even without sovereignty
and South Africa. ● Can be created unconsciously
● Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) refer to the ● United by bond and shred history
idea that China and India will, by 2050, become the Nation - State
world’s dominant suppliers of manufactured goods ● This refers to modern countries and their political
and services, apparatuses rules over a single nation
respectively, while Brazil and Russia will become ● It is a political community that emanates (?) from
similarly dominant as suppliers of raw materials. civic society to legitimately execute peace

Globalism and Nationalism

GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TRADE IN SERVICES (GATS) Then, what are the effects of Globalization on Nation-
● The first multilateral agreement covering trade in State?
services, which was negotiated during the last round
of multilateral trade negotiations, called the Uruguay 1. Imposing Forced Choice Upon Nation - States
Round, and came into force in 1995.
● Provides a framework of rules governing services The Golden Straight Jacket by
trade, establishes a mechanism for countries to make Thomas Fried Man
commitments to liberalize trade in services and ● Illustrate the forcing of stated into policies that suit the
provides a mechanism for resolving disputes between preferences of investment houses and corporate
countries. executives who swiftly move money and resources
into countries favored as adaptable to the demands of
international business and withdraw even more
WEEK 4: GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM rapidly from countries deemed uncompetitive.

Globalization vs Nation Neoliberalism

(States) ● The intensification of the influence and
dominance of capital
Can Globalization replace the state? ● The elevation of capitalism as a mode of
➔ No production into an ethic, a set of political
imperatives, and a cultural logic.
● States are independent political communities each ● A project to strengthen, restore , or in some
possessing a government and asserts sovereignty. cases, constitute anew the power of economic
Economic Sovereignty ● Emphasizes the significance of contractual
● The power of national governments to make decisions relations on marketplace
independently of those made by other governments
● Globalization as a counterpoint of national 2. Establishment of Political and Economic Integrations
● In a globalized world economy, governments have no Economic Integration
alternative but to adopt neoliberal economic policies • Can be described as a process and a means by
of privatization, deregulations and reductions in public which a group of countries strives to increase their
expenditures. level of welfare
• An arrangement between different regions that often
Concepts of Sovereignty includes the reduction or elimination of trade barriers
1. International Legal Sovereignty and the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies.
● Refers to the acceptance of a given state as • Reducing costs for both consumers and producers
a member of the international community and increasing trade between the countries involved
2. Westphalian Sovereignty in the agreement are the aims of economic
● Based on the principle that one sovereign integration.
state should not interfere in the domestic Political Integration
arrangements of another. • Refers to the integration of components within political
3. Interdependence Sovereignty systems; the integration of political systems with
● The capacity and willingness to control flows economic, social, and other human systems; and the
of people, goods and capital into and out of political processes by which social, economic, and
the country. political systems become integrated.
4. Domestic Sovereignty • Mainly based on welfare increasing effects of
● the capacity of a state to choose and integrated policy making according to the Economics
implement policies within the territory of European integration. It brings economic benefits
by leading the recovery of effectiveness in policy
State vs Nation making
State European Integration
● a legal ang political entity
• The process of industrial, political, legal, economic, ● In large organizations, social media are often
social and cultural integration of states in wholly and supported because the technology can help foster the
partially in Europe sense of a "digital village" where individuals are able
Europian Union to "see" the lives of others within their organization
• An international organization comprising 28 European and feel closer to them.
countries and governing common economic, social ● Social Media are used commercially as a key mode
and security policies for product exposure and messaging
● The Arab Spring was a series of pro-democracy
Terms in the European: uprisings that enveloped several largely Muslim
Social Movement countries, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya,
• A type of group action Egypt and Bahrain. The events in these nations
• Refers to the organizational structures and strategies generally began in the spring of 2011, which led to the
that may empower oppressed populations to mount name. - The History
effective challenges and resist the more powerful and
advantaged elites. So,, why we call the world an INTERSTATE SYSTEM?
Global Justice Movement
• Describes the loose collection of individuals and Global Interstate System
groups often referred to as a "movement of "It is a facet of contemporary political organization that seeks to
movements" who advocate fair trade rules and are form collaboration among nation-states through the
negative to current institutions of global economics establishment of intergovernmental organizations"
New transnational Activism (Brazalote & Leonardo, 2019)
• As multifaceted as the internationalism. Although
globalization and global neo-liberalism, are frames
around which may activists mobilize, the protests and WEEK 5: CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL GOVERNANCE
organizations are not the product of global imaginary
but of domestically rooted activists If you are a "Global Governor" or the "World's President" what
are the five (5) priority problems that you want to resolve in
3. Establishment of International your first 12 months in office?
Laws and Principles
Universal Declaration of Human Rights What Is Global Governance?
● The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) • Refers to the collective efforts to identify, understand,
is a milestone document in the history of human and address worldwide problems that go beyond the
rights.Drafted by representatives with different legal problem-solving capacities of states. (Weiss, 2010)
and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the • The capacity of within the international system, at any
world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United given moment to provide government-like services
Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December and public goods in the absence of a world
1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a government.
common standard of achievements for all peoples •
and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, • It is a combination of informal and formal ideas,
fundamental human rights to be universally protected values, rules, norms, procedures, practices, policies
and it has been translated into over 500 languages. and organizations that help all actors-states,
international organizations, NGOs-identify,
4. The Rise of the Transnational Activism Transnational understand and address transboundary problems.
● The mobilization of collective claims by actors The Role of Nation-State in Globalization
located in more than one country and/or addressing • Nation-state’s role in globalization is COMPLEX
more than one national government and/or • Nation-states are divided by physical and economic
international governmental organization or another boundaries, reduced barriers in international
international actor commerce and communication are considered as
potential threat.
5. Creation of New Communication • Sovereignty of individual nation is NOT abolished by
Network expanded trade among countries, instead,
-"New forms of digital media are accompanied by GLOBALIZATION is a force that changed the way
globalization in bringing to light the possibilities for nation- states deal with one another, particularly in the
merging new kinds of communities via networks and area of international commerce
creating new arenas for political interaction, identity and • In setting international commerce policies, isolated
belonging" states are forced to engaged to one another, while
Social Media nation-state’s domestic role is unchanged.
- A computer-based technology that facilitates the • Roles of some states were diminished while other
sharing of ideas and information and the building have exalted roles due to interactions of various
of virtual networks and communities economic imbalances.
- Internet based and offers users easy electronic
communication of personal information and other Problems Affecting the World today that cannot be solved
content, such as videos and photos at the National Level / State-to-State Negotiations
- It empowers individuals to have a voice 1. Poverty
• Social movements have increasingly seen social 2. Environmental Pollution
media as a means to collaboratively crowdsource with 3. Economic Crisis
diverse stakeholders 4. Organized Crime and Terrorism
5. Pandemics
6. Climate Change - Among the countries commonly associated with the
term GLOBAL SOUTH are the countries in the Latin
Note: Decision-making processes in globalization is complex America.
as it takes place in various levels such as sub-national,
national and global which lead to the growth of a MULTI- Trade Alliances in Latin America
- Its goal is Participatory integration for free
mobility in trade
- Its goal is competitive integration of national
economies and international market
● Latin America can be grouped geographically as a
group of countries in South America which share the
same language and culture
● These socio-cultural characteristics are linked with
their common colonizers: Spain and Portugal
United Nations (UN): ● Historically, people in this part of the world have
- is one of the examples of a non-state actor playing a colorful political scenes. Across time as well,
vital role in the world’s affairs. countries in Latin America have been plagued by
- It is designed to make ENFORCEMENT of poverty and economic instability.
international law, security, human rights, economic
development and social progress easier for countries The Rise of The Global South
around the world.
- As an intergovernmental organization, the United WHY HIGHLIGHT LATIN AMERICA TO DESCRIBE THE
COOPERATION and to create and maintain - In 2016, the Morgan-Stanley economists articulated
international order. It is the largest, most familiar, that Latin America plays a role in accelerating the
most internationally represented and most powerful global economy. Brazil and Argentina managed to
inter-government organization in the world. stand up from economic turmoil. Economists
highlighted that politics and policy choices remain
significant in determining economic growth in the



- Refers to the decentralization of political powers or
competencies from a HIGHER towards a LOWER
political level
- Refers to the decentralization of political powers or
competencies from a HIGHER towards a LOWER
political level


Global North - Refers to the countries that are geographically

in the northern hemisphere or to countries that are
economically developed

Global South - Refers to the countries that are geographically

in the southern hemisphere or to countries that are developing
or economically struggling

The Rise of the Global South:

- Many countries in the world as referred to as
countries in the Global South
Views of Globalization in the Asia Pacific And South Asia


- Refer together to the regions of East Asia, South
Asia, the Pacific Islands and South Asia
- Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan
- Cambodia, Laos and Nepal
- China and India
- Maldives and Bhutan

• Globalization in the Asia Pacific and South Asia is

an external phenomenon being pushed into the region
by world powers like US and Europe.

• Globalization is a process that transforms the Asia

Pacific and South Asia that can be viewed as a force
for good, bringing ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT,
POLITICAL PROGRESS and social and cultural


Asia Pacific and South Asia’s Impact on Globalization

Asia as the largest and most populated continent in the world.

Comprised of distinct regions such as :
1. Central Asia
2. East Asia
Concepts of Regionalism
3. South Asia,
Hettne (1996) suggested that regionalism as a
4. Southeast Asia
concept that has varying degrees.
5. the Middle East
1.Region as geographical unit
• A region can be interpreted as a place, as a physical
Example: We can determine Asia as a region based on the
land and water boundaries surrounding it.

2.Region as a social system

• A region can be interpreted as a conglomerate of
people occupying a particular space and possessing
a unique dynamic of interaction.
Example: Asia can be determined as a region based on the
group of people occupying it and the shared ancestry,
language and culture these people have

- was the central global force in the early modern world
- Site of the most important trade
- “laboratories of modernity”
- has also been the home of influential cultural philosophical
3.Region as organized cooperation and religious movements, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity,
• A region can be interpreted as a group of nations who Buddhism, Taoism and other oriental philosophies and
agree to take part and form a formal organization. religions generally originated from an Asian country and have
Example: Southeast Asia is a region within Asia and it has proliferated around the globe.
been formalized through membership in the Association of
South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Central Asia
○ Important in the Silk Road trade (Roman Empire and
East Asia
○ Cradle of ancient civilizations - China, Japan, and 3. Increased connectivity
Mongolia Facilitated by regional infrastructure projects as well as
South Asia delivering public goods
○ High population density; cradle of Indian civilization
Southeast Asia Benefits of Asian Integration
○ Located in the Asia-Pacific Ring of Fire; historically the 1. It harnesses the strength of diverse economies.
goal destination of the European expeditions that search 2. It provides platforms for connecting financial market
for spice 3. It makes the economy more resilient to global risks
Middle East 4. It pools resources
○ Many are arid desert regions but serve as a gateways to 5. It creates regional mechanisms for safety and security
major bodies of water in the world
➢ Asia has become an economic force characterized by REDUCED 1. There is a need to establish compatible product standards
POVERTY and FAST PACE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT in the 2. The need to establish guidelines that buffer financial contagion
contemporary world (ADB, 2008) and ensure compatible financial regulations
3. The need to coordinate macroeconomic policies 4. The need
➢ JAPAN embarked on procuring raw materials like coal and iron at to manage cross-border environmental and social policies (e.g.
unprecedented economies of scale allowing them to gain a fair treatment of migrant workers
competitive edge in the global manufacturing market as well as
globalized shipping and procurement patterns which other countries Existing Cooperation in Asia
modeled. ▫ Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
▫ East Asia Summit
➢ INDIA opened-up and emphasized an exportoriented strategy ▫ Asia Pacific Community
○ Textiles and other low-wage sectors have been a key part of ▫ East Asian Community ▫ Association of Southeast Asian Nations
the economy with highly successful software development ▫ ASEAS Plus Three (China, Japan and South Korea)
○ It also plays a key role in global service provisions as trends
in outsourcing and off-shoring increase
 CHINA pursues similar pattern of development at present and is
now the world’s largest importers of basic raw materials such as
iron and surpassed Japan, US and Europe in steel production
○ It also surpassed the World bank in lending to developing

➢ India and China have also become a major source of

international migrant labor, which is also one of the fundamental
characteristics of the era of globalization. This includes the
migration of highly skilled labor into the high-tech industry based in
Silicon Valey. India, China and the Philippines were three of the top
four recipient states of migrant remittances.

➢ The trend of the rising regional free arrangements in the Asia

Pacific and South Asia. This kind of regionalism would mean as
bulwark to globalization or as compatible and even pushing forward
the process of global economic integration, Regionalism can
promote learning, assuage domestic audiences to the benefits of
free trade, and form the institutional framework to scale up from
regional cooperation or global cooperation. Regionalism can act as
springboard for globalization.

➢ In culture and globalization in the region, the source of a wide

variety of cultural phenomena that have spread outward to the
West and the rest of the world is the region. Examples include
“hello kitty” created in Japan including Anime, Pokemon, Power
Rangers which become regional and global phenomenon; the
regional and global rise of Korean Popular culture called “K-Wave”
comprimising of Korean dramas, music (K-pop) and the smash ht
“Gangnam Style” of Korean pop star PSY.

Dynamics of Asian Regionalism

ADB (2008) identified some factors that are influential in the
integration of Asian Nations

1. Enhanced dialogue between citizen of various nations

Facilitated by growing tourism activities in the regions and
consistent multi-lateral meetings among leaders of nation-state
2. Expanding intra-regional trade and investments
Brings forth closer financial markets and independent

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